(complete) Celtic Stone Preservation run 2023 by Draig and Lady Zandra

Hey bro, I’m liking what I’m seeing too.
It looks like we’ll have some great examples of the CS! Lady Z is doing a great job!!
It’s fun to watch them grow and recall the phénos!


Imagine if you could locate some of your old zip drives eh? I’ve never really saved photos. Not sure why, oh yeah, paranoia… lol.
Bro, just received some very cool gear. some had nuff to add to your pile. like 20 more strains heading to you soon along with a small, tiny taste of my works. wish the big girl was ready, soon enough. Very sweet old school Hawaiian aroma for sure. I mean, I flipped her from seed to 12/12 and still, omg…

have a nice evening… might hit ya up tomorrow ok…


Hola Carty

I have kept my hd since 89



I cannot help it @Heliosphear, this Black set of Leaves, is just beautiful.
Nice and simple
Nice job! (Not simple at all)


Yeah, bro, sadly most of our pics were on another forum that no longer exists. We had no real warning. and were gone before we could save them. Most of those had to be seriously resized anyway. We also lost a bunch of tutorials we made.

Holy hell, bro! Now how do I keep up! hahaha. I see more peanut butter cookies and other goodies in your future. I can imagine the big girl, if she’d had a veg period, would be an absolute monster!! I’d love to try a sample of your works! .

Thank you again, my brother, for sharing in your good fortune!!




The Celtic’s are healthy and happy-- and probably going 12/12 this weekend!
They are around 2ft and all have 8+nodes— hoping the two that I have been keeping an eye on are what they seem-- boys! 2 distinct pheno’s in the group-- tall ‘DD’ and shrubby Xmas tree/bush. Both that seem male are shrubby- but until they go 12/12- we won’t really know-- except ‘myrtle’ and a sister-- both tall gals, are obvious females and pre-sexed before anyone else-- just barely.

I’m Posting a repeat photo from the last update a little over a week ago to show their progress.

Huggz y’all!!


Wow… impressive to say the least Lady Zandra… See people, we DO NOT need to push all types of chemicals thru our plants to get them to grow beautifully…

Deadvet, creator of this wicked strain… preached just that and I see his techniques to this day in ya’lls works.
DV swore by Miracle Grow soil, little bit of Seaweed Extract during veg, nothing but a little calmag as it goes into bloom and then at week 6 he’d add PK 13/14 for a week to 10 days, then back to watering… a KISS method for sure.

The plants look beautiful and we all appreciate you giving up your grow space to preserve this wonderful strain… surprised your not adding another female or 2 of other strains to hit them also… but understand your wanting to keep this pure too… thanks for sharing so much


Gonna collect the boys pollen… Update to come!! :wink:

We’re using Happy Frog Soil, mixed with some organic slow release nutrients… started them in solo cups of Happy Frog mixed 1:1with inert Sunshine mix #4 and transferred them to 3 gallon pots as soon as they got 8-10’’.
I also use Mycorrhizae- both when planting, then every few weeks, an give them some carbs at the same time. Our organics are Espoma Flower Tone, and Papa’s Perfect Poop…developed by a friend who used to teach Botany at U of M and who also created '‘M3-Michigan Made Mix’ soil… it was originally made for Cancer patients so they could easily grow their own meds by just watering an not screwing around with nutes.

My only issue with using the tent, is that, because of where we had to put it, and to fit-in the fans, we can not raise/lower the light. BUT a 600HPS in a 4x4 is plenty intense enough, without frying younger plants!

They are doing great!
And getting ready for a change…


Looking great! Love the shared experience, art, and humor!


Thanks @Emeraldgreen ! It’s been fun watching them grow and appreciate everyone’s input


Wow those look like they are going to explode in the stretch! Can’t wait to watch these plants budvup


Thanks hun!! Reallyappreciate that! :relaxed: :green_heart:


It’s so funny to me that other people’s grows seem to fly by, and mine feels like it moves so slow!
Really exciting, and thank you for the continued updates :bear::purple_heart::+1:


They are between 52-55 days from sprout… so about6 weeks…MAY let them veg another week-haven’t decided yet…


OOooooh… so excited.

Looking forward to the lady search… always fun. Keep up the great work.


Thanks brother. I’d like to let them all veg longer and get bigger, but I know they’ll at least double in size and would like to see the natural growth without having to LST, Top.or Supercrop them.


@Lady.Zandra63 @Draig is your summer grow full


Not yet-- we plan to put a few outdoors-- and only keep the Moms inside during the hottest part of Summer…
We just haven’t decided what to put out there yet–especially since our last Frost date isn’t until the end of June!


Jeez, I thought ours was bad at about the 3rd week of May. :grimacing:


Run Autos outside and you can get 2 crops in… and I have a strain gets to 12ft.
and yes, it’s an auto… Trying to find someone to work her next… I never really shared her with to many, luckily Barefrog as he sent me these back…
But you should think seriously about throwing a few down, they get so much bigger outside and I know you guys have something to run… think about it…

have a good week