CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

I don’t eat healthy when I’m drinking. Oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast are out; fucking bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches on croissants are in haha. Horrible…


LOL yup… figured someone would pick up on that :slight_smile:
my buddy owns a pick your own blueberry farm and they are fantastic!


dont get me wrong, i think ferments like FPE are great. just make it yourself, dont buy a bunch of water.
But you kow what they say @OkieWormFarmer “stink in, stank out”


I wish I could tie eating bacon egg and cheese croissants to my drinking, sadly that’s just SOP for my inner fat kid :joy::joy:


Oh man sending you destroyer vibes I haven’t had to deal with spider mites yet(knock on wood) hopefully you caught it early enough to get rid of the fuckers with a quickness sending good vibes your way glad it was near the end on the run much love @CrunchBerries


I feel for you @CrunchBerries. Trying to eradicate root aphids off my moms without systemic pesticides. Hoping you finish up OK.


I mostly do worm beds with produce. I was getting so much produce that I would select the best stuff for KNF/JADAM. A soil test helps me more than any single input. I don’t think that many people get their soil and JADAM solution tested at Logan Labs either, so they are just cramming inputs into their soil while not exactly knowing what they are inputting. I don’t spend money on gimmicks anymore, I make my own inputs and have them tested along with my soil. It gave me the confidence to go commercial. I’m better at identifying deficiencies, but I would rather have my soil tested and know that there is a problem before the signs. I really can’t tell which has helped me more JADAM or hiring a soil agronomist because I started them around the same time… It was Hyroot from RIU that got me into ferments. I was having trouble with micronutrients and he got me into SIPS+Ferments and things have been looking nice since then. I think that the SIP helped more than the ferment. However, after I hired the soil agronomist, I was able to rock 8gal pots w/o issues and JADAM JLS has been my go to(just had to add calcium).
The flavor and terpenes that I was talking about wasn’t anything that I have read, just some assumptions that I was making. The main reason why I fermented blueberries to begin with was that I was looking for a high Mn input. I read that blueberries are acid loving plants that sometimes have Mn toxicity because of the soil Ph. It was a stretch thinking that it would enhance the purple pigment or the flavor of the plant, I just wanted to hear someone’s honest opinion on it. My compost is earthy/cedar AF and so are my plants, I thought that there could have been some connection?


There has to be something like a nematode, black soldier fly, or predatory mite that eats them? I was having serious issues with gnats and even a thrip problem, but my compost eradicated them. I saw that I had a thrip problem, but they have to go to the soil to lay eggs. Spider mites are a lot harder to control because they don’t need the soil… Are you using any compost? I can’t sell my compost because “it has too many bugs in it”. They are referring to springtails, soil predatory mites, black soldier fly larvae, and roly-poly. I’m thinking about buying some nematodes online because I don’t think that I have the right species. My compost has gnats and grubs, the same species that controls thrips also controls the other two. I have Black Soldier Fly larvae that I bought online back in March and I don’t have gnats/thrips anymore… Nematodes might be your best bet…


Just posting this as a means of helping some out should they search this.if you use the earthbox Jr’s , don’t veg out the plant as big as I did!


Lol, ya that thing is getting big in there indeed. Are you up potting it into a Earthbox Original?


I sure did


Awesome! I am interested to see how long it takes to settle in and get happy.


Figure I would post an update. Week 9 complete (last Wednesday) and I took one plant down. 5 remaining.

Soulmate week 5 complete. I like these plants. Great structure. Great smell.


Hey, how are things going for you? I really don’t know what to say to make you feel better because I know what it’s like going through catastrophe like you are right now. Are you able to salvage any of your genetics or anything?


Morning y’all,
Everything got the axe yesterday @63f. I would have let them ride another week, but everything is done enough considering all I’ve experienced this run.
I took cuts of SS4 A, B, and C which I haven’t run yet and will likely do a redemption run. Smoke test dependent of course.
Here’s some pics:

Hope y’all are well and pest free~ Crunchy


Looks beautiful @CrunchBerries


I didn’t like the idea at first, but it’s growing on me…


Just chiming in to provide an update should anyone be searching for info on the earthbox automatic watering system. Buy the sensors and pressure regulator separately. The tubing it comes with absolutely sucks and it seems very hard to secure them snug.I’m a strong guy and as much as I try it seems hard to get it snug without bending the hard plastic tubing. I bought silicone tubing (the clear ones you would see with an air stone ) to size , and it’s been a world of difference!


If it counts for anything, most pests are in their highest numbers at the moment. Stay on top of IPM as much as you can up until day 14-21 depending on strains…also if you havent take a look around the home, might need to nuke some outside pests as well. Looking great btw!


:rofl: You sure can justify anyway you want here

:green_heart: :seedling: