(complete) Celtic Stone Preservation run 2023 by Draig and Lady Zandra

One of the best hidden secrets in the MJ world. Just when his strains were seriously taking off, everything come crashing down… Even some magazines were wondering where CS went… Deadvet just had an eye for breeding… I believe FOE420 helped too… now on his own …

I’ve got 10 more old seeds of it tucked away and 2 Celtic Berry… plus pollen Draig sent me from this current run… It’s very much a joint venture but they are doing all the work… Recognize… lol.

Very close to the end here guys… nice job. Thanks to Ix3u for his generous donation and hours of hard work making the pucks for the seeds with a cool logo on the back…

Celtic Stone available to the masses very soon…


That is some wonderfully amazing news!


He did have an eye for sure!

CS was a collective. But the master breeder Deadvet created of the company and the strain of the same name, Celtic Stone. and others.He also had a talented crew. F-420 AKA “Ferengi420” was his first partner/breeder. We were asked to be a part of the breeding crew 2005-06 DV sent us his Celtic Stone male clone "Bjorn. Sadly it didn’t make it. and to be honest we were a bit paranoid at that time (18 yrs ago)to send thousands of seeds overseas.2 young kids and a fully paid mortgage etc. We remaind good friends, until we lost touch.

This is a one of the reason why I wanted to to do a reproduction, that and it was one of my top 5 all time favorite strains and I wanted to share.

I can’t wait to see what you do with the CS pollen bro!


OMG I remember Ferengi so well… he did a lot of work in production of all this…

Bjorn… what a cool name for a breeder nickname… I could of sworn he had a female he called FLO… but my memory isn’t the greatest sometimes…

Yeah buddy, this pollen is going to hit plenty of ladies… but I’ve also become super impressed with the Blue Kush pollen you’ve sent and here is why… a buddy on here sent me a collectors card and wow… impressive work by Doug Dawson…


Yep, the parents of CS were named Bjorn and Ingrid, could be Flo was a the mother of his strain moms your thinking of, I only remember remember the CS parentage. Ingrid was a compact BLD dominant 50/50 beauty

I agree, Doug does excellent work! If you haven’t yet, you need to check out his Blue Moon Rocks preservation run. They are magnificent bro!


Thank you, gentlemen, for the kind words. My ears were burning, lol. I know I sent out well over 100 packs of Blue Kush pollen, great to know its making its way around :v:


Nice collector card, now you got to try to get them all :wink:


Thank you, brother!
We split the BK pollen 50/50. We’ll share our crosses with each other. I know you gave out a ton of pollen, but wow over 100? That’s amazing, man! We are going to do giveaways for the Celtic Stone pollen from our 3 males. I doubt we’ll come close to 100 pks of 1/8th tsp. We already sent some out. But should be plenty to share.

We got them all now, Doug, except the new BMR. I’m in it to win it. even if takes me until the fall box, lol
Sorry I haven’t been following your BMR run as closely as I’d like. I do try to catch up, but it’s been crazy.


All good brother, hard to keep up with everything. 100 packs is a very low estimate, I just kind of stopped keeping track at that point, lol. Those Blue Kush were givers. I am going to get a weight from my BMR Pollen tonight, I know there is well over an oz. Will be chopping BMR soon, fingers crossed for a decent number of viable seeds. Won’t be near as much as the Blue Kush, had to flip the plants earlier than I wanted due to time constraints. Almost time to get into the woods :slight_smile:


Wow! I knew they were givers but that’s damn impressive! Wei pollinated the girls 3 times and gave away a fair amount before weighing. I believe we have less than 40 bags now, I’ll need Lady Z to check the freezer downstairs.

I hear you, brother. I know you take to the woods in the summer. We’re fortunate to have a few acres, that butt up to the Manistee National Forest. A lake that leads into Lake Michigan 2 miles down the road. Some great fishing, especially bass.
Hopefully I’ll be ditching the chair and be able to enjoy it next year.

Wishing you all the best with your BMR seed count. You put so much effort into it. Was really glad to see the last batch being viable.

We had to flip the CS at 2ft and 6 weeks veg, because of space. So I’m hoping. It’s also been 6 weeks since pollination and I’ve never experienced seeds take longer. Just waiting for some of the trichs to turn Gold.


Close ups

The Xmas tree pheno is almost there. We’ll probably chop her this weekend.

Myrtle needs a little longer

Bush pheno, shot 1, the trichs are getting there. The seeds look ready and some are popping out.



@DougDawson I’m assuming the sour bubble was awhile ago and I completely missed that one?


That seed busting out of the “bush” looks like a perfect example of a good looking seed :ok_hand:t2:


The Sour Bubble was 2 boxes ago. My last run was Blue Kush, the one before that was Sour Bubble.


Bummer. Maybe next go round :sweat_smile:


Thanks bro! I’m hoping most of them turn out that nice. We have a net under the plants to catch them if/when they drop.

Can’t wait for them to fill up those amazing pucks you’ve made!


You and me both… I’ve been not participating in the giveaways thinking I have enough seeds and don’t want to be, That Guy… but after talking with Draig about this pollen and someone sending me a card describing it I’m honored to have it in my freezer awaiting to be dropped onto some Peanut Butter Haze and hopefully a branch of the BOG’s Lifesaver.

Doug my brother… your one generous dude on here. Here I thought I gifted away a lot of seeds n stuff, but you sir blow me away. I just didn’t want to be another person on her gloming on and asking for stuff, especially after D13 embarrassed my name doing all he did…

But enough is enough, and I’m jumping into your threads and following you sir.
Kudo’s for all you do here… and we are doing our little part.


Thanks brother, Overgrow the world :v:


I feel your pain my brother. I also missed out on a few giveaways that I would really like to have like the sour bubble.

But we must not dwell on the missed opportunities and look to the future for the great things ahead. At least that’s what I tell myself.lol


And the God’s smile upon me… Good and bad things happened today… I got my letter from Draig who paid the extra $1 for the stamp that states, no auto stamping, hand stamp only… they auto stamped the crap out of it, ran over all the pucks gathered in that area and tore open the pkg. Pucks fell out along their journey here with 1 falling out into my wife’s hands as she removed the mail from the box…

It was Blue Kush from Doug… how is that for luck. thanks Draig, it’s all good brudda