controlling sativa height indoors from seed

Hello And greetings citizens of O.G. I grew long ago when just bag seeds and fluorescent tubes were your only option. I’d like to share a dandy strategy for controlling the height of Sativas indoors From seed.

In A nutshell We grow lots of colas over a Relatively short Distance And then Make sure They all take part In “the stretch”. To demonstrate I will Feature Real Seed Company’s Kalamata Red In this upcoming Garden along with others. Barney’s Dr.Grinspoon for sure.
This shot is a Mango Biche from CBG at 12 weeks and about 5 feet Including Pot .

Despite Severe Dust mite Damage She’s still Doing surprisingly well.


Super cropping is your best best I would think and it looks like you have done that. Gonna be watching this thread as it’s a pretty important topic that affects many. Welcome to OG.


The soil I will use Will be Miracle Gro Original. Not great but good enough.
Most important. Water will always be PH adjusted To 6.5 My water Is a PH 8.0.
Recipe calls for 3/8 Teaspoon “PH down” in each gallon. Re-check occasionally.
I stage my water In gallon jugs . PH Adjust only the end 2. Also use Two aquarium

Pumps With air stones to help bring oxygen to The roots.


I was thinking about this just the other day. I’m waiting on some Sour D seeds and the breeder suggested limiting veg to 2-3 weeks cause of incredible stretch. However I have read that cannabis benefits from 8 weeks of veg due to maturing. I figure grow out the plant take clones. That way I hope to be able to flower smaller but more mature plants

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When growing from seed There is the apex cola Which is the top most cola. This cola produces a growth Inhibitor hormone. For much of its life This cola Will be constrained to Grow horizontally only. When most of the other colas Are well above It can resume Vertical growth .

To get the most nodes In the shortest distance Of vertical growth the Photoperiod Includes Several extra times when the lights are turned off.

Every time the lights come Back on The plant needs time to resume Growing. Stems leaves roots and shoots get Restarted pretty quick. Vertical growth of
central Stem Takes the longest To restart . Result is stunted height.

Photoperiod Initially

7 hours on, 1 hour off, 7 hours on, 3 hours off, 1 hours on, 2 hours off, 1 on, 2 off.

This is just one possibility, others might be even more sensible.


5 1/2 on, 1/2 off. 5 on, 13 off.


I have 5 Kalamata Red seeds in soaked paper towels wrapped well

with plastic wrap moved to the seed shelf and it’s June 8 2022. Soon we see.


will follow along :slight_smile:
good luck !

@ignatz that’s sounds like a great way to get Hermie’s. Curious as to why you would do the lighting that way when there are other methods of limiting height.

Sounds like you have it covered. Bending, training and topping. I had to keep topping the Cherry Festival I grew. Than I got a taller tent :laughing:

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’ve had luck running the topped portion of a larger land race sativa - but rooting it fairly late in the season. Find its diversion of growth to the roots really slowed down its over all veg. Flowering started the same time as the mother but the cutting remained relatively manageable in size comparatively.

I’d be confident in getting similar results doing it again with similar equilateral plants. But I can’t say this is a blanket solution.

Doing sativas from cutting seem to help with stretch as well as improved terps/resin coverage IMO.

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how are these babies doing? I’ve been really eyeing RSC’s Kalamata Red so I’m excited to see how it turns out for you and how they smoke :eyes: