(complete) Celtic Stone Preservation run 2023 by Draig and Lady Zandra

Great info to share Tracker… because atm I have to old laptops I’d love to get the hard drive out for photos etc. Is a laptop drive same, remove it and use a special cord to connect to USB port.?? It would sure beat paying to take it somewhere so they can do the same thing… sweet.

Draig, and we met on PS before CS… So maybe 2002 or 03… 20yrs dude.

So, have you 2 decided what your growing next… I’m sure you want a break to do your own thing eh? plus I should have 2 pkg’s arriving soon… might want to wait before deciding… hehehe…


I hate that I don’t come here more @Lady.Zandra63 and @Draig. Love your thread. Much love for all you both do. Grow is looking amazing. :v:


:eyes: watching closer :crazy_face:

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Any laptop drive can be attached to USB, you just need to get the right enclosure / connector. Could need IDE, newer would be Sata, could be PCIe. So the first thing would be look up how to remove the drive from you specific model online or you can PM some pics for some help. Then getting an enclosure to suite your needs. It’s not a difficult process and the enclosures / connectors are pretty cheap. Then when done you can turn your enclosure into a portable hard drive :wink:


@Carty Depending on how old the laptop is, it’s probably a sata drive. I’ve got several old external HDD enclosures sitting around and I could send you the guts from one. It’ll allow you to connect the drive to a computer with a USB. I’ve got an adapter for older drivers too that has worked for all of my old ide hard drives too. Just let me know what you have and we can probably get the problem solved!


Thanks @DougDawson ! That means a lot coming from you!
We’re really enjoying this-- I just need to update more often!! :wink: :green_heart:


We already have many plants in the veg room waiting to be flowered or put outside.
My next thing this is weekend… a ton of cloning…!
As far as new strains-- we will wait and see on that, once we take EVERYTHING out of storage , sort, alphabetize and put it into the NEW storage system we just got…but waiting til’ payday for a printer and until we know that none of our generous friends have anything else on the way!!! :green_heart: :blush: :wink:


Hey Z. You have some catching up to do huh?

Think I might be getting a new storage system myself… you imagine the room save it will be using the pucks. If that is what you gonna do, I am. Wife wants me to get a coin collectors book… be a big book. lol.

Things are coming in next week prolly… 4 different sources, 2 very big boxes.

It’s raining seeds… hehe


Whoa! I think you’re right Carty it has been 20 + and I remember meeting you on PS first. Same with the most of the CS crew who recruited us. It was a couple few years or so before CS.org its been a long and winding road. Glad you’ve been there brother!

Another 2 pkg’s?? Dude you’re killing me with kindness!

We have a Long Bottom Leaf that Loran gave you growing and some Autos along with large clones, some we plan on putting out, probably next week so there will be room soon for some seed planting. I’ll have Lady Z gets some pics.

Ancient OG F4,
DNA’s -24 K Gold,
Mosca’s - Pink Lemonade
RSC - Turkish
@JohnnyPotseed - Frankenstein clones
Black Sugar Rose
Ancient OG x North Indian Bakery, @JustSomeTomatoes - Orange Grove


If @Carty was on PS in those years, I’m surprised I don’t remember him, lol I knew Lady Z n Draig both. Even remembered their discarded plant ‘Wanda’, that resurrected lol


Thanks @DougDawson like the Mrs said that means alot. I really enjoy your watching your amazing work brother.


Oh Boy!
Good thing we haven’t started sorting yet!! LOL!

We have them ‘sorted’ into cases-- just not alphabetized or in the same order as we have them on our ‘master list’…we have to add-in all our Gifts and wins 1st…

At this point, not entering any more contests-- unless it is something REALLY rare or unique… lett more folks have a shot at building-up their seed collections. :blush: :wink: :green_heart:


I’ve known your name forever brother… when I was on PS my handle was McGyver, then Flowerchild and also Bender. I started as McGyver and young and dumb I was hiding from an idiot I friended who back stabbed me… new to the game, I changed my handle. Flowerchild, everybody thought I was a female. even hitting on me… Bender was born, because back then I bent a lot of my plants over… but Draig knew me as McGyver… because my setups were, McGyver’d… LOL. first one was a range hood with 12 spiral buls… LMAO


@Carty forgot to ask…do you still have your Bender Avatar I made???
If I come across it-- do you want it??

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No I dont and yes I would…
My pucks arrived today, then an Amazon truck pulls up, we look at each other in confusion… Did you order something…
Early Birthday gift from @IX3U



You got quite the haul dude!
And @ix3u – the pucks & loader look GREAT!
I like the different colors!!


@IX3U , how much does a pack like that cost?


That name I DO remember cuz! lol Hi there, long time no see…er, hell lol you’ve been around here almost as long as me! So lemme rephrase that lol long time no see that name! lol

Bender is also familiar, lol

Those were the years (2002-3) I finished Frankenstein and posted pics of her on PS. Actually, I ‘finished’ her by 2001, just took a couple more years to smooth her out, lol


Which reminded me, @Draig & @Lady.Zandra63 did either of you happen to archive the PS site contents back then? I lost the old computer with the first pics of Frankenstein and would love to get some of em! HD crashed bad, never to be recovered, had to be reformatted. dammit!


I wish…
We had no access to the site–only Sir Skunk had access, so when he suddenly shut it all down, we lost everything.
And since we have all our old P.S stuff (photo’s, tutorials, feeding charts etc…) on our old tower PC’s that don’t run… we REALLY lost all of it.
If we’d had at least a few days notice- could have copied/backed it up. :unamused: :roll_eyes: