CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

:+1: :+1:
I put one tomato in a EB to test beside my other 10 or so plants. The EB tomato is easily twice as big with twice as many fruits. Everything will be replaced next season with SIP for the container garden.


The ADD/OCD side of my brain needs a chart or spreadsheet with visuals and accurate data on all these store bought sips. Would really put my brain at ease.



Thinking I may need to start my LABS rice wash again. It’s been 8 days and I’m still not getting that sweet/yeasty fermenting smell. Dang! Maybe, I haven’t paid the necessary penance to the god of fermentation.


Man I had this one Karen one time…

I was living in an appt, just moved in when I popped a couple seeds in the soil to do a balcony grow, and I was at the top level of my part of the building, the building having a 2 tower kinda shape and the other tower was a story higher. So the woman on the story higher that was living next to me, but also kind of in the building next to me as it was 2 towers connected by a staircase sort of deal with shared garage basement, well, that woman was always acting stuck-up from the beginning, only being friendly when it was followed up by an underhanded toxic comment in disguise.

So after about 4 months of living there, it was becoming apparent that the appt we were living in wasn’t all that the landlord made it up to be, suffering from several problems he was supposed to fix but never came to actually fix, and my roommate was having a lot of trouble keeping his shit together so his payments fell back, leading me to suffer financially because I was lending him what he couldn’t bring up, so I eventually went to talk to the landlord about breaking up the contract, which we then did, after agreement with my roommate, who then proceeded to royally fuck me over by not paying his part and leaving me with cleaning up his room and the other messes he made.

Anyway, 2 months go on and I’m living a block further now, with a couple of new roommates that were a lot less drug addled and a whole lot more responsible, and life is good. So I walk around the city and I notice this new place opening up, a fast-food joint with a hip appearance and bad customer service and poor quality food, as I found out after my first visit. Another month goes by and I walk past that same establishment before noon and I see none other than my former Karen neighbor opening the door to the fast-food place. So I stop and I say “Hey KAREN, how are YOU doing?” She says “Good, did the cops come by to take your plants away?” I was kind taken aback but replied “No, I got to harvest them, why? Did you call them?” and she actually replied “Yeah, I did, but I wasn’t really sure if they were going to come, they said 3 plants were allowed so if I wanted them out I should pull them out.” That’s when I just walked away shaking my head before she finished her last sentence.

I had 3 plants and didn’t harvest much from that balcony. I really doubt she could have ever smelled much of them. She even had only a good view on 1 of them at best. I was surprised she knew I had 3, but not at the amount of Karen in that woman. IIRC her name was even Karen.

Signature haircut too, and I think this was before the time the Karen deal made the web.

edit: looked it up, if Karen stems from 2005, I heard of Karen late cause that happened after 05.


Evening ya’ll,

Day 8F update. I’m really, super happy with how things are progressing with this run. I have left everything untopped and flipping early should keep them on the smaller side. Hoping to keep foxtailing to a minimum. Gave everyone an IPM bath this morning and will hit them again once or twice more before the long goodbye. Also, I’m nursing another Lemon Wookie v2 in a EB that is on the mends. Need to add a couple topdresses , but other than that I’m LITFA for now.

:four_leaf_clover::rainbow::man_mage: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :clown_face:
MTSBWY ~ Crunchy

Dream Beaver :beaver:

Soul Mate

Genius Thai x Appy f4

Lemon Wookie v2


Nice, that is some lineup @CrunchBerries :yum: The Beave looks great, just keep it away from Eddie Haskell :slight_smile:

Everything else looks great, too… don’t want any hurt feelings, lol!


Hoooooo-weeee they look happy as can be!!


Dude @DesertHeartGardens! I was content with life, until you told me about the Shakedown Street (Chem d x Wookie) freebie at Headie. Now I’m scrambling to make an order! Ha! Thanks a lot!! Ha! Maybe I had too much, too fast!!


Feel that buddy need to make me a order :joy:


Thanks buddy! You are the real dream weaver for making the Beav a reality!! Thanks again @HorseBadorites!!


Wtf! I missed it???


Still available



Wonder if I can place an order from Turkey??? :thinking:

I messaged Shoe on Discord. Problem is I can’t send payment till I’m back in 2 weeks

Edit: yes I can!!


Just celebrated my two year anniversary on OG and one year tobacco free! Ride the lightning, y’all!


Big ups on being tobacco free! And two years on og! can’t wait to see that next lineup in a few weeks when they get some development so much goodies going on going to in flavor town soon :grin:


Congratulations on your tobacco cessation!! I myself is going on three years from cigars. Stay strong …. And only reach for the green stuff! :joy:


So proud of you brother! Defining moments!


Ciggies suck! Congrats on the accomplishment!!


Went and checked my LABS and whattaya know!

Anyone in the 804 need some rice wash that’s almost done to make some LABS? I started another batch, thinking this one was bunk. Have faith in the process young Crunch Berry!


The family actually ate the curd on a cracker with a bit of honey today for the first time. Not half bad! Fed it to the dog also, who gobbled it down.