CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Haha, if I can figure out how to blur my face, I will. I’m sure my girl knows how to do it. Not that it would really matter, I guess, since I look significantly different now than I did when I was thirteen haha.

Haven’t heard that name in, ohhhhh, 35 years?


We push around in the street occasionally, but nothing too serious. I’ve been meaning to take him up to this little skate spot close to the house so I can show him some slappies. Ha! Wish me luck!


Right! That place was like an 80’s east coast Mecca for skating. I was doing a little research and it sounds like they’ve expanded the skatepark past just the 1/2 pipes. Might have to check it out the next time we head to Va Beach.


Put a nickel over your face and then take a picture of the picture. We don’t need professional quality

Or better yet, a nug of your choosing


Yeah, I remember seeing it in old Thrasher magazines and in the first couple Bones Brigade videos, too, I think.

Dude, I’m sure they’ve poured concrete and built “half”-bowls and little “street skating” things there by now. They’ve done that everywhere, seems like city councils finally said,”Fuck it, they’re gonna skate no matter what…” haha.

I envy kids now. I don’t wanna sound like a,”Back in my day!” dude, but, uh, back in my day haha the only “official” skate spot in Tampa was the Bro Bowl, which was not really conducive to actual skating (horrible dimensions, clearly built by somebody who knew nothing about skating) and situated right on the edge of some of the most dangerous housing projects in Tampa. I used to get broken glass and rocks and shopping carts thrown at me all the time while I was trying to skate, which I guess was part of the fun. Got jumped by like fifteen project motherfuckers once, too, when my mom dropped me off there one Sunday evening (love my mom, but I have no idea what she was thinking haha) and nobody else was skating.

Now there’s super-nice skate parks all over the place. And not in the projects, either haha…

I was thinking I’d just scan it, if I remember to do it at all haha.


Mustard meal in the worm bin goes HARD! lol. It’s taking down all the bell pepper sprouts that I never cleaned out and turning it into food lol.

Almost ready to plug my plants into my EB Jr’s! They’re in half gal’s filling out still.


Hell yea man, it was a skill set in and of itself to find skateable features in areas that you wouldn’t get kicked out of immediately. Half the reason me and my friends got into box and mountain biking was just because it got you into the woods and farther away from cops and security guards :joy:


Couldn’t do mountain biking in Tampa, since the only “mountains” are the phosphate mines across the bay. Gawd, I hate Tampa… haha. Such a gross-ass town.

Anyway, thanks for reminding me about those Tony Hawk/Mike McGill pics, I totally forgot about that. I decided this morning that I’m not gonna do anything today, so I’ll see if I can find those and post them here, if anybody actually cares haha.


Here’s me and my crew with Mike McGill haha:

Scan 1

Dig the Animal Chin t-shirt. Remember that one? “Have You Seen Him?” haha…

I dug around for a minute and couldn’t find the pics of us with Tony Hawk, not gonna spend too much time on this haha, but here’s a few shots from the demo:

Scan 2

He’s very clearly the greatest skater in the world, busting out a sloppy manual on the deck haha. I like the kid in the background to the very left, all with his chin on his hand, really studying Tony’s moves.

Here’s Tony bailing:

Scan 3

And here he is just waiting to shred in a sweet-ass headband:

Anybody recognize the dude in the Mission UK t-shirt next to Tony? I don’t know who that is, but he was obviously part of the demo. He and Tony are wearing matching headbands. They have the same haircut, too.

And here’s me doing a big-ass boneless haha:

Scan 5

These pics are obviously from two different demos, since I’m wearing a different shirt. I thought Tony and McGill were from the same thing, but I guess not. Anyway, yeah, pretty funny.

But check out what they set up for a demo with some of the best skaters in the world back then, @CrunchBerries: a quarter pipe and a shitty platform. I guarantee you that Mount Thrashmore has improved since then haha…


That’s so sick! Very cool place and time to be and you got some wicked shots! :skateboard::evergreen_tree:


Eh… It was a cool time for sure, totally different than now, with the constant self-promotion and the “how can I monetize every aspect of my life???” bullshit. I mean, even then, Tony Hawk (who is for sure not my favorite skater, btw) was pretty huge, but we were right there, skating with him. It’s definitely different now.

Cool place? Not so much haha. Tampa’s a shithole. Florida’s a shithole. Always has been, always will be. I don’t ever remember a time when I wasn’t thinking,”I’m leaving here as soon as I can.”


Americas basement. Everything down there is old, damp, moldy, and barely works


Wow! That shit is beardy!! Have you been using mustard meal for long?

Did I see you are running fems in those jr’s?


Nice! @minitiger!! Definitely dig the Animal Chin shirt, almost as much as that brand spanking new pair of Airwalks!



Morning Y’all,
It’s been a minute. Hope everyone is well and starting to get into the holiday spirit. I’ll be taking a significant amount of time off from work over the next couple months, so expect to see a lot of me around.

Veg tent update. Most everything is still unsexed. The plants that have been topped I have the cutting sitting in water. Space Monkey #2 cut has already put out roots. Hoping the cuts will show sex soon.

Soul Mate- Wookie- C Needs to get topped and up-potted.

Good Medicine- F3 Untopped.

DLA 5 F2- Untopped. #2 runt finally coming around.

Black Triangle- topped

Space Monkey- #3 untopped,

Flower tent planted on 11/10/23
Everyone is starting to get accustomed to their new environment and I’m seeing signs of growth. Most have made the transition pretty smoothly, but there are a couple that had a difficult transplant. I haven’t filled the reservoir yet and only minimally topwatered during transplant. I’ve foliared a couple times with a comfrey fpj, sea-90, FAA, cytoplus brew. I was waiting for some SS4 to root which seems to take forever if it happens at all. SS4 C cut seems easier to root. Took like 12 cuts of SS4 A on 10/31 and only one has shown any signs of rooting. Immediately transplanted it to soil, bagged it and am LITFA! While waiting for things to either root or sex I got impatient and planted what clones I had on deck. There are some clones I haven’t run before, so their will be some mystery to keep things interesting.

I changed how my fan/filter is set up, so it now dumps the air out of the room instead of just recirculating. It’s my hope to keep my temps in check and see some different expressions. The true test will come next summer…

Soul Mate- Pinesoul- D This cut of Soulmate was my favorite from the precure test. The flavor and high were great! I left it untopped last time and only got two quart jars. I have already topped it once and plan to veg longer this time to try and maximize yield. Also, it’s in an OG EB.

Soul Mate- Wookie- C I ran this cut last round and wanted to give it another shot. Not as PineSouly as the other pheno I found, but that flavor is there and the high is strong. Better yield. Very sappy!

Lemon Wookie V2 -B I ran this cut last round but planted it late and it stayed kinda of stunted and immature throughout flower. What I did harvest was a very intense lemon flavor with a decent high.

Lemon Wookie V2- B

Soulmate- Wookie-C

Soul Mate- A Unrun mystery cut. Untopped. Looking a little unhappy still.

Lemon Wookie V2- A- Ran this last round and like the smoke from what I’ve tried. I’m going to SCROG this round, so I hope to keep the height contained a bit better.

Fuck! Alright I’ve had enough phone! I’m going to check into work, pray no one has emailed me, then I’m going bassin’. Supposed to get up to 70 today and my wife and youngest are going to her moms. I’m thinking some pumpkin jig and craw combo or maybe a chatter bait is going to light-em up today!

Be good family~ Crunchy

PS @HorseBadorites ive been smoking on Dream Beaver and really like the smoke. I have one pheno that is more earthy and the other, that I like more, has an artificial grape/purple flavor. Both have a soaring, well balanced high that I like very much! Herms be damned! I’ll definitely give them another day in court! Thanks again buddy!!


Garden looks great crunch! Jealous of your bass in’ outing, I’m running around today trying to button a bunch of shit up before we leave for a week or so, not the least of which is the garden. Good luck man :v:t2::v:t2:


Thanks man! I’m gonna try and get out again tomorrow also. Gonna be a tad cloudier, so maybe the topwater bite will be on.
Have a safe trip brother!


I am so glad to hear that, thanks for the update :slight_smile: The nanners just add to the flavor, lol!


Shewwweee lot going on over there :slight_smile: Looking good brother. Hope you got a lunker or 2,3


Thanks buddy! Naw, I got skunked! Going to be a better day tomorrow. I think the cloud cover and warm temps are going to make for some good topwater fishin’