(complete) Celtic Stone Preservation run 2023 by Draig and Lady Zandra

DAY 26!!! (from seed)
Well- all trimmed up, ready for their big-girl planters tomorrow!!
Debated topping-- doing some LST instead!!!
#4 not the happiest camper- but was getting the least light too…
She’ll perk-up once she’s in a bigger pot and they are snuggled into their own private accommodations!

Will post again after the re-plant!! :green_heart: :blush:



Hola gang, glad to follow along (quietly of course) I see twenty or so days in and it’s already standing room only! I’ll be very remiss if I miss the opportunity to sign up for a chance at getting some of these genes.
Excuse me for the interruption, but go Draig and Lady Z big thanks to Carty


Hi there @Indoornesian .Thanks for showing interest my friend!
I’m hoping we’ll see some great representations of the strain.

Thanks for the support and absolutely thanks to my partner @Carty !! This wouldn’t be possible without his gift and support! Thanks brother!!


It’s so cool what can be accomplished when good people come together and start a project, and, it’s even better when it’s with a very dear set of friends you’ve lost contact with over 15yrs ago, I mean, how awesome is that.??

So, digging into my stash to send you what I had left to make this project more successful was a no brainer… you had to have a wider selection.

The plants look amazing, very healthy and you kinda pissing me off. I cannot for the life of me grow in them darn solo cups. grrrrr. so kudos… nice way to save room though huh? So now, you up pot, let the shock go away then flip or stress it all at once, up pot flip at same time?? not sure how big you veg them?

Gee, I’m just full of questions huh? see, there’s another


I’m gonna up pot, tie them down, and veg a few more weeks…then into 12/12 in their own 4x4
tent… want LOTS of bud sites! Also…noticing 2 distinct phenos…tall and short…only 2 of the shorter, stockier ones… all but one are real dark green…that’s a good thing in CS…right?


It sure is…
Phenotypes to look for: The infamous Christmas Tree pheno, called so for it’s shape and bud shapes. Dark green, nice 4ft plant that bushes out into a massive Xmas Tree shape. Doing LST and topping once will make a huge diff.

Pheno 2 is built the same way, but just doesn’t hold the Xmas tree shape, and is a massive bush… Her center cola will shoot up a good 2ft above the plant but this is not the donkey dik pheno… you’ll know when that shows a few weeks after flipping.

Pheno 3… The rare Spicey Pepper Spaghetti Sauce phenotype. This plant is incredible and when doing a stem rub can smell like someone is cooking spaghetti sauce in the house. Pepper scent is most noticeable 1st. Super dark waxy leaf’s and a super big girl… Pops grew her 6yrs ago and she maxed out the height of his 12ft tall shed… bent over, produced buds size of your arm.

When you up pot, do you put anything into your transplant hole 1st ??

I use something like Bigfoot… if not on hand, just a Tsp of Espoma plant starter plus… but I mix that in a bit…

have fun


Yep-- I use a Organic Mycorrhizae powder, can’t remember the brand name.
plan on spending the next 2-3 days repotting (not just the CS) deep cleaning, moving stuff around etc… as close to ‘spring’ as I’ll get here for a while yet…


Yeah, brother, I remember the Xmas tree and the huge DD phenos, also the spaghetti sauce, but never had the pleasure of growing any…

Deadvet originally asked us which of the two main phenos we wanted to work with, the Xmas tree or DD and we chose the DD.

He sent us his special breeder stud “B’jorn” cut, unfortunately we had some issues at the time, and never got a chance to use him, before he was lost. So I also see this as a redemption run, to me.

I really hope we can represent his talent and hard work as best as we can!


Hold out your hand Draig… SLAP. :raised_hand: Bad Boy… Lost B’jorn.

He talked to me about that and his other baby who’s name illudes me atm…
FLO I want to say.

The problem we ran into with the dd pheno was, she was very hard to clone for some odd reason… It was the only reason she was not worked further and the xmas tree pheno won out. plus the beast plant, her sister.

I think you have a decent amount of stock now to make it a fun search thru… taking my 2 old laptops to get repaired, 1 has DV’s into, addy, email… I’d love to get ahold of him let him know what we are doing… I know him and he’d be jazzed… rock on you 2


I know, buddy. I should be tarred and feathered, haha…This was in 05, If I’m not mistaken. Celtic Stone was the only strain at that time being developed.

I believe you’re thinking of B’jorn’s lover, Ingrid. What a great match!!

I sure wish we had saved everything from the old server, from.the old forums, before they disappeared. My memories aren’t getting any sharper with age, lol.

I couldn’t remember which one was harder to clone, thanks for reminding me.

Yes sir!! I believe we got this Brother! I agree, It would be cool if DV could see what we all are doing. I hope he’d be pleased!


Draig, I’m taking 2 old laptops to a store to get the photos pulled out of the crashed things… who knows, maybe they can fix them… still nice laptops.
But these have all kinds of CS photos, DV’s contact info… He’s just a few states NE of me… but yeah, it would be awesome to let him know about this… Ya know, it felt good when I reached out to him a few years back and he asked me to send him some CS beans… world is going full circle, hang on people.


Looking good folks!


I’m late to the party as usual. Had a lot on my plate here lately. I’m gonna pull up a chair in the corner. :v:t4:


That would be great bro! Would
love to get some pics up of the CS! We have a similar situation. Except with our old towers and floppy disks that we have a ton of our old photos on. one got hit with random ware the other I can’t remember why we can’t retrieve old pics. but we also need to see if can’t take them in, and see if we can retrieve them.

I’d like for him to know that his creation lives on, and you made that possible! Full circle, right on bro!!

I’m confident that we’ll have more than enough to meet our commitment and still have plenty to share with him. I know he’s done with the business but he might enjoy some more CS beans to play with.


@Tejas Thanks my friend!! Most of the credit goes to @Lady.Zandra63 She is the main grower now,
since I can’t do a flight of stairs. My roll is merely consulting at this point.


Thanks for following along @repins12 !! the party has just begun!
It’s going to be a long journey. Hopefully without any speed bumps a long the way.


@Draig PM sent


The Celtic Stone are now in their big planters… recovering nicely!
2 were not too happy still being in solo cups, so had started to pale a bit-- but will recover just fine.
Now they have their own private accommodations in a 4x4 tent under a 600w HPS,
In an organic potting mix.
They are going to veg a few more weeks–
and Tuesday or Wednesday I’ll be doing some LST on them to get more upper bud sites
It LOOKS like 2 are already trying to pre-sex!!!
Lets ALL keep our fingers crossed for some BOYS!!!


Coming along nicely I see, great job @Lady.Zandra63 and @Draig :v:


The couple that grows together,are awesome!