CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Anyone ever tried or have any experiences with KIS Organics products? I’ve always wanted to try some of their soils or amendments but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


I’ve never tried his products (not available where I am) but he comes across as very knowledgeable on his podcast - Cannabis Cultivation and Science Podcast Podcast Series – Apple Podcasts


Never tried it but I love their approach, one product is a nutrient and a reamend kit all in one.


I ordered some gypsum and some aloe from them once and also their fungal-heavy compost. It’s kind of hard to fuck up gypsum or aloe haha, but the compost seemed good enough. I only got a half-gallon of it to make some AACT’s, but yeah, it seemed fine. My plants didn’t die or anything, anyway haha.


For some reason, this product confuses me and I can’t grasp an answer in my head. They claim the bed sits on the tray and wicks water up, but pots won’t work in the same fashion. I guess the pots require some sort of a stake. Wouldn’t the bed require the same? I like the idea of the product, but I don’t want to be committed run a garden bed. I love fabric pots for f2 projects etc.

Puna Buddah finishing up


1HQ from Boneyard Seeds NorCal in a city picker container.


1HQ different view


Super excited for this!!


No Mike Carrol?!?


I’ve used their water only soil mix for my SIPs. I grabbed a couple of bags when I first got to my new spot because I was in a hurry to get up and running. They shipped pretty quick (they’re only like 2 hours away from me anyways). The soil mix performed pretty well, I’d say on par with BAS 3,0 mix or any mix I could make up myself, it’s just expensive (unless you bulk order and pick it up). I can go back and find the grow with it in my log, I think it was the one with GG4 in the SIPs. I also ordered some AgSil16H from there and it’s been solid… still have like half the bag two years later. They seem like a solid alternative to BAS, if you’re in the PNW especially. I haven’t ordered anything from them recently though, that’s just my experience two years ago.


Nice! Fellow “old man” skater here. I don’t follow skate news much anymore or even get to skate much but I read that Eric Koston quit his own board company and is rumored to go back to Girl.


Dude, I know! There are a few members that I’m kinda bummed aren’t gonna be there, but I don’t really keep updated on skate news. No Guy Mariano or Eric Koston? Should be pretty fucking awesome though!! Haven’t been to a demo in years!! Gonna take my oldest son and give him a proper introduction! Daggers!!


That’s awesome dude! An experience I would’ve loved to share with my old man back in the day. Good on ya bud! Hope you guys have a blast!


Sorry if my post about the autopot bed came off as a non coherent rant I was really baked and trying to see if anyone knew


Yeah, that’s why I ordered from them a couple times, just because I’m pretty sure it’s closer to me than BAS. I actually just ordered some more of that fungal compost a couple days ago, totally forgot about KIS until crunch asked about them.

My mom sent me like three boxes of old-ass photographs a few years back and as I was digging through them I found some pics of me with Tony Hawk haha. They’re from, like, ‘89, when Tony was still doing demos in the parking lots of skate shops and he wasn’t worth a billion dollars haha.

There’s a few pics of me with Mike McGill, too, but I don’t even know if anybody remembers that that’s the guy that invented the Mctwist anymore… haha!


Thanks for the tip @unomas! I think a lot of those guys from the legends class are probably starting board companies (BA, Marc Johnson, Eric Koston, etc) then realize the business side sucks and it’s more fun just to skate.

I vote you post those photos!!


Couple of boards from my quiver:

Maybe OG needs a skate thread??


Thanks brother! This will definitely be an eye opening experience for the young whipper-snapper. My parents took me to demos and to Mt. Trashmore back in the day to watch the skaters on the 1/2 pipes, so I’m just carrying on. It’s going to be so cool to see these dudes up close.
I just realized with all of the excitement of Halloween and everything I forgot to tell dude yesterday. Ha!


I think your kid needs to see you back on a board, Crunch :wink:


Nice dude, I had to come to skating and snowboarding on my own, folks were not really having it. Ultimately it made me appreciate both more, but it would’ve been nice to have their support and have em take me to demos and shit like that