Consistent Humidity Control in Dehumidified Home

I set up my tent last weekend, and pretty much ever since I’ve had humidity problems… granted now I had them before I just didn’t have the meter to know it. I have a ”cool mist“ humidifier in the tent with them. At first it was on full blast and then popped up 70%, 80% rh. Ok, so I fix that with a little more airflow (I haven’t gotten a fan involved yet, I’m working on it). Now I can somewhat consistently maintain 55-60% but occasionally it just plummets. I’m sure this is partly because the entire environment around it is dehumidified. I tried setting the dehumidifier high (to only turn on at 70% and on low fan) and this did. relatively nothing.

So I come to you all, hoping for a solution other than keeping the hole house as humid as I want to tent, as I control the humidity in the house for reasons (wooden instruments need stable humidity, plus humans appreciate it too). We’re entering winter soon in the Midwest and it’s going to be quite dry for the foreseeable future. My soil dries very quickly, I find myself watering everyday and am considering twice a day, although I do not give them much water. I spray them with a spray bottle until the soil is moist on top, check in 5 minutes. Of its still looking less than ideal I give it a little extra.

For what it’s worth, these are seedlings. I had them in open air, they did ok, I found the 2L bottle propensities domes I put them under did well until the leaves touched the sides. Then I couldn’t keep the leaves free of water so I just took them off.


I have the same problem. The furnace dries out the air much worse than the A/C does. I’ll be watching this one. :+1:


I had the same problem here my rh is 40% throughout my apartment.In my tent it was lower.I turned my plastic racks upside down and covered in clear poly and made a green house while running a cool mister to get my rh to 60% did this forthe first 2weeks till the plants got big enough to take up water,then i removed the plastic and ran the mister for another week in the tent.


That might be the solution, honestly… how much airspace does there need to be to ensure adequate CO2?


I regularly grow in 35-40% RH. Sure veg growth is slowed, but the plant is still happy and healthy. In late flower, it is even ideal to have lower humidity.

Do you have plants in there? Plants will transpire more as they get bigger, raising humidity.


I have five seedlings, so kind of yes but mostly no.

It’s great to hear you can effectively veg in that range though, means I only have to baby them so long.

Here’s the data I’ve gotten over the day, fairly reliable except that little bit I was asleep and the humidifier ran dry. I may build a small wooden frame to wrap poly around if they still seem dry tomorrow with my more generous watering.

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With the racks i used it each was 16in w x 36in l and 24in h.It worked great to get them through the first 2 weeks of seedling.Then i ran for a week with the plastic off and the mister going,then they were fine in veg from there on out…My tent now for flower is at rh 40% .


My vegging plants are currently at 35% and cruising…


Looks like I panicked again, shit. I got caught up in VPD charts and shit. Come on self, don’t forget it’s easier than you’re making it out to be!

I do love the idea of simply adding poly to convert tent into a space more suited to seedlings- I don’t have a good propagation area set up, and so any corners I can cut right now are great. If I could find a clear one, one of those big Rubbermaid rubs would be great.


LOL I do that all the time. I think this comment “Come on self, don’t forget it’s easier than you’re making it out to be!” should be a corollary to LITFA!


I wouldn’t worry. They handle dry just fine.

Optimum humidity/VPD really only applies when you’re really pushing plants (strong light, active hydroponics/CO2). Think of it like icing on a cake. Dry is better than moist for 95% of growers.


I heat my house with a woodstove and for most of the winter my grows rarely reach 40%+ . My advice is to not worry about it and enjoy the fact that you will not have moldy buds lol