CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

I’m just watching sky news and it’s showing the wildfires your having over there buddy. I hope your safe and well.


Those DB’s do not look like I remember but seems you have a different type of setup. All your leaves are slightly elongated. If you have males, I would suggest making seeds because it is a grail strain. I have 6 seeds left!

Dream Beaver.


Hey @CrunchBerries saw this bad ass jacket made me think of you thought you would enjoy it

can’t wait for the next garden update have been trying to get caught up on threads :joy: hope you have a a wonderful weekend :v:


Here’s a few pics of what I ended up doing.

Talking to the patient:

Prepping myself for surgery, dirty hands preferred:

(Jack Herer grown by nobody’s nursery, smoked out of an unusually clean pipe.)

Prepping the patient for surgery:

Surgery success (old bread knife):

Examination of roots. No root bugs found, but the soil was very wet and all existing roots seemed to have died:

Freshly recycled soil added; patient on life support, awaiting transplant:

Another patient who was farther gone:

All four patients survived and awaiting post-surgery water:

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Holy shit, that’s a lot of work. Very admirable haha. I think I woulda just trashed the plants, trashed the soil and started over. Doing all that on day 12 of flower would especially freak me the fuck out.

I have questions, but I’m not gonna ask them just because the answers are probably obvious to anybody who actually grows in SIPs. Hope it works out, though! Haha.


I’m curious what your questions are?


Nahhh, don’t worry about it. They’re really not important, just my usual “fifteen questions that have probably already been answered” bullshit haha.


@nube You got this! Nothing to be nervous about!


Nice save! Precision surgical maneuvers! I bet they’ll bounce back quick, now that they’re in a better mix. That’s weird how that bagged soil just completely sucked, I would hit up BAS and let them know, maybe they’d do something for ya? Anyways, you got this! That BH7 has a long way to go anyways… plenty of time to recover :slight_smile:


Nube should definitely get in touch with BAS, but not because they might do something for him. I mean, what’re they gonna do, send him more shitty bagged soil for free?

No, he should contact them only to make them aware that,”I just wanna let you know that I know…” haha.


I’m not mad about it - think it’s just one of those things. I doubt BAS would address bagged soil that was over a year old at one of their retailers. BAS recent videos mentioned their internal processes are improving and they now have a better crew, so I’d bet the issues are already resolved.

:rainbow: :peace_symbol:


@CrunchBerries I delved back into my old RIU account recently (for reasons unknown to man😅 )
But I came across a couple of your posts on the Bodhi thread there about the Orange Wookie x 88G13HP.
Did you get those as testers from Bodhi?
That’s the same cross that he sent me to test.

If you can remember, what did you think of them?

I’ve recently picked up a pack of the Orange Wookie x Wookie because I was in love woth the creamy Orange aroma they gave off. Hoping to find something similar in them.



Hey bud,
No, I got them as freebies from GLG some years back. I only ran one plant and got a HP leaner. Not my favorite smoke, but I know theres got to be some gold in thar. I’ve got a little less than two packs left, so I’ll have to give it another go.I was hoping for something like this:

Couple photos

Sunshine Queen on left Orange Wookie on Right


That’s interesting, I’d say all of mine were pretty similar phenotypes, they appeared more wookie like in structure, but don’t think I had a Ghash dom amongst them.
Which is strange as you hear alot that the Ghash structure is pretty dominant in its crosses.



Mornin Y’all,
Day 40f
I’ve been so tired and lazy recently on updating my current grow. I’ve not really wanted to drag the plants out of the tent and take pictures, but last night duty called and I need to stake everything before it got ridiculous. I top watered last night also, giving everyone a mix of LABS, Comfrey fpj or FPE I can’t remember, coconut, silica, FAA. Temperatures have been reasonable this grow and plant heights are minimal, so I’m not expecting very much foxtailing.

Everything has been moving smoothly along without any issues. Some leaves on the Lemon Wookie v2 have been clawing and there is some yellowing on the bottom leaves, but overall it’s healthy as you’ll see. I’m thinking the yellowing is from when I over filled the reservoir and the overflow engaged, but still left the soil a bit too moist.

Hope everyone is easy. MTSBWY

Genius Thai x Appy f4

Soul Mate

Lemon Wookie v2

Dream Beaver


Chunking up dude!! Looking really nice in there!!!
It’s a FPJ


Thanks brother @BeagleZ ! Super pumped for this run!!


Meeee too , cough cough, dream beaver ,cough cough :wink:


Is it just me or does it look like the yields on that one are gonna be pretty skimpy? I like the looks of the flowers themselves, genetics sound good, too, but man… Where’d that one come from again? Appy f4?


That one is from copa genetics @minitiger any smells off the soulmate yet? @CrunchBerries