Consumer Bee pollen for pollination?

So here is the thought. It’s been shot down on various forums over the years but i’m still convinced its plausible. I never felt the need to try it. Maybe this time i will.

Go to google type in bee pollen from “hawaii” or “south africa” then dust your lady with it and see if there is and cannabis pollen in there.-not like you can claim its landrace but… Possible?


Stoner’s creativity at its best.

I love honey as hell but i know nothing on bees. I don’t really know what is their perimeter to hunt stuff. But if the collect of these pollen’s pellets are enough close to ganja … on the paper that’s not impossible if the pollen is not neutralized.

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Yeah, the question is how do they prepare it for consumption? I otherwise think it’s a great idea!

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I’m sure there is a possibility of UV fucking the genes up. Either from the “food” manufacturer or customs. age/oxidation could be a problem too.

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i’d think storage would be a problem. it’s not stored in ideal conditions and pollen goes bad if not refrigerated pretty quickly i thought.

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Sounds like you should do an experiment for us!

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Actually, This is pure genius ! But I dont know if it would work ? :thinking:

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I do need to buy some and just do it. Im sure its a numbers game. Even if it does work that doesnt mean the pollen i buy has what i need.

Chat GPT please summarize:
The article discusses the interaction between honey bees (Apis mellifera) and cannabis plants, exploring whether bees are attracted to cannabis, what they might glean from it nutritionally, and the effects of cannabis on bees and their products. The author, a beekeeper, shares observations from placing hives near cannabis fields. The article addresses common questions, such as whether bees can get “buzzed” or produce psychoactive honey.

Key points from the article:

  1. Lack of Research: Very little research is available on how honey bees interact with cannabis plants containing THC. Only one scholarly article on this interaction is cited.
  2. Bee Behavior: The author observes the bees’ lack of apparent interaction with cannabis plants near the hives. The hypothesis is that cannabis lacks the characteristics that attract bees, such as a strong aroma and floral nectar.
  3. Pollen and Pollination: Cannabis is wind-pollinated and does not produce nectar. Bees may visit male plants during pollen release, primarily for protein. The attractiveness of female plants is speculated to be related to the presence of extra floral nectaries, though this is not conclusively proven.
  4. Psychoactive Effects: Bees lack neuroreceptors for cannabis’s psychoactive components (THC). The article dismisses the idea of “psychoactive honey,” emphasizing the lack of receptors in bees.
  5. Possible Interests: Bees might be attracted to cannabis for honeydew produced by scale insects on the plants. They could also collect resins for propolis or seek moisture from irrigation.
  6. Unverified Claims: The author questions some anecdotal claims, such as bees feeding on trichomes or producing psychoactive honey. The lack of evidence and potential misinformation from public discourse is acknowledged.
  7. Future Research: The article suggests that as cannabis farming becomes more prevalent, there may be increased interest and opportunities for systematic observation and research on the interaction between honey bees and cannabis.

The article highlights the need for more research to validate anecdotal reports and differentiate between factual observations and misconceptions regarding bees and cannabis.!

my own photo


Bees are very interesting creatures!
My bees do visit males but not very much. However, they do love to attach and suck the juice out of aphids! I keep around 60 colonies in the back yard next to lots of weed.
There is not much pollen shortage here through the season, but if there is a dearth, say during September, if there is pollen on weed they will bring it in.

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