(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

I’ve been eyeing up that humidifier, theres a pic with it puffing mist earlier in the thread. Inkbird do one similar size with a hose so it can be placed outside the tent.


It’s got 3 mist settings with the 3rd being very thick. It works great.


Well all is moving along. Increased nutes on the fab 5 yesterday. Still got some cleanup to do on the monster but glad it’s out of that 2x2 as the poor thing was suffering.


Beautiful work, as usual bruh. Looking spectacular.


Everything is looking pretty healthy! Even the big guy looks to be doing better after flying a little to close to the sun!


Hello brother @DougDawson looking at your beautiful monster spiked a question in my mind…

One of my friend said that the more leaves you leave on the plant in flowering, the less time it will take in flowering, the more you defoliate the more time it takes…

I kind of experienced this last grow with SLH, mines finished within indica time period while i was expecting it to go 12 weeks…

The plant was a superstar though, nice terps and awesome high and it got good feedbacks all around from my friends…

I just wanna spark a conversation regarding this and gain more insight if it’s okay with you :wink:


Honestly I can’t say as I am not big on defoliating but it’s an interesting question bud.


Just some quick pics for you all.


The BMR is looking great, big one is a little crispy but It is a beast for sure… how are the mutants coming along? I am just so happy this project is progressing.


The mutants are in pictures 1 and 3. Yeah, that poor redwood was just left too long stuck against he light and I mean touching. It toasted the top but it’s ok. It will do what it’s supposed to.


Plants are hearty! They do their best to live. Touching the light isn’t ideal, but it’ll come thorugh :wink:


Great work going on there brother. :v:t4::herb:
The tall plant in the last photo, is it still vegging? Mother plant for clones? Are those 1gal pots?
BTW, I have the same watering jug as you’ve got :blush: but it’s orange. I find it very convenient for watering the pots with the long beak. Ordered the green one ( who wouldn’t? ) but will have to put up with what was delivered…


Thanks bud. The tall plant is still vegging, I believe it is a male. It’s the only plant to grow from my previous 3 packs of BMR seeds. It’s kind of beaten up as it’s been around for months in a 2x2 tent. I topped it once as it was hitting the light but it grew into the light again. Got it’s top burned from touching the light and lower growth was not really happy as no light was getting to it. Going to be a nightmare when I flip it to flower, lol. Just didn’t want to waste the thing. BMR seeds, especially viable ones, are really tough to track down these days. The pots are 0.8 gallon.


@DougDawson what if you used it to make clones and flip a bunch of small plants?

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I can see no real good reason to clone a male? I can’t see needing more pollen to accomplish my goal. I am also shutting down for the summer starting in July. The clock is ticking :mantelpiece_clock:


Moved some stuff around yesterday. Put the mutants in the smaller tent to live out their lives. Had some yellowing on the other 5 so I flushed them out and made them new feed. Will get pics tonight. Also calibrated my ph pen just in case but it was off by less than half a point.


Brother @DougDawson , since you’re growing in coco dtw what is the ec that you maintain during flower and when or after whick week do you cut back on the same? :v:t4::herb:


Hello @iceman , to be honest I don’t really measure EC. But since you asked my current feed is sitting at an ec of 2.0. I will raise it up to 2.3 ish as they flower and start to lower the last couple weeks.


Wow @DougDawson looking great in there.
From the looks of it looks like some BMR seeds coming to a theater near you .
Great job

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Thanks @Sincitytoker . I did have an issue, not sure if it was nitrogen or what but I did a complete reset. Flushed all the plants with 1/4 nute solution and then gave them a new feed. Seem to have stopped whatever was bothering them so onward we go. Here are the others that are now in the 5x5.