Harvesting Time

I’ve been harvesting for a few weeks now. Today noticed some bud rot on a few. Probably due to heavy night and early day fog and some of the buds are plumping up. The plant is a Durban Poison(F) x Humboldt Sour Diesel (M) Had topped it twice creating a very dense bushy plant. Didn’t do much trimming until leaves began turning. Started pulling sun leaves. Had a nice rain 2 weeks ago. So…I’ve been taking the lower branches. The pics: First - This is what she looked like full and beginning to flower. Second - A few branches drying. Got the dehydrator going 15 minutes e ery 4 hours. Might add a few more periods cuz they’re drying pretty slow. Third picture - How she looks now without her skirt, a little bony but still sexy, eh?


I think she looks good thinned down. I’m appreciating the work savings having already done some stripping at the beginning of flower. I’m also really appreciating having a few big colas to tons of small “grenades.” At least during harvest, snipping fans off and washing. I trim off pretty much all the leaves where I can easily get the petiole and a clean removal without leaving a stem. It just feels like cleaning up a cola takes about the same time as a hand grenade with 5x the product resulting from the work.

I’m going to have to try a few fully wet-trimmed colas on the next harvest. I did it last year, and had less-than-stellar results for several reasons, mostly that my dry was pretty bad and I didn’t burp jars during curing. I think I’ve solved both of those issues, curious what the cons are to wet trim if you have those other variables tuned up.



Wet trimming can help if you are drying in a more humid environment and you don’t have a drier spot. Otherwise I like the end product of dry trimming. All personal opinion but I like how the leaves wrap around the flowers and create a humidor type environment around them. Helps when I’m drying in 20-30% RH and more plant material means it doesn’t go from wet in the morning to crispy by the time I get home from work. Quality wise I couldn’t tell you there’s a huge difference personally


Very nice grow.

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I always trim soon as the branch come into the house because our humidity here in NW Coastal CA, rarely goes below 60%. Plus I can shake a branch in the morning and most likely moisture will come off due to fog and dew. A plant with a thick bud is susceptible to bid rot early on here. For me anyway, trying to trim with leaves wrapped around the bud takes longer time.
I also trim for the bud rather than the cola so dryer air can flow around the bud. It’s more work but less rot and when I go to pull some out to smoke or dry sift, I’m looking for buds. Whatever works for your situation is the best way to go.


Here’s one I would like opinions for: Do you find cutting and trimming in the deep night creates stronger terpenes etc? I’ve heard yes and no. I got up at 5 AM this morning and cut 5 branches, trimmed them and back to bed by 7 AM.

I didn’t trim up much but I’ll take your advice next year and do it. Seeing the bushy plant is nice, but sure cut a lot of sun form the center and facilitated bud rot when things got going.

Easiest way for me is wet trim a bit of the big/on verge of dying stuff and rest dry trim. No experience trimming night v day.

I wet trim not very well and dry in my shed for like a week to 9 days, run a cannabrush on them right before removing from stems then the nugs or colas go into a hand grocery basket like you see at Albertson or Walmart they have vented baskets. I then let them stay in the basket for 4-5 days dumping them into a new basket every 24hrs to make sure they aren’t stagnating. Then into weathertite totes with 62% humidity packets rated for the weight of flower in tote. I don’t final trim. I hate trimming. I’m sure the hell not going to trim at 5 AM lol :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


What the hell is a Cannabrush? I just googled it, looks like a neat tool.

Interesting. You like it?


ya I used it a little last year, I plan on using it a lot this year. I got two :peace_symbol:
CannaBrush CB1000 Trimming Brush, White + Free Shipping (amazon.com)

I read where a basting brush does much the same at a much cheaper price. Apparently the buds have to be bone dry for this to work, but I don’t understand how it can knock off material without knocking off tricomes. But if you can get it to do the job you want, go for it and good luck!
I’ll stick with trimming the branch(s) soon as I get them in the house as an active meditation- works for me.


It’s not, the person that wrote that needs to “lay of the kush” try using a basting brush and a cannabrush in the same sitting. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

Temps next week will be 28/30 degrees F, for 2 nights…should I chop down before it gets that cold?

I’m not dealing with freezing temps, but for me, it would depend on how long temps stay below 36 - 40 degrees (F) More than 2 days i’d cut. How mature the buds are. If milky, I begin to cut. If I could protect from freeze: cover, Christmas lights etc. A freeze and thaw could start bud rot. So all together, if the buds have at least begun to plump up, I’d cut. But others who have to deal with those conditions probably have more experience. Good luck!