CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread


Thanks! It’s a good system and I have ideas for improvement.


Lactic Acid Bacteria, I’m sure there is a tutorial here on this thread somewhere how to make it. if not you can see in my KNF shelf thread too.

Its pretty easy, wash rice, let that water sit for a day or 2, mix 1 part with 10 part organic milk, let that sit till it separates, strain the liquid, this is your LAB, you can supersaturate that with brown sugar for shelf stable or you can store in the fridge as is

4mL to the gallon everytime you fill the res


Excellent! We’ve got more goat milk than we can drink. lol
We mix the extra milk with the dogs food. I don’t think the dogs would mind if they don’t get a gallon of it every now and then. :joy:
Thanks @BeagleZ !


oh man, you will have the best LAB!!! single source milk oh my oh my :slight_smile:
feed the curds to your animals, they love it and its super good for them!!

Check out Chris Trump or Dr Drake on you tube for detailed video tutorials


Will do.


Thanks @CADMAN .
I will read that now.


Ok, so my goats are crosses of Nigerian Dwarf (average 6.1% fat content) and Nubian (average 5% fat content).
The milk they produce is ~5.4% fat.
However, goat milk has less lactose than cow milk does. That’s why lactose intolerant people can drink it.
If lactose is the most important element in the mix, would not cow milk be a better choice?
I’m still using goat milk because I have plenty but I was just wondering.


The fat content does not really matter, you will just get less curds the less fat you have.
As far as the lactose, the goat milk has plenty of lactose for the lactobacillus to overpopulate.

You could try both and see which one works better, but ill bet my bottom dollar the milk from your goats on your property will get you better results.

Another thought… is goat milk usually pasteurized? if not that may be why lactose intolerant folks can drink it, cause they are getting LAB with the milk. when we drink pasteurized milk we are drinking the dead bodies so they cant help in our gut to break down the lactose.
If you are lactose intolerant, just take a couple mL of LAB everyday, problem solved


I’ll be putting some together ASAP. Thanks guys.


I’ve never drank pasteurized goat milk. I can’t drink processed cow milk without being nauseous for a day or so and other disgusting aspects of sickness along with it. We started raising goats many years ago so I could drink milk. Store bought milk has no flavor anyway. lol


@mobilly here are a couple links to useful videos on making LABS. CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread - #44 by GrowingInThePines These and other links can be found in the Link Farm at the top of this thread. Good luck!!!


Not sure what mag this came from. Someone posted it on the Bodhi thread a while back.


I can try to decipher for you….


Old Bodhi strain list


Thank you CB! :+1:t4:


No problemo homie! If you have questions feel free to ask away! This is a good reminder that I need to make a new batch soon. Starting to run a bit low.


It’s from an old-ass issue of Skunk, I think like ten or eleven years back. I actually have that one in the stacks of old “weed mags” in a closet here.

Some people hoard old Hustlers and Penthouses and shit; I hoard old weed magazines haha.


@minitiger If you ever run across it would you mind snapping a better picture for everyone?


Well, I’m not gonna “run across” it haha; there’s a reason they’re stacked way back in a closet. But I’ll see if I can find that issue (I actually have a few things I need to do today. For once haha). There are a LOT of Skunks in there, though, I can’t guarantee that I’ll maintain interest long enough to flip through them all to find that specific issue haha.

That Wookie thing was in the “MILF” (Marijuana I’d Like to Find) section of the mag, where they basically just took grow/smoke reports from online and published them in the printed version of the magazine. I’m fairly certain that if it was in the mag, Bodhi wrote the same thing somewhere online (breedbay, probably). I highly doubt that Skunk contacted him and paid him to write a little blurb about Wookie specifically for the magazine haha, so it’s probably somewhere on the internet. But yeah, I’ll dig through those mags at some point in the next day or two.