2x 600w HPS - can only do 6 plants coz law, how long veg for good yields?

The question is pretty much in the header…

I can only do 6 plants because if I do more, my previous convictions enable the coppers to put me in prison…

How long would you veg them?

Strains would be either or a mix of:

AJ’s Sour Diesel
Chem D
Amnesia Core Cut (the 1995 one)
Trainwreck (not from seed, the american elite clone)

What would be your strain pick? Or what mix?


How big can you handle?

For small plants, I am trying to flip as soon as I see pre-sex. Not sure how this will work yet./

Don’t know these strains, but more than 4 or 5 weeks after they show sex and they can get huge.

@Muleskinner, what do you think?


I’d personally do Aj’s all six. Veg for about 2 months.

Then have you next strains in veg for the next run.


They are all cuts :wink:

So no need to sex.

No, 6 plants is the maximum so I can then only do 3 in the flowering chamber and then I’d have 3 vegging…

And 3 under 1200w… That sounds a bit too low?

What is your ceiling height?

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The tent I am getting will be 240cm long, 120cm wide and 200cm high, so in freedom units thats like what, almost 8 ft long, almost 4 feet wide, 6½ feet high or so…

Damn 6 total?? I thought most places were 6 “mature” plants.
Well if it were me I’d get 3 20gal smart pots, and veg, top and train to fill the space, possibly SCROG. Just takes longer to fill the space with fewer plants.


Ye I will be doing it in hydro ofc, I don’t know what a smart pot is, googled that stuff and seemed like very large fabric soil containers…

Wouldn’t wanna ScrOG coz that is just too much hassle for me…

Seeing that you are vegging clones, I would simply play it by eye. Veg til you are scared, and then veg another week and flip. Will you grow in soil or hydro?

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Clones don’t stretch as much so grow em big, you can always supercrop, that should fill up your tent nicely.

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Hi @Albannach… how far into flower can I supercrop for? I’ve good a fat old canopy that is getting a little tall in places… I’m 10days into 12/12
Cheers :grin:

Hydro ofc all the way :wink:

In my opinion soil is for outdoors and hydro is the only way to go indoors :slight_smile:


You can still supercrop, no worries!

Then your time frame should some what shorter than if you were using soil.

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I have to mention I chuckled there when I read your reply… “Veg 'til you’re scared” :smile:

Like, of course, what the fuck was I thinking, this is THE OVERGROW .com not some random growsite :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Some other things you might already kinda know.

In my 8’ x 4’ x 7’ tent, I have been able to have as many as 14 flowering plants in 5 gallon containers. It was a mess.

I was given a plant from @Muleskinner a few weeks ago, and only 4 would fit in my tent. All were from seed.



How long did you veg them and what kind of genetic background on the plants? I know you do soil, but just to get a general idea about the timings… And how much light you have in that tent of yours?

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Give me a few. I’ll poke back through my thread and drop you some links.

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It turns out I vegged my clones for nearly 9 weeks.

This explains why they are also out growing the 5 gallon containers. Vegged way too long.