Couple of outdoor autos from last summer

I primarily grow photos but enjoy experimenting/exploring so I started some auto seeds. I had indoors 3-4 weeks and move them outside.

Bruce Banner auto from seed stockers. Got some nice colouring towards the end. Lovely afternoon/early evening smoke.


Gelato auto has a funky woody minty peppery thing going on lol Nice mellow effects tho I do like it


Running anything this summer?

Welcome to OG!

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Thanks! Late autumn here in oz. I will prob run a few over late spring and summer for sure.

Nice, land down under!

Well they look great. :sunglasses::+1:

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What do ya think of the autos? I was wierd about them too until I grew one. They’re fun

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I like them, I believe they have their place. I have a pack of mephisto double grape and forum stomper I’ll do indoors soon enough.


Very nice my friend! Welcome

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Welcome to OG, I love growing them autos too. I will have to try them outside as I have only grown them indoors. Still illegal in MD till July 1st :partying_face::peace_symbol:

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Yea the govt here needs to pull their head out of their asses. I’m ok with one or two around the yard over summer. Congratulations on being legal soon that’s awesome to hear bud :call_me_hand:

Cheers topshelf great friendly bunch here.

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