Compost Tea High Idea Question Thread ( ideas when ur high )

I think im gonna have some super juice here in a week or two :stuck_out_tongue:

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When people complain about the smell, I tell them that smell is love :wink:


I used old fish tank water the smell might be even worse :o

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lol! perhaps. Josh bubbles oxygen through it after the decomp is over, so the stink goes away before he uses it. I just dump the stink water in the pots and the plant beds. It stops stinking after a couple days.



No buckets around smh , Have a few ideas for more batches though

That’ll make some good stink juice!


@BeTheLight look up JADAM Natural Farming. It’s a branch of Korean Natural Farming.
I keep anaerobic ferments all year. What you’re asking is done by farmers and gardeners all over the world.


Here’s a PDF of the book on WordPress:

JADAM textbook


Much appreciated :+1::relieved:

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Heads up: a longer ferment is highly recommended. Young ferments can burn plants, but mature ones will not. Dilution is 2-4 oz per gallon of water.
Don’t use grass clipping ferments for plants in flower, it’s too much nitrogen.


What would you ferment for flower??

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Food scraps and flowers. For instance. If I need a high Potassium input, I ferment kiwi and banana. Marigolds and other flowers are good, and I’m going to try hops this year.
BeagleZ uses blueberries; pumpkin is very popular too.
The absolute best ferment for a cannabis plant, is fermented cannabis plant. But you would need to sacrifice a bucket of buds to the fertilizer gods if you want that flowering input.


Josh said that the weeds are blooming so cut them down and make blooming plant juice.

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Hell yeah! A bucket of Dandelion flowers would only cost you about 20 minutes of walking around a neighborhood alley!

Interesting recipes from JADAM, honestly i agree we are very tied in about some questions and we miss a important thing: Biodiversitty at all, anaerobic and aerobic together, really cool.