CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Hey bud, no worries about derailing the thread with worm chatter. Worm farming and fresh EWC are an important part of my gardening regimen. Yup, I’ve been keeping worms for a number of years now. I have a Can-O-Worms and used to have a 27 gal tub also. Downgraded to just the CoW after the newborn. I’m actually looking to start a new bin or get another premade option, as my current needs are exceeding production.

That Az worm farm link has some great resources and their YouTube videos are great also. If they can make it work outdoors in AZ, you could make it work in your garage. I always suggest people just keep them tucked in a corner, basement, or in a closet inside their home. There is literally no smell or escaping critters. If I can sell my wife on it, anyone can.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, just like,”People do this all over the place. It CAN be done,” haha.

I read a little bit of that RIU thread and the AZ thing you posted links to, but I’ll check them out more thoroughly later tonight. I’m sooooooo fucking sick of buying compost and castings haha…

:joy::joy::joy: I’m not worried about that. My girl’s tolerated a lot worse… That’s funny, though.


The few photos I have of this sub-irrigated garden project that I did from 2021 to 2022. I had to adapt a little to my reality at the time. It’s hard to find great trays and the ones I found were very expensive. So I opted for this “reservoir” that I made with waterproof canvas. Nice to find this post here!

Have a great day, OG


allrighty so i havent updated my sip pots thingy cuz ive tossed it away and turned my 4x4tent into a giant auto pot tray

so in my understanding autopots are a form of sip
but at 400$ a set of 4 its a bit pricy but an aqua valve custs around 20-40$ its stated to cover a 1mX1m tray a 4x4 flood table costed me 110$

pots i have enough around house already
only issue i have so far is nutrient leaching from soil into tray with light it makes it gunky with algea


Make sure those black lines are out of the sun. The water will be SCORCHING in them and your plants will not be happy.

I just use my garden hose to water my SIPs but I have to run it 30 seconds or so until the water is a comfy temp.


I been thinking about that too. All of it will be in direct sun. But only 4 hrs direct. I got a little parasol over the reservoir

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Exactly! It’s almost as expensive as golf buying all this shit.
You should totally do it, I just mixed up up about 30 gallons of soil using my own compost/EWC. Better than anything I could buy. You have total control over what’s going in so yeah, can’t recommend enough.


For sure. I’ve read a ton about it, kind of feel like I have a grasp on it (famous last words… haha), but the heat and cold issues in the garage have made me a little apprehensive. I was planning on putting some bins in the bathroom in my grow room a few years ago, which is where I dry my plants, but after really researching it, there’s just wouldn’t be enough room when I’m hanging plants and shit.

So maybe I’ll try the garage. It does get super-hot in there in the summer, well over 100 degrees, but hopefully it’ll still work and the worms won’t die or anything haha.


Happy Mother’s Day!




Cruising right along!


Mornin’ Y’all,
Hope everyone is easy! First up, let’s all wish ole’ @BeagleZ the happiest of Happy Birthdays!! Yurt Launch 2024!?!?

Day 50f

Sunshine 4 7&8

Black Triangle

Good Medicine f3


DLA 5 f2

Lavender Jack

Dragon Hammer

Space Monkey


Happy Birthday @BeagleZ !

@CrunchBerries I’m loving the pics, they have almost a rustic look to them. Like a 90s garage grow :sunglasses:

What kind of smells are you getting from the DLA F2. I have about 30 of those from Rosinallday. Is that who you got these from?


I’ve never really smelled herb like this before. It has an oniony-gamy thing going on and I may have even smelled something like mint on the back end. Yes, I got these from Rosinallday a few years ago. I’ve got another unflowered female in veg that I’ll flower out this next round.

Thank you for putting so much detailed information out there on this strain. It’s appreciated!!


Thanks brother! And yes, a yurt needs to be in the near future!!

Plants are looking amazing as per usual!

Thank you!!! :pray:



Happy Birthday !! @BeagleZ

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Happy birthday @BeagleZ Hope it’s all going smooth over there!!

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Day 10 flower !


Evening Y’all,
Hope everyone is well! Quick day 59f photo dump.

Sunshine4 7&8

Black Triangle

Good Medicine F3
Found :banana:s yesterday while looking them over. Smells like candied tropical fruit :mango:


DLA 5 F2

Lavender Jack
Will likely be coming down soon, as I hear this is a 60 day’er.

Dragon Hammer

Space Monkey


Looking beautiful as always!