CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

I was surprised. It’s actually pretty good! I fed mine to my dog too.


Not trying to hijack this thread or anything but i really need help with adding amendments to about 30gal of substate. Im in a pretty difficult situation here with a living soil project. I had been taken under the wing of a member on here who had a lot of information on SIPs and living soil but kind of hit a brick wall.

Long story short i decided to go the los sip route and i gathered all of the following ingredients and then on the day i was supposed to find out the amount of each amendment needed to add the guy went radio silent and hasnt been online in 9 days. He was supposed to get back to me in the morning so i really hope the guy is alright.

Liquid enhancers: kangaroots, photosynthesis plus, mammoth p, LAB serum

Amendments: fulvic acid, kelp meal, humus & compost, worm casting, azomite, oyster shell, insect frass, rock phosphate, muriate of potash, epsom salt.
Substrate 3cuft of royal gold kings mix (coco dom with peat added) with 0.75 cuft of humus & manure.

Can someone please help me with a good amount of each amendment to add to 3.75-4cuft of substrate? I was thinking of following this base recipe as an example just upping the ratio x3 since i have 30gal? But i dont see fulvic acid or muriate or potash on there so im not really sure how to implement them.
Any help is appreciated


Hey bud, here is a link to BioAg’s website where you can find some great information on fulvic acid and it’s uses. Ful-Power — BioAg™

Not too sure on the muriate of potash, but here is an interesting find on alternate sources of potash. Organic Sources of Potassium for Your Lawn or Garden (2024) | Today's Homeowner


@seeds2weeds are you gonna use a SIP? I ask because it seems like that chart is for pots. Not sure if there’s a difference but fwiw I put like 2x more amendments in a SIP than a pot. You’re on a fantastic path. Good luck.



Hey @CrunchBerries,

I’m gearing up to start a couple city pickers and I’m just fine tuning the plan. I’m read this post (#270) a bunch of times now and I love the setup!

I’ve got a few questions to make sure I’m set?

What soil is in the base of the EB? Is it just peat?

I only have dolomite lime. Will this work?

At this point I’m planning on adding sheep compost, EWC, sea compost, Gaia green 444 and 2-4-8, bokashi grain and 2 row barley (grinded and soaked). What do you think about this mix?


Yea i am running a sip. I originally was getting specific instruction from a member on here who had decades of experience so it was like his own little concoction for my beginner ass and he was walking me through every step. After 9 days i am kinda forced to figure it out on my own after i spent hundreds and got almost to the mixing point. Bow i have all sorts of amendments, a base substrate and absolutely no clue what to do. I am i got a clue but im afraid im going to add to little or too much to my substrate. Especially with the fulvic and muriate of potash. I dont see anything on them two anywhere on here or online.

Whats a safe amount of each amendment i listed to add to 4cuft of substrate?
I am going to add the 0.75cuft of humus and manure to the 3cuft and soil test it. The 3cuft is pretty much bare bones.

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Hey @Loggershands ~ That’s awesome!

It’s just whatever soil I was using as a bottom layer. Nothing special.

Found this when searching dolomite vs OSF Oyster shell flour Vs Dolomite lime

Sounds like you got your bases covered! Good luck homie! Keep us updated!

What’s are you going to run for your maiden voyage?


Did you see the two links I posted above?


I actually missed that i just read up on the two and it says muriate or potash may have chlorine in it that can harm soil microbes… maybe i should go a different route and return that lol

Edit: returning the muriate for sulfate of potash that is omri and does not contain chlorine. Thinking maybe i should just topdress with this stuff during flower maybe…

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Yeah man! Im pumped! I listened to that shaping fire episode you posted with Alan Adkisson. Really cool to hear about emerald cup winners being tested for nutrient density.

Sounds good, I’ll just use a mix of recycled and new ewc/peat

For the maiden voyage it’s Sugar Bells and Nanna Glue x Sugar bells from @Ottafish. Got two 13 gallon city pickers so gonna drop one SB in one and one NG x SB in the other.


Chlorine is a naturally-occurring substance found in soils. People hear,”Chlorine,” and automatically think of the shit that’s getting dumped into pools, but that’s not the case when it comes to soil. Obviously, if the chlorine levels are high, you wanna avoid it, but just because something says,”Contains chlorine,” or whatever, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Google “chlorine in soil.”


Yea i just got freaked out a bit bc my tap water contains chlorine already. I could keep the muriate of potash but i dont see that it is omri and im trying to stay as organic as possible so i ordered down to earth sulfate of potash.

Any recommendations on how much to add per cuft? I been looking online for days i can find recommendations of 1-2 tsp per gal for foliar and only one recommendation for 2-3 tsp per cuft whwn mixing soil

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No idea haha. I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I will say this, though:

There’s no way those ratios are correct. If you only need to add 2-3 tsp per cubic foot of soil, 1-2 tsp per gallon of foliar is wayyyyyyy high. And if 1-2 tsp for a foliar is correct, then the amount you need to add to the soil is much higher than 2-3 tsp.


Yea the 1-2 tsp per gallon foliar was an actual recommendation. The 2-3 per cuft was a forum dude on another site i just happened to come across, i get what youre saying tho. I cant find any damn info on potash for K needs in supersoil. Honestly looks like nobody uses it and the people that do don’t specify how much per cuft


@nube what do you consider to be a cubic foot of soil? I was just reading and see that 6.43 gallons cu ft is the dry measurement and the 7.48 gallons cu ft is liquid. Do you think EB is using liquid ratios and you are using dry to determine how much soil can fit in an EB? I have always used the 7.5 per cu ft as my measurement. Thoughts? Maybe another call to EB is in order…?



Maybe they are saying the whole pot can fit 2 cu ft of soil, even though we aren’t using the whole pot for soil? I could probably fit 2 cu ft max if I smashed it down tight and mounded.


7.48 gallons is a cubic foot. It’s a volume measurement. That being said if your using coco you need to hydrate first then fill the pot.


As I consider this the home for SIPs, I’m reposting this from my thread to share with all my SIP folks out there! :star_struck::+1::fire:Thanks to this thread and its contributors for all the information and inspiration :grin:

Put together some city pickers. They are 11gl with the grate in, 2.5gl water reservoir. 24” x 20” L/W and they fit nice into a 4x4. I will probably end up with 4 in here.

The bottom layer is 70% Promix HP and 30% worm castings.

Next layer is 1 1/4 cup of dolomite lime.

On top of that it’s a mix of 50% Promix HP, 20% worm castings,10% sea compost, 10% sheep compost, 10% perlite and Gaia green 4-4-4 and 2-4-8 (75% strength at the rate for the full 11gl container)

Next layer is 1 cup of 2 row barley, blended into a powder and 1 cup bokashi

Let this sit for a few weeks and we should have a mat of mycelium growing on top.


Hell yeah! Thanks for the update @Loggershands ! Excited to watch your progress!! Happy Friday!!


Happy Friday Mate! :tada::notes::beers::grin: