(complete) Celtic Stone Preservation run 2023 by Draig and Lady Zandra

@GCC.Bud & @scotchlock check it out :pray:

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That’s ALL you should use, is Food Grade! Using the stuff they have for pools etc, will not have good results! Been using it for many years now.


WHAT!? I not only put it in big red letters,but paid xtra postage!
Can you PM me a photo of the damage so I can bitch them out!
If they are gonna SELL ME special (more expensive) stamps-- the stupid shits BETTER do their damned jobs and DO IT RIGHT! Can you PM me details and a photo???


@JohnnyPotseed You are absolutely correct brother! I’m glad you brought up grades! Pool grade is the worst and should never be used in gardening except maybe ornamental feed grade depends on arsenic and heavy metal content, where food grade is mined differently. We’ve only used food grade for soil grows that were originally what we gave to our chickens and bought at nurseries,many years ago.
As others stated, handle with gloves and mask!! It’s not poisonous, but you don’t want that dust in your lungs and it can make you itch. Not from a chemical reaction, but the abrasive structure that is what causes death of the insects.


It has a ton of beneficial minerals, etc. Good for a lot of stuff as well. lol Rose and me put a teaspoon in our morning coffee now n then, also use it for fleas/ticks on the dogs, as a topsoil dressing and dust on plants to kill Spider Mites, thrips, aphids, whiteflies, etc
Under a microscope, there are millions of tiny jagged super sharp points/edges. That’s what cuts open the tender underbellies of insects, it is also a desiccant, which means it dries the bugs up, basically.


I see the tl3s are all full but there were some tl2 openings still so I signed up. Is that okay since I am a tl3? I figured I meant at least a tl2. If not I will erase my entry

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Hi @Natea You are good! I’ve read if tl3 is full and and there are space on Tl2 you have that option as a tl3 member! :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes Sir, good stuff. It has a lot of uses and benefits, beyond gardening. It is effective for detoxing the body.

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I hope you and Rose are doing well my old friend!


Thnx cuz, we’re doing as well as can be expected, while trying to improve ourselves in the process. It’s a slow road, as I know you’re very aware. But progress is gained over time.


I see the tl3s are all full but there were some tl2 openings still so I signed up. Is that okay since I am a tl3? I figured I meant at least a tl2. If not I will erase my entry


From what I’ve read TL3 can use the TL2 signup if the other fills up.


I get it, my old friend. Chronic health problems are so difficult to overcome. It takes longer than we expect or want it to. Glad it’s getting better for both of you.


Yes, that is 100% correct. If the TL3 spots are full the TL3 Members can use TL2 spots. However TL2 members cannot use TL3 spots with the only exception being if the have the Regular Emeritus badge. :v:


Off to dig it out of the garbage now… brb

Ok… got lucky and it was clean, coffee grounds just missed it… lol

Zandra, I’d go with collectible coins of medium value… you can see the round impression where the seed pucks were gathered up in the bottom area and running it thru the machine upside down they missed the stamps and hit all the pucks… the real pisser, it crushed right along Draigs words saying, please hand stamp only… and paid for the extra stamp… My guess is, the training is so bad they have no idea what it is… hahaha…

Here you can see how the pucks fell out along the way…


That really really sucks dude :cry: I’m sure Draig had some good stuff in there for you!


Many thanks for taking the time and space to do this run for the community @Lady.Zandra63 :raised_hands::star_struck:

After reading the description of “spaghetti dinner” and “black pepper” i am excited to see what comes from these beans! :fire::pray::beers::sunglasses:


did you peel off the other stamps??? There was like $4 on stamps on it…wonder if the S.O.N’s saw what they did and tried to cover thier ass by saying ‘not enough postage for that size envelope’!?


If anyone asks-- they ere special hand-made glass beads…it’s what our Local postmasterthinks I sell-- beading/jewelry supplies.


I am a scrapbooker. Mine are also beads/supplies for crafting. I got into a world wide scrapbooking club :wink: :rofl: