(complete) Celtic Stone Preservation run 2023 by Draig and Lady Zandra

Wuz up guys? Ladybugs birthday weekend, but on the 31st. today she was gone all day at church… she is quite involved and the treasurer aka check signer. So I spent an hour at the pool and a BBQ going on down there… I walked in the door same time she did, 15min later, downpour… good timing.

Ix3u really is a giver huh? just the coolest drawing set and with the tips inside I’ll be improving things fast… once my arm swelling goes down… right at the elbow joint… grrr.

He must be enjoying his time off at home with his chickens… not heard from him… Holiday weekend hopefully he’s hitting the BBQ and spending time with family…

That’s a serious seed collector. You must have more then me, dang. I should have them 2 packages next week they said… one guy had a person pass away they cared for so he’s had his hands full… cannot wait…


Glad you were able to make seeds , yes the seeds will be Fat

Have a Great Day And Happy Birthday to LB


Hey buddy, nice to see you over hear hanging out a bit… the preservation is a rocking man… Did you know this all started with me receiving beans back from a friend in Perth, Australia… Just so cool how this plant bonds people across this big blue marble we spin around on.
Oh, and thank you so much for the Birthday wishes for the misses. It’s Wed and she’s looking good for 53… MMmmmmMMM. but I am partial.


Happy Birthday early Ladybug!! Hope you have a great day tomorrow!
:birthday: :partying_face: :balloon:

@ix3u is a very generous brother!
I hope he’s enjoying his time off!
I think keeping chickens are cool. We really enjoyed them over the years. Best eggs ever. I don’t recall putting boots on ours though. however they were welcomed to a few BBQ’s Hahaha!

These cases are pretty cool. I seriously doubt that we have more strains than you, bro, lol. That’s just what the boxes come in, a 5 pk of 100 spaces… It was less expensive to buy the cryotubes in bulk. Whats nice is that they stack nice and measures only 5 1/2" x 5-1/2" less a ft. In height when all together. They’ll fit great in my mini fridge.

That’s great that you’ll be getting those 2 packages next week!
Sorry to hear about the person who passed away. I’m sad for the guy and is certainly understandable he had his hands full.


Yeah, Rico actually called me yesterday to tell me he went to UPS and it was closed… said, I almost did the same thing but my wife stopped me… no mail today babe… duh uh. and today he called to verify my address one more time and to let me know they were heading out to mail it, shoot me a tracking # later. Looks like things are a rolling… spoke with JT and he’s sending me some more Goat & Monkey gear as I’ve gifted most of mine out. Just sent my last real unopened package to a dispensary in Montana to help out Gochis a bit.

Tina went out today with my step mom who got guppies to eat dead skin off her toes, then got her drunk on a picture of Peach Margarita’s … she come home lit up around 4pm… by 7pm she was out… she had a great time…

Tomorrow we spend floating in the pool on Chocolate Cherry Brownies laced with 3 or 4 wicked strains, a chunk of hash and the love of a great cook… Thanks again DLZ


Glad she (and you) Had a good day!!
Happy Birthday Ladybug!! I’ll catch ya on FB!!! :partying_face: :+1:
And huggz to you too ‘old man’-- you’re next- right??? :upside_down_face: :partying_face:


Happy Birthday to Ladybug. Enjoy!

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Celtic Stone UPDATE!

well-- looks like we are at the 3 week countdown!!
Getting a little leaf drop, and a few burned lea tips-- but altogether looking good!

The seeds and buds should be ready around the end of this month!
Then the ‘‘fun’’ begins!!!
Drying, sorting, packing…may take a bit, but it’ll be done!! :green_heart:


Fantastic update! Everything is looking great!


Thanks! They are great to work with! Not one has been ‘touchy’ at all through the whole grow.
Granted, we made sure to start with good soil mixed with good slow-release organics…
And I DID have to flush once because I fed when I shouldn’t have… but all in all an enjoyable grow!


Love the bud structure on these. Do you have to keep the humidity fairly low to safe guard against bud rot with them being so big and dense or are they fairly resistant in your experience? Plants look excellent!!


Wow that’s a big ass bud!


Any measurements on that beautiful DD Pheno cola??


Also curious about bud rot at that size, just incredible !


Looking fantastic, very cool.


That really is a huge cola!


Ladybug appreciates the Birthday wishes.

Well Draig and Lady Zandra… I do believe everyone is seeing why this strain had such a following back when we all ran with Deadvet… Greg is a good dude and I wish I could remember his last name as I could find him… he’d dig this so much.
That dd pheno is amazing, I think I can smell her from here. oh wait, that’s me… I need a shower… lol. The funny part people, these are NOT done swelling.
CS has never has much problems with bud rot mostly due to it’s low leaf and high calyx to bud ratio. A great reason why they breed well, seeds galore…
The buds although dense as heck, do just fine keeping the fans going…
Smokey D Pot was killing it outdoors in 5gal buckets in some weird chunky perlite only setup with 1" holes all over the bucket… by end roots came out almost every hole and he harvested QP per plant easily…

Really looking forward to seeing the masses get to enjoy this unreal creation…
Great job you guys…


Haven’t had to do much environmentally…
they are in a negative pressure tent with passive intake. The humidity here has been extremely (and unseasonably) dry. Our part of Michigan is in a ‘near-drought’ area… no rain since the snow melted! In fact- I am adding a humidifier to the veg room-- they are not happy at levels under 40% in there! The Celtic Stone is one of those ‘that’s fine- I’ll manage’ plants. A really nice plant to work with. Keep her trimmed and watered properly, and start with good soil mixed with organic nutes-- and she’s happy!


I know- right!?
She’s a great plant to work with…and yeah- wish we could find Deadvet- I’d love to touch base and let him see what we’re doing!

Gotta tell ya tho-- as they grew, the aroma’s have changed!
2 are SUPER fruity–like in-your-face bag-of-candy fruity!
The shrub still smells like Italian herbs…but not a lot of ‘stink’… HOWEVER: that may change once harvested and dried!! :blush: :+1:


Not yet-- I’ll have to do that and post it tonight or tomorrow!
Thanks for the nudge! :+1: