Ill definitely look for your worm bin diy.
Kelp, for sure.
Yeah I thought about that too. Most don’t like recommending bone/blood meal. Also major bug attractors at that beyond everything you said. If it’s what you got tho, you need kelp
If I was still doing soil, the other recipe I found called for Kelp, Neem, and Crab or Crustacean meal instead of blood/bone/kelp, but you’d also need to supplement with minerals and biochar… possibly tea’s too, i’m not sure.
With the fish meal specifically though, wouldn’t there be a chance for high levels of mercury? So many bad things in everything these days it kinda seems like we just have to settle for what we can get
100 percent gotta do what you can do even things like kelp you have to worry about heavy metal :dash: that neem,kelp,crab coots recipe is a great starting point for sure for a organic soil system where I started but deviated a bit as I learned about different Ingredients and there purpose and why they are used you don’t want to do the neem in flower with the azadirachtin and can lead to poisoning if used in larger doses for sure want to add minerals and teas make a big difference to keep up biology and keep things moving along you are right you don’t want to overdo the fish with the mercury potential too that’s why with organics I like to have as much diversity in my recipe as possible to not overload with one thing just like plants us humans like a varied diet crazy how similar we are @HolyAngel
That’d be good.
So would that.
Who fucking knows? Haha.
Since the dude asked for three ingredients (why only three? Haha), I’d say kelp, crab/crustacean and the minerals for sure.
Sorry for bumping up an old topic but those of you who say to scratch the seed, do you scratch them and plant into soil? Scratch , then soak them a bit ? What’s your process?
I’ve had good luck with fingernail Clippers just clipping a little on the edge so moisture gets in the seed then just planting right in soil. But I’m sure soaking would be fine too. I think the idea is just allowing moisture through a hard shell then the seed can do the rest. @Chickencutlets
Unfortunately I soaking and lost 3 dream beaver seeds so I am l looking at other options.
Ya I had a bad experience with soaking and paper towel so I just started going straight to soil with vermiculite sprinkled over. I have a few seed types that need scoring and I’ve been pretty successful. You can always go digging for the seed if it takes awhile haha. Damnit I keep forgetting the reply button
I do scuff the seeds with a seed scuffer I got from GLG. It’s basically a pill bottle lined with sand paper. Then on to their soak. Think I’m going to try the H2O2/tap water soak next round.
That’s exactly what I have is from GLG. Do you score them a lot and shake the shit out of them aggressively Or just a few light shakes?
You want to create some wear along the seam of the seed, so kind of aggressive.
Appreciate you my man
For some odd reason the bodhi seems to give me a hard time. Case en point
I’m also going to ditch this seed starting soil and try out the build a soil light since it’s compost based and holds moisture over the perlite loaded stuff I have.
From what it sounds like, you are working with older seeds. I would follow @HolyAngel’s recommendation.
My fear with soaking until taproot shoots out is placing it incorrectly with wet hands they become sticky and hard to work with.
I dug up the dream beaver seeds and they look like they cracked open similar to a mussel when cooked . Just ever so slightly on one end.
This is also the recommendation from Brother Mendel.
I typically use a few ml of 12% h2o2 to a couple oz of tap water. I haven’t completely done the math, but it definitely comes out to less concentration than 50/50 of normal 3% h2o2 and tap water.