Controlling my Tent Humidity

Nice, that’s a bit better. Always a battle heh.

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My tent is 98 inches long far away from the plants, the entire right side wiring from the ballast throw out heat the insulated wiring protects any wires from becoming hot.

I looked and found my 2nd fan controller and once I could control the winter air coming in the humidity level went 20 % higher to 40% and temps only rose from 85 to 94 but i can throw the fan on high I lowered it before.

40% humidity with those temps is not good. My a/c went out this summer. Spent all sunmer without it.

My tents were high 80’s to low 90’s. Humidity was 40% or lower at times. One of the worse grows I have had.

I kept humidifiers running to try and help. High temps and low humidity are bad for your plants.

what your not understanding is I can easily turn the controller to let more cold air flow,. brings temps down quick…

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Definitely bring it down. You want to keep it under 85.

Ya around 3 am I opened the tent and it was freezing tems like 65 humidity at 20 % because of the intake fan sucking air directly outside lol

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Watch big temp swings like that. Ideally you want to keep them around 10 degrees. Not always easy. Try to keep it under 15 degrees swing.

Sounds like you have good plan in place to control things. Only thing I didn’t like about my 4 x 8 is it is all or nothing. I found it worked better for me with 2 4 x 4. Easier to control and you have a veg and/or flower tent. In the 4 x 8 everyone vegged or flowered.

that is why I am growing on the left side space 4x4 12 - 5 gallon grow bags sitting in 5 gallon white buckets… the plants have no stress signs and I am very happy with the way I topped them, 4 main colas growing on each plant , I have with my eye’s always topped ending up with 2 colas but this time with my lighted magnifying light I did a better job.

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Sounds like a nice grow you have going.

I’m coming back from a 11 year vaca due to healthy reasons and a brand new heart lol

I always used a 5x5 but ever enough room so this tie I doubled the area right side electronics drying area Left side 4x4 grow …

These 2 were the last 2 I chopped White widow x Big Bud


Finally I got it tweaked in the zone…

I haven’t put the intake fan on the produces cold outside air.


Not to steal the original posts thunder but is 76 degrees 37% humidity an ok range?I ordered a dehumidifier to knock down the nighttime RH I was thinking only run at night time maybe?I had a PM problem try to pop up.It gets 63 degrees 40 percent humidity in my tent at nighttime .My plants been having this droopy thing go on it’s not the watering either I’ve been on point on that not too dry not too wet good air flow I have 3 fans going

My Grows never needed anything other then what the temps & humidity are now …