CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Looking fire Crunch! That tent is going off right now! :fire::star_struck::+1:


Man, I don’t think I noticed how thin and “Sativa”-ish the leaves on those plants looked until just now. That’s pretty cool… haha. And a little surprising, maybe? I dig it. I like the way the fans are sorta growing away from the meristem, too. Intriguing-looking plants, for sure.


Day 16f in the 3x3 and flipping the 4x4 this week!


Howdy folks, great thread you have here! I finished reading through the whole thing about a week ago, and I’ve got the wheels turning on a DIY SIP! I’ve only grown with salts so far, and the results have been decent, but I think I’ve smoked enough weed now that my connection to the plant spirits is telling me to go the living soil way lol. That and I’m tired of measuring/mixing nutes and shit.

One question I have is, does anyone use these for more of a pheno hunt/SOG style grow? I like to shove 8 or so plants in a 2x4 for the variety. Yield is not a concern for this lightweight. I’m barely halfway through my harvest from last August! I kinda wanna do half my tent in a living soil bed then the other half a 27 or 33 gal SIP. Maybe a dumb idea but either way I’m stoked to get going with this!


I don’t use SIPs so I can’t answer your question, but I like your screen name haha. Have you read that book? It’s pretty entertaining, although because it was published in 2012, there’s still a fairly heavy emphasis on the Dutch scene. Fun read, though, worth checking out for sure. In fact, I may re-read it today, only read it once.


Welcome @HeartOfDankness! No one has posted any such grows using micro-sips, but I think @bassman5420 still uses his 3D printed micros for vegging plants. There are design ideas for micros in the Link Farm. Your biggest concern would be staying on top of feeding your plant, as the growth may outpace the nutrient availability. Good luck and keep us posted!


Haha, I actually didn’t know about the book you’re referring to. I was doing a hilarious play off of the 19th century novella by Joseph Conrad. I read it at some point in high school and TBH it was mostly the title that stuck with me. It was also the inspiration for Apocalypse Now so there’s that.

@CrunchBerries thanks dude! It’s great to be here. Now I’m reconsidering the DIY route because I’m remembering how bad I typically am at DIY :joy: and Earth Boxes seem good and reasonably priced. But then again I do have more HD totes than I really need (bought a couple to move all my grow stuff to a new house recently.) I’m probably just gonna go the EB route and leave the possibility to build a big ass DIY rig later down the line when I have more time and energy. I will be sure to post some updates when I can, but if you don’t hear from me it’s because I have a toddler who will soon be getting a baby sister :astonished: so who knows if I will be able to do much other than lurk lol. Cheers!


As @CrunchBerries said, I have used 3D printed SIP’s I made in the past for veg. Seeing as you want to run 8 plants in a 2x4 to pheno hunt, personally I would do 2 City Pickers in the 2x4 since it will fill up most of the floor space, then do 4 plants in each. I hate the cover that comes with them, so I also would advise getting some black plastic trash bags to cut in half and use as the covers. I also use some elastic cord cut down and tied to make a big band to hold it around the lip. Just my 2 cents on your situation. 4 Earthbox Jr’s would work as well, just a bit more expensive etc.


Here’s an idea for some small ones. As I’ve learned over the last several weeks of committing atrocities on those poor plants, they work better with a 5.8-6 ph using salts (Osmocote). It seems in these small ones, once the plant gets big it sorta defeats the purpose of being a SIP since it out drinks the res’s capacity (.25-.5 gallons) in a 24 hour period. Not good if you also forget to fill one.

I’ll echo the City Picker recommendation, especially if you catch them on sale. But you’re 33% of the way there going the DIY route, just need a void (the lid sitting atop some bricks) and fill tube.


Yeah, I know the Joseph Conrad story. There’s also a really good documentary about the making of Apocalypse Now called Hearts of Darkness that’s almost as good as the movie itself. But good luck finding it now… haha.

Sorry to derail, Crunch.


Nice pics crunchberries!! I’ve read your thread like 3 times and have to say it is one of the most interesting threads I’ve read to date… the knowledge in this thread is insaaaane!!! You guys are all awesome for what you all do… especially for other growers… bravo :clap: :clap: :clap:

Color me watching! :green_heart:


You can also consider the autopot self watering tray and put 1-2 gallon fabric pots in it. I’m unsure of how many would fit but I’d guess a fair amount of small pots would work in it. You would just have to be mindful of the fact that you’ll amend fairly often and figure out a regiment which isn’t hard.


@Low.Poly here’s a good thread to peruse for most of your soil needs and questions. Come and learn! And go check @BeagleZ corner out :sunglasses:

Hope you don’t mind me sending inquisitive minds over to check your wares, crunch. :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart: Keep killing it.


Thank you :pray::pray::pray::pray:


@HeartOfDankness Congratulations on the newest addition to the family!! Two kids is where shit gets real!! Hold onto your special lady friend and enjoy every minute of these early years. There are only so many years where your children will run to you and the rest of the time you’ll be running after them.


Of course not @DirtySlowToes ! Welcome to the party @Low.Poly


Thanks dude! 37 weeks today…fingers crossed for an easy delivery sometime before that baby hits 9 pounds lol. Totally hear ya…I spent a lot of the first year of my older daughter’s life wishing away time because she was sick and colicky for so much of it. It’s way better now and I’m able to cherish our time a lot more. I’m hoping I can be a better infant parent this time around and enjoy having an itty bitty baby again because I don’t think I’d be down for a third haha!

In other thread related news, I just blew 170 bucks on some EarthBoxes. Daddy’s early Father’s Day present to me, from me :see_no_evil: . I got one classic, 2 root&veg (square), and 2 JRs. I will probably throw a tomato in the classic outside. Maybe one of the JRs on the deck for some greens, or side by side in a 2x2 for vegging? We shall see. Then I think I will use one or both of the root and veg for my next run in my 2x4. I’ve still got probably a week or two til there’s enough space in there. Plus there’s the whole baby thing…but either way I’m excited to start SIP-ping on some sizzurp!


Two city pickers fit nicely in a 2x4…


Goin on 4weeks F these girls have been on super easy mode ! Flipped as soon as they started taking off!


Mornin’ Y’all,

Hope everyone is well! Day 66 chop was two days ago and I’m just getting some time to do a quick update. Pleased with how this round developed. Had a hiccup there early on, but overall things progressed according to plan. Love the new light and excited to see how it does from start to finish on this next go-round!

I would like to take a moment to thank @Higgins for their generosity, kind spirit and patience. It’s so cool to be able to run these strains and get a better idea of what I like and what works best for me. Thank you, big homie!!

Well, since this last rounds in the books I need to start looking to the future. Someday, I’ll have another set of sips so I can lessen the amount of down time and have a smoother transition between runs. All SIPs have been moved downstairs to the garage and I’ve begun the process of reset. Moving fully loaded EB’s down flights of steps is a bitch! Love my 10 gals for that reason!!!

Thinking this next round will consist of Chem D, Santa Cruz Blue Dream, Bubba, Giesel, Tahoe OG, Om4, Legend OG, and one more uncertain choice. Need to get in the tent and look over what’s available. I do have a BlackTriangle, DLA 5 f2, and Good Medicine f3 that haven’t been flowered out yet, so it will probably be one from those. Also have clones of everything from last round to consider.

I set up two City/Patio Pickers a couple weeks ago for the outdoor season. I will most likely run a Sunshine 4 7&8 and a Space Monkey. Really looking forward to growing under the sun :sunny: They should get planted and acclimated to the great outdoors today or tomorrow.

Welp, I thinks that’s all the updating I can handle for one day. Ha! Hope everyone is well and enjoying life. More updates to come as I get everything reset and planted.


Good Medicine F3 @LegsMahoney

Irene- @Higgins

DLA 5 F2 @Rosinallday

Black Triangle

Sunshine 4 7&8 @baddawg

Dragon Hammer @Higgins

Space Monkey and Lavender Jack

Lavender Jack @Higgins

Space Monkey