CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Lookin great man! Will be curious on your thoughts on some of them. That lavender jack is one of my favorites, so tasty with a nice high. Dragon hammer & irene looking great too… I’m looking forward to trying that them out in a month or so when they’re done flowering.


Hi all. Been using this method of growing for going on fifteen years and have created my own variations on it. I do microgrowing and microbreeding so use smaller SOG size versions almost exclusively.

Here’s a snap of one of my Apollo 13 f5 grown SOG in 2.5L micro SIP. Full of seeds for F6.

I used to do a lot of KNF but recently shifted more to JADAM. Plants are really loving it.

I have skimmed the thread a little but will try dig in more over the next while (there’s a lot here but I’ll get through it)


Will definitely check this out !


Crunch lookin great!


About a month out . These girls have been super healthy and happy I don’t believe I’ll do anything other than sub irrigation indoors!


Those are looking really healthy.


Thank you this is my second attempt with sub irrigation, I was just perusing your mini sip thread, love it ! It just might be the blueprint for my mother tent!


Give it a try, yes. It’s pretty good system when I have plants in here that have only been fed water, and are still healthy green when being harvested. Growing for seed here so don’t want them to fade at the end if possible and remain healthy throughout. They’re all pretty similar systems but SOG you have to think a bit differently, that’s all.


day something or another I’d have to look at the log but filling in nicely smelling so good!


Lovely grow, brother! :eyes: I can’t wait to see a thread dedicated to your own work! :+1:


Thank you I am truly converted! I love big body soil but unfortunately not enough room indoors to dedicate. Perhaps this new cycle I’ll make a thread , I’m running black lime marmalade in another tent and they as of this morning broke ground!


Looking good, @Slurreme-i-am !! Love the updates!


Crunch thank you for the push ! I really love this way of growing!


Figured I would post this in the good ole SIP thread before I dumped it into one of mine as well.

I have been saving all these plastic cat litter buckets since it would cost like 8$ at the hardware store to get a bucket and lid. After finding out they are made with food grade plastic, I decided to make some “pheno hunting” SIP’s so I can run 9 of them in a 4x4.
The buckets cleaned pretty easy and there will be no shortage of these buckets so I might as well find more uses right?
It takes 2 buckets to make 1 unit, but I think it will be well worth it in the end.

I started by cutting 4" off the bottom of a bucket, as 4" is about perfect to fit in tight and still have around a 1 gallon res in the bottom when done.

I drill holes in the bottom insert and scribed/cut a hole for a medium sized net pot to fit in since I randomly had 50 of them on hand from a 3$ coupon I found a couple years back.

I put another insert on the other, but from the outside instead of the inside so it would just sandwich them together when weight is applied.

I cut a notch in the lid so I could still use it as a mulch cover and be able to open it easy and apply top dressing and liquid goodies to the top and of course I put a hole in the insert and lid for the fill tube :+1: Since I cut the notch out of the lid with a box cutter, it fit back in place perfectly sort of like my 3D printed SIP’s I made.

And finally here is it with the tube installed.

That is enough out of me, have a good day. :metal:


Nice job! That’s almost exactly what the GGG growers used to use for their grows (but theirs were bigger) they will work great :+1:


Ya Earthboxes etc add up after a bit and limit you quite a bit with their dimensions. These seemed perfect for what I was going to be wanting.

Are you talking about the black and yellow totes people turn into SIP’s? Not sure who GGG is.


Ah sorry, I meant the Gage Green growers/breeders. They made a design very close to yours but with larger tubs and they grew completely monsters in there regularly. Solid design


I should have followed up on my earlier post about the EB Jr’s. I love the yield I got from them, for me personally as I don’t smoke as much as some heavy hitters here. I did under amend them a bit toward the end. Lesson learned. The OG earthboxes I still find to be the best way to grow overall. But the JR’s have a time and a place for sure. I’ll definitely keep them for future use.


Nice design! I actually recently turned a couple of kitty litter buckets into plant containers as well - one DWC and one SIP (using @Even’s design in my case.) I’m interested in why you note that your buckets are food grade. Does that matter for plants? I used generic Target brand because I’m cheap, and I’m not sure if those are food grade HDPE. I know a lot of people grow in orange Homer buckets and those aren’t food grade apparently since they are made with recycled HDPE. I try not to worry about this type of stuff too much because plastic is pretty much in the air we breathe at this point, but every now and then I get reminded like this and it’s like fuck.

Anyway, here’s my tent featuring a DWC bucket on the left (hey, I gotta use up these salts somehow right?), my DIY SIP in the back middle, a Root&Veg EarthBox on the right, and a EB Jr. in the front center. That DWC plant should be done within a few days so that the plants in that Jr. can spread out (yes, I put two in there lol…it was 3 but one was male). You can’t really see the containers though because the growth is just so damn vigorous! Everything in SIPs is about a month into flower.

One more thing while I’m here…I made some LABS last week. What do now? Do you just put it in the reservoir? Approximately how much per gallon do you use?

Cheers homies! :bigjoint:


I always did a TBSP per gallon but I’m no expert. You can even foliar spray it as the plants really love that.