(complete) OGer, the Encore

I would love to see those grown out, and don’t worry I’ll be a good boy :rofl: I hated being off here. I love when I panic about a pathogen and everyone is like dude you’re over thinking this and I can actually trust it compared to my girl sayin it.


I wasn’t sure if that 2nd batch went out or not. Those flowers sure look nice. I still have my OG’er pollen that I’m not opening until I can use it on another OG’er, lol.

Nice job @Weedison! :v:


Thank you! I’m excited to run through some more forsure. I hate that I had to clear all my plants out that woulda been a mother to keep. Not only a great grower but everyone loved it


Hey @GMan , yes Oger Kush is in Melody’s hands. I used the extras sent to me as well as another load from @Gpaw to make up 143 packs. There are enough packs to cover all that signed up and will go out in the spring box. :v:


I was saving the rest of my OG’ers pollen to do something with after I pollinated that SSDD girl. I went to take it out of the seed fridge a month or so ago to hit the TK with and somehow, the inside of the plastic envelope the pollen was in got wet! No idea how :pensive: Only bag in there it happened to as well… So that’s all gone now. Some things are meant to be, and some aren’t :sweat_smile:


Did I send you any of the Black Triangle X OGer?

If not, does that suit you?


Damn sorry to hear that. TK crossed with oger sounds like music to my ears I just fed these triforce almost 3 weeks into flower and they are killin it. Also got that one about 6 weeks in


No I never got those but i do have a bunch of black triangle f2’s already so I’d likely pass, but thank you much for the offer! Someone’s gotta get on those as I’m sure they’re :fire:

@Weedison That is great to hear! I am definitely looking forward to your update on those. That one 6wks in flower especially is :heart_eyes:


Cool man no worries.


Cool. Actually, I think George sent me some OG’er way back now that I think about it. I’ll try to find those and get in touch with him to check.

Sorry to hear about the pollen. I don’t put anything in the fridge anymore. I’m too worried about power outages. The humidity is so low here that I feel like stored in a cool dark place is just fine. I’m gonna test the Lemon Thai pollen I saved from last summer. I have some plants starting to flower so I’m gonna test some on one bud.


You should have let me know lol
I would have gladly added them to my garden :raised_hands:


well… @Weedison I think that mirror image nug shot posted earlier is a very cool work of art… just call it Bud Face !! I paid more attention to the art piece that it is and didn’t really pay much attention to the logos. Many growers put logos or other identifiers on thier pics as “watermarks” so they don’t get used by others.
I think cannabis art should be celebrated. Personally , I would put a pic like that on my wall.
Now those OG’er nugs… yessss! Thanks for posting those too

definately on my list for popping once the summer season is harvested and I move my grow back indoors.


Thank you for the nug compliments. And yes my buddy that does that stuff is gifted I’m always excited for new ideas he has. Like he had a little oil tank and mechanic working on it with an east coast sour diesel nug played in it’s all cool he also did a mirror with my catahoula that looked more like a face I should find it and it had no logos I think lol. This one had the logos probably because New York City events coming up that we do try and market for on there.


Here’s some other cool pieces of art check his page out he’s gifted forsure @loud_n_errl_ on instagram


The guy working on the oil tank with the sour got taken down by ig


I think that would be an excellent choice for a cross, I was trying to reinforce that lemon ‘note’ myself.
I think that TK is another great candidate as well.

Something weird…
I just checked Seedfinder.eu and noticed that they’ve done a major re-write on the OG Kush lineage.
Check out the strikeout and the new lineage…

Well, that’s an interesting development in the OK Kush origin story…



That story with origins all takes place right where I grew up in south Florida. I’ve talked to him a bunch of times about that over the last 4 years. I mean seriously right where I was at just a bit before me. I just saw him at piffcon as well


He works with freedomtown in Florida doin some dope stuff. That’s the one legal place I support in fl.


The next time you bump into him, ask him what he thinks about lineage changes.
I’ve a burning curiosity about that…
(yeah, there’s probably a topical cream that would help with that… :smile: :pinching_hand:)



That santa dab is my spirit animal.