Complete tear down, help

I am looking at replacing the air scrubber. I was going to change out the carbon but, it is pop riveted together.


Carbon Filters are usually filled with some type of vibrating machine so that it packs the carbon properly. Not sure how much of that is marketing or how much is actually functional mechanics to a proper scrub. (maybe someone else can chime in).

As far as a good cleaning… If you have a sprayer that helps. Take out those racks and wash them, wipe down all surfaces, and change replace your ducting if you want. Not too much more to worry about.

The carbon filter is usually best to pull through… but you can put it outside and push air through it.


Respectfully, @G-paS … pop rivets are some of the easiest fasteners to work with.

If you’d like me to walk you through it I’d be happy to help.



I just orders the AC Infinity Air Carbon Filter 6". It was 1/2 the price of mine that I got in '17.
Thanks WHA. I wasn’t thinking. Yeah, I know drill out and replace. Just means I have to dig thru the work shop to locate the riveter and rivets. It isn’t a task I am up to yet.
When It is warmer I will have to get a dumpster for the trash, stuff to save for a farm yard sale and stuff I need to keep.
Easier to get a new one with screws. :grin:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


The Vibrating Machine (not that one you freak) is necessary to pack the carbon onto the filter housing otherwise the carbon filter will have a dead spot (Gap with no carbon) that will allow unfiltered air flow through. The majority of cheap carbon filters have this dead spot.


That’s a sweet unit! Nice buy!

I just checked Amazon and a suitable pop rivet gun with an assortment of rivets is right at $20.

But I think you made the right decision! That’s a very nice setup!

Can you say where you live, what state? I ‘might’ be able to help with the sorting, once I get this sorted out here! I only have a few things to get up and running and this system will pretty much run itself (the Hydro stuff, not the Soilless stuff winky).

Edit Add: IF you question my sorting abilities of what to keep and what not to keep, look at my last post, then Light Cage post. winky I ‘might’ be infected with Keepitis! ROFLMAO


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When i do that, i use a ozone generator to purify my rooms. If you do that though, careful with that beautiful birds of yours. Ozone can be real bad, but then thats why it works sooooo good…lol


I had to use ozone lightly over a few days in my gtow rooms, to rid it of white flies. I actually run it for 3 minutes a week in there, been bug free ever since. Its a fine line though, when i first used it, i killed my plants :scream:


Damn i forgot i have one of them. I guess ill run it after bombing. I have a uvonaire was given to me cause buddy hooked it up n it killed every plant in a 20x20. I read they can be dangerous to anything living.


They can be. (Like most things in life) But also used lightly, can be extremely beneficial for us :grinning:

Its HELL on knats, white flies, and even mold.


Whats youre reccomendations for time on and time of. And how long does it take to clear?

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Well, i have no hard and fast suggestions. I shut all vents down once a week, and turn it on for 3 minutes inside my flower room. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then kick everything back on. Clears out in minutes, if not seconds via vents. I do not know its actual half life time, though i would take a gander at around an hour give or take.


OH! Most importantly, i also know 15 minutes will kill everything, including the plants. They dont die right away, but over the course of a few days they turn stone white and die off.

@rooted my flower room is 6x7 FYI


Ok thanks. So you run it with plants? Weekly And the 3 mins has worked ok for you. ?

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Yes 3 minutes works for me. Keep in mind, each machine will be different, and the room size. The other factor is your temp. The higher the temp, the less ozone is made.


Thanks for the reminder. There are four up there. Yes, I need to put up a temp wall to the open stairs. I will just put one into the closed tent for now for 3 min. for now.
If I can find one.

I used to have a ozone air purifier in my bed room. :thinking:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


I just got on 1/2 hour ago and already out off like :thinking: I haven’t used that many yet.
So for this post and your follow up post. Thanks for the info.
:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :joy:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

EDIT; Home Depot has two AirtheReal 10,000. $93 &$133. How do I tell which one I would need. They also have a 5000 but only $20 less so not sure what I need @MysteryMoog ?

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This is the one I use, for whatever thats worth…lol


I read someone used a wifi powerstrip to turn their unit on and off remotely.

Suppose you could set up a vent on another power strip and shut the ozone off and turn the vent on.

Depends how worried you are. Im a worrier so thats the path is plan on taking. Will also monitor from a camera I already have.

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