Connoisseur Genetics seeds official post

Yeah stop on by my forum here in the sponsored section. I don’t sell anything, just wanted to support Overgrow and have a place for my stuff.

GDP bewitched me for more than a decade. Got her to grow big and spectacular. But she began to lose that nail salon and ‘purse candy’ nose while not punching as hard. God what a plant. Wait till you see her kids.

Sorry to run on, just so great to see you here!


Welcome to overgrow!!!

How does your sssdh cut compare to “the shire” if you’ve had it?

Lol @ putting pre snitch on the rez sour d ibl. Fair play.

Do you feel like subsequent releases of the sour d ibl weren’t as good? Sometimes I see people suggesting the earliest releases (sour d ibl, chem dd) were the best work. But people tend to hype older work.


Is there a website where I can look over all the strains you’ve got available?

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Prices please kind sir

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I’ve not smoked or grown the shire cut but I think my OJD SSSDH cut looked a touch more Sativa , but that’s just from pics I’ve seen online.

I’ve not run the later Sour Diesel IBL Rez released , the Sour Diesel IBL batch i made for Rez was actually made with the Original Diesel clone not the ECSD clone that Rez started with to make his Sour Diesel, so my batch was quite different to the other batches.
There were definitely some great strains from early Reservoir seed releases but also the later releases also.


Fascinating, I never knew this!

My website not currently active these days so I take orders through email .
It’s a huge list ( over 200 varieties so to large to post here) but email me for current stocklist and ordering info


Hi bro

Email me for current stocklist and ordering info.

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Thanks for responding, I’d love to see a stocklist with pricing.

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Hi bro

The stocklist is to large to post here ( over 200 varieties) , you can email me for current stocklist and ordering info.

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Over 200 varieties available at $90/100 a pack.


Welcome. I will email you for a list, thanks for being here.

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OJD what a list! I have been looking for some Casey Jones and my fiance is a diesel head. :star_struck:
You also have cheese, the dawg, haze, Rhino.

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Don’t sleep on Box of Chemdog folks. Those seeds put out the stinkiest plant I’ve ever come across in flower. SSSDH and Casey Jones stuff my buddy grew from him years ago was all really really good smoke too.


Welcome to Overgrow, Ojd!

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Would that be the SSSDH or the SSSDH IX?

Just asking because I am holding a SSSDH IX cut and just randomly came across this post. But as far as my understanding goes your OJD Cht most likely is the mother to my cut?

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Here’s some OJD bits. His haze crosses are

the bees tits. Just kopped a few more. I can speak to the Chem D Madness, the Nl5 Haze/Chemdog Haze, the Dirt Mcgirt, the Kush Chem Haze aka Abusive kush haze - all very flavourful, interesting and unique these days.


I believe he sold them as both names as many packs were made for Rez, I believe he changed name and resold it after year or more advertising it as a new batch when really was same batch


Appreciate all the love and support here from my new family :pray:.

Look out for a competition to be announced tomorrow for my family ( will run 7 days so plenty of time to enter)


Looking great bro :ok_hand: