What slows getting cloudy trichomes?

So, in my last few grows i have noticed that i never really get all cloudy trichomes and i rarely get any amber even if i wait a few weeks past the breeder suggested flowering time.

For example, i have a blueberry muffin at f61. i have never seen anyone take it down after f63 and some even claim it’s ready f45 which i am skeptical about. i don’t have any amber and i am about 50% cloudy. the buds look ready, they are full, red hairs etc., but the trichomes aren’t far along.

i am not running UV, but i do have infrared in the spectrum. temps are good, 12/12 lighting…the normal stuff.

i take my pics with a macro lens attachment on a phone if that matters.

What sorts of things might be slowing this down?

I seem to cut all my plants down about 1 or 2 weeks after the end of hte breeder window, but i still don’t have more than 5% amber trichomes. i waited for 96 days on an ACE plant that was a 84 days latest cut and still had no amber at all. i just cut it down…it’s strong, but i can’t tetll if i needed to wait longer. my indicas do the indica thing, so i dont’ think they are really early cut. they feel pretty normal, but the look doesn’t match what i see other have…all white with some amber trichomes. i just can’t get there. plants get to a ready from a distance look, then just stall out on the thc maturation.


Next time u go to flower try starting ur flower flip on 13/11 and work ur way down to 11/13 by the end of your “grow season”

12/12 may be to consistent that the plants aren’t getting the signal of “I gotta hurry up and finish before the season ends and I freeze”


so, i had a few purple punch phenos a few harvests ago…you know a 50 to 60 day strain. longest i ever saw was about 67 days in flower. i took it to f78 and it still had mostly clear trichomes. it will make anyone pass out and you will be groggy for over 24 hours…even seasoned smokers. So, i am wondering if cloudy trichomes are really the right indicator. the clear doesn’t seem to impact potency or the couchiness of the high…i just haven’t noticed it on what should be early cuts.


i really struggled with this strain. my others don’t look like this one…it doens’t like food of any kind. smells is wild though. pure blueberry.


It isn’t always dependent on the trichomes but generally a good rule of thumb when paired with the pistils darkened shriveled and retracted, its the presence of the other cannabinoids present and in what balance that helps determine the high though with generally the longer u leave it and notice the characteristic of amber there is more cbn present but might just be a strain that generally produces more of it


In flower I cycle down this way every grow now. The first week I start at 13. 2nd week at 12 and finally 11 the rest of the way out.


A thing to remember too is most the time it’s preference with a grower and if I’m not mistaken the grow times listed are usually when to expect all cloudy without amber yet because the mainstream market and dispensaries pick it right at all cloudy, it’s us home growers that know it’s better leaving it that extra week or two for a 50/50


9 weeks for most strains, start at 13 and drop 15 min a week 8 times putting u right at 11 that final week, plants notice that lil bit each week and lil closer to natures signals.

That plant gonna have a higher demand in that 5th week to bulk up, don’t rob it of much needed light


I’ve tried so many different ways now but I would definitely like to experiment with a cut and see the different expression doing this in different timings. Hard to see differences when you’re growing different genetics at different time intervals but also hard for me to stick with a cut since all I want to do is pop seeds. lol


definitely not going for CBN bud. i just want the thc. i like dispo bud. it gets me high.


I’ve done accidental experiments just throwing plants in greenhouse to flip at shorter light hour times of the year and the less hours at the beginning or the end of the flower cycle just kicks my yields right in the nuts.

So if u did run the experiment that’s where I’d suspect the noticable difference, quality never seemed affected though so I’d still think the same fireness to it

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shouldn’t there be a yield benefit from making say an 8 week strain take 10 weeks?

I have been saying this for years.
Some folks don’t like it when you say this, they get bent out of shape pretty quickly.
For more info check out this thread.


THC turns into cbn as it ripens or degrades, chances are ur getting it in most of what u smoke

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I think I’m gonna try a variation of this out. I’ve got a bit of variety for finishing times but I should be able to figure out a happy medium. Doing it somewhere like that and how @Rhai88 does it

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it’s not 50% of it though. i have all amber trichs if i let it sit in a jar long enough…the degradation to cbn happens on and off the plant. i don’t really see a reason to wait for so much cbn. just jar it on the wetter side and heat up the house…i was using the 5% as a max amber i will allow before cutting.

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Really only makes sense that the plants would respond well to it. I bet especially with a mix of lowering your temps up to the final weeks too and maybe slowly turning down the juice in the light a bit

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Not really noticeably, leave it long enough and it may encourage pollen sacks to form though as an unpollenated plant may resort to Rodelization for preservation of itself, some old school growers liked that method for Fem seeds without herms popping up in the main harvest

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I wouldn’t turn it down but rather bust out a blurple to add with only the red spectrum bloom switch on


Doesn’t the sun get less intense though too as it gets further away? I guess even the fall winter sun probably still trumps our lights maxed out lol

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