Controlling my Tent Humidity

Hello Al

Ok I purchased a small Temperature & Humidity Meter and read that the Inside humidity reading is Ranging between 17 o 19%, For those
who know what should my humidity levels be at please.


in general id say seedlings like really high humidity around 80% otherwise this chart should give u a pretty good idea! Keep in mind having plants in your tent will also naturally raise the humidity in it.


I had the tent at massive warning red signal lights at 110 degrees plants drying so my wife bought me a xmass gift early knowing the tent needed relief so I installed the 4 inch fan ad brought temps to 80 & 81 and keep the humidity as is for now, I can always shut down the intake fan taking air from outside, I have a laundry vent set up with my ventilation tube tight against the vent hole.

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Hold up, is this your first grow indoors?

LOL no I have grown before but just with a 5x5 tent 11 years ago, took many years off from growing and just plain forgot some things is all bro… my tent size doubled growing my 1st scrog and now use a 1000 watt hps from a 600 watt hps…

Old dogs sometimes need help with what they forget lol

I might just try putting the gauge closer to the light & plants but with the tent closed the reading should be the same in any area I put the monitor.


Can you give us a better run down of your grow?

With the high temps your lighting must be substantial…

Size of grow space
Plants, stage of growth…

Ideally you would want to be around 70-72 degrees F with a RH of 55-65%



You in southern hemisphere?
Make a diy swamp cooler from a 5 gal bucket that’s what I did.

Tent size 98 inches long, 4 feet wide, 72 inches tall.
Fan 6 inch with 80 inch carbon filter
1000 watt hps switchable Ultra high wattage
4 inch vent fan entrance side of tent coming in from house window

Right side of tent
16 inch oscillating fan towards the light & plants
TV Tray holds light digital ballast
shelf right side holds humidifier & humidity & Temp Meter

Left side of tent 4x4

4 x 4 scrog

I just opened the tent i have it on 6 to6 so i’m good and it now is at 24 %


What is the humidity like outside the tent?

Your intake is from outside? Try it from inside the room. What is your ambient humidity?

Do you have a speed controller for the fan? Get one.

I don’t sweat exact humidity levels but 17 is very low. 40% is fine.

For the record my intake is from the same room and so is my exhaust.

Slowing down your fan might help but watch your temp.

Best of luck.


Also consider that as the plants get bigger, they will transpire more and help keep humidity up.


Like @ReikoX said more plants, more humidity. You definitely want a higher humidity than that. Depending on growth stage 40 to 60% Higher temps and lower humidity can lead to lots of problems, and lots of watering.

I had a 4 x 8 tent. Now I use it as a work room. I would add a humidifier for sure. Tie it into your light timer. You need the humidity more when the light is on than off.


Yes I have a control on my fan, the temp monitor is sitting on the right side of the tent on a 3 shelf and the light is on the left side.

Best thing to do is control the environment of the room your tents in. I keep the room about 70f and 50-55rh lights kick on it gets to 75 in my led flower tent and 80-85 in the auto/veg hid tent depending on how high I have the wattage.


I think right now the tent has the 24 inch fan oscillating towards the light and the bottom left were the plants are is a 4 inch super power blower intaking cold new England harbor air lol maybe that is what’s bringing down my humidity, I also taped the monitor to the left tent wall above the plants…

entire tent both doors open

Right side of tent

Left side of tent

Bottom left side vent incoming fresh air

I took down removed the double scrog nets due to disability reasons, 09 broke my back falling off a loading dock 60 ft in PA was rushed to boston have titanium rods and pins screws in my lower back and having access to check my leaves plants etc I like having my finger’s on the job lol

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Obviously you want the cold air to cool down your tent. But that air does not hold much moisture and by the time it is up to your internal temperature it is bone dry. A calculator I use on occasion.

Get another one of the readouts and put it in the duct bringing in the cool air. Enter the temperature and the percent humidity, leave the dew point as a constant. Then raise the temperature to your interior temperature and watch the % humidity drop. You pretty much have no choice but to add moisture. That is as long as the display is reading eight. That is why I always have more than one display, so I can compare them to each other.


Thank You…

Try keeping the hygrometer at plant level… also test other parts of house make sure it’s reading.

Test RH after. A watering too it should increase .

it sucks because when I don’t use the 4 inch intake fan drawing cold air from outside the humidity reached 44 % but the temps rose from 85 to 94 …

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If possible, move your lights ballast outside the tent. Looks like you have enough wiring. That will bring some heat generated outside the tent. More plants / pots / moist soil will bring humidity up a bit as well.

Also as @Old-Ron said. you need more humidity when the light is on vs. off. I have sensors here that monitor both, and the inverse relation between Temp and RH is insane! They look like Rohrschack pics… RH drops, temp rises, and vice versa


The tent with the cold adjusted and fan on low the humidity rose up to 40 % temps at 83…