(complete) Celtic Stone Preservation run 2023 by Draig and Lady Zandra

They look a bit rougher than I like because I couldn’t get what I needed to transplant right away… they’ll be much happier now!


Thanks Doug, really means a lot coming from you! :blush:


Thanks @DougDawson and @GrowingInThePines !!


Thanks! Stay tuned…trying to keep everyone up to date on it.


My roll… is that a wheelchair joke. Me, I just think your lazy bro. I mean, how hard would it be to roll down the stairs wheelchair free. of course, you’d need a chair for downstairs then too. I see a fundraiser … hahaha. yeah I know buddy, dark humor… and you love it.

We know with your love for what you do, you probably feel frustrated but still do all you can to help out. I’m a bit limited, but your challenges really limit you buddy…

For sure need some Nitrogen huh? Can I suggest something Lady Zandra.
Trim up your bottoms a bit. Remove the cotyledon leaf’s and I usually remove the lowest branches with it.

The plants uptake water and nutrients and have to make a stop along the way for every single piece of vegetation… so by removing these it allows the nutrients and plant energy to make it to the upper areas where it is needed more…

I usually do this around week 3 of veg…


I removed the cotyledons a while back… the bottoms have been trimmed a bit, because I wanted to limit the stress of transplant, I do not trim until I clone and LST… sometime next week…


@Lady.Zandra63 the fan was supposed to be delivered today, now tracking says tomorrow.
I sent @Draig the tracking# so you 2 can track it and keep updated.
The combo once setup will help this run immensely, especially being able to log and track what’s going on.


Thanks brother!! This is going to be a game changer and help Lady Z from constantly going up and down stairs, with her bad back and hips!!


Thank you so much for all you’ve done hun…you have no idea how grateful we both are. With Draig unable to walk much, and I have spine/hip nerve damage- so those stairs seem to get longer every dang day! This will make things SO much easier!! Thank you again…and we will let you know as soon as it gets here…did the snow make it to your neck of the woods yet???


You 2 are very welcome!!! It’s the least I could do to help you guys out. I know it’s hard to get downstairs for either of you, and this will help get your room dialed in for this CS seed run, and years to come.
Snow just started, but only going to get less than 1/2”, west and south of us will get a lot more, it’s like Lake Huron is keeping it west of us.

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You got Mr bro, I’m lazy AF and my wheelchair is for show Hahaha

Yeah, It is frustrating as hell not being able to get into the garden anymore. I thought about rigging a sled and riding down, the only thing stopping me is a cinder block wall at the bottom hahaha

Yeah, we do trim up the bottom of the plant eventually taking off a 1/3 off the bottom, but I don’t believe in this case, that it’s a good idea to start durring transplant, especially when the plant is a bit stressed already.
But Yes you are 100% right brother. You want all the energy to focus towards the top.

I think lady Z made a tutorial on that many years ago years, hahaha.


So you kinda lollipop em?


Our daughter and I were out of town overnight for a business seminar near Grand Rapids and got caught out in the worst of it this morning around 7:30…icy, snowing like hell…but cleared up well before we headed home…got about 4"…of course…snowing again tonight. That’s Lake Michigan for ya! :confused::exploding_head:


Got to love the lake effect weather


To a point-- and dependent on the strain…usually on clones so I KNOW if the structure is one that will benefit from it…

And trimming out the little shit underneath DOES help yield!


Had to wait till I came back around after passing out, looked at the last picture again. WOW!!!
Serious OverGrow’n!

I’m outta likes, this will hafta due for now. :sunglasses:


Dang, yea that looks like a Yielder…incredible




THAT is NOT Celtic Stone–
It was a reply to someone about trimming/lollipopping affecting results!
Sorry I wasn’t a LOT clearer on that one!!


Yes ma’am, it was probably directed at the self directed “king” of I know better and you don’t, you’re doing it all wrong. I just laugh and ignore it. I know how defoliation works for me in my environment. And by the looks of the buds above, it didn’t bother your plants either, LOL
You guys get the fan today, and get it hooked up???