Is it possible to prevent mold with

Is it possible, even in high humidity(75% to 80% RH) to prevent mold using only fans in the grow tent and providing a lot of air flow? I will have 430cfm from the intake and exhaust fans, I can also add other fans at plant level for more air blowing around in the tent. What I need to know, is will that be enough to prevent mold during flowering? Humidity will only be a concern for a couple more months, as it will start getting colder here before too long and the humidity will drop naturally.

Im asking because it looks like i might not be getting as much of a lump sum of money as I thought I was, and I might not be able to buy a solid dehumidifier.

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Imo it’s prolly ok with air flow.
Personally I ditch the tent .
Rarely do I use one.
If security allows you of course.


90+ rh% isn’t unusual around here, in my tent during flower 65% is around the best I can hope for over the year.
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Ime healthy plants don’t get mould because of 70% humidity (no standing water) health is key, yellowing, dead and dying leafs seem to invite mould I’m guessing they can’t resist it like healthy leafs idk?

Fwiw I don’t believe in fans blowing directly onto plants, I keep the extraction fan running 24hrs and have oscillating fans moving air around wafting the plants indirectly, fans blowing directly strips moisture away and causes wind burn ime.


Well, its not so much about secuity as it is that i cant make the modifactions to the room the tent would be in to convert it to a grow room because its not my house lol. But I can put in a second tent lol

Mold and mildew happens when VPD is out of whack. Airflow wont matter much if VPD is favourable for pathogen growth. Too many places for them to hide


I use box fans not blowing straight at plants.
I find my ac helps big time.
We have had super humid spell here
So just keep your ac on, it will fix the humidity.

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I wasnt really gonna blow directly on the plants, more a clip on fan above them or a second intake fan that would be blowing on the pots(not using cloth pots so extra drying from this is less of an issue).

Dont have ac or central air in the house, we just have fans to blow on us.

Raise the heat in your tent if you want lower humidity. Less terps but mold has a tougher time growing in warm and dry environment.


With the exhaust fan being hooked into the dryer line blowing directly outside and the heat from the lights in the tent, do you think the RH in the tent will be the same as the RH in the lung room? The lung room I will be using is sitting at between 75%-80% RH. Will the tent run the same humidity as the lung room?

No widow unit?
Fans is all I have to mention then.
They sell these things at Lowes that absorb moisture from the air.

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I imagine it will be higher due to transpiration and watering



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nope no ac of any kind, my father is allergic/it makes him sick to ac and cant even have it on in the car without getting ill. So he says anyway. So he doesnt allow AC in the house.

I could get a bunch of those at dollar tree for 1.25 each. Do you think it would be better to put them inside the tent or in the lung room?

Yeah but my point was healthy plants naturally resist mould and mildew so all being equal healthy plants won’t get mould where unhealthy might and often do in circa 50% humidity.


Can’t see where it would hurt either

its weird because the room i am gonna use for the new tent is one room over in the basement with a door seperating it from the rest of the basement, but the tent in my bed room, also in the basement always runs very low humidity. Like i have a hard time getting it above 50%rh. I guess the door traps humidity better than i thought it would lol

The tent will be a micro environment and will likeley be a little different than the lung room play around with the exhaust speed to find a way to keep temps warmer in the tent but RH lower. But you need to make sure if you go warmer that RH indeed is dropping or it will be a bad time. High temp and high RH will cause it to grow. Mildew mostly dies on leaves when leaf surface temps hit 90 farenheight. Spors are going to start to fall when temps are bewteen 60-80 Fahrenheit, spors can die off when leaf surface temp hits 90. Its going to take a few things to keep your plants in check. Get your self some LABS and use it as weekly IPM as a preemptive measure. When your lights go off is where you are going to run into your issues because temps are going to fall and humidity will rise. This is where the LABS will do its job and you can use it throughout flower with no ill effects.

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