CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

I knew it… haha.


Looking good @CrunchBerries !!! How’s that Lemon Wookie smell?

How much do you guys defoliate at day 21 or end of stretch? I usually don’t take much off (lowers that don’t get light, inward facing fan leaves) but kinda wanna see what happens if I take off more.


Here is a Hillbilly Fighter (Bad Dawg) and an Colombian Gold grown by my father in law. He doesn’t even consume cannabis, but wanted to grow for the fun of it.


Thanks bud! Like Lemon heads!!

I guess it all really depends on the plant, but I’ve kind of not been defoliating lately. I strip the lowers of bud sites but leave the leaves on and only clip a leaf if it’s in the way and shading something out.


Theres a few research journals concerning defoliation and cannabis, alot more for other species of plants as well. I think it is completely beneficial, according to one research group; defoliated, pruned, and topped cannabis expressed the highest THC, CBD, terpene , and yield…

My best advice is to run side by side comparisons, see what works for you :slight_smile:

Loving all the updates and happy happy organic plants in here, maybe this winter I will make a tiny SIP and let her duke it out with my organi-salt regiment :relaxed:


Haha! That’s awesome. Where’d the C. Gold come from? I mean, what breeder? Obviously it came from Colombia haha.


Outside I just defoliate everything that’s not going to get light. Which is usually all the stuff on the inside of the plant and some lowers. I also take off the first few shoots off each branch and leave anything that’s going to be a solid bud.


Right! He is so proud of those two plants! I got the C. Gold off of here . It looks like it was a snowhigh reproduction/preservation.

I just hope they finish up for him by the time the weather turns.


Oh, sweet! Snowhigh’s legit.

I think… haha.

Just kidding, he’s legit. That is fucking hilarious, though. “Just an old dude growin’ weed for no reason at all!” haha. Why not? Plant more seeds…

I mean, even if they don’t, dude’s just having fun. Let him enjoy it haha. You’re gonna smoke it no matter what, though, right? Haha. I’m legit interested in hearing how it smokes, even if it has to get pulled early.


Thanks homies. I ended up not defoliating too much. @syzygy

Space Monkey F2, day 21


Right! Him and his best friend are both growing and he also doesn’t consume cannabis, so I imagine a lot of Columbian Gold and Hillbilly Fighter making it my way come fall. I’ll keep ya updated, for sure.


All looking good, that Dream Beaver looks like it’s stacking!

The Soul Mate seems to be the goji dom pheno.
From the two phenos I had.
Pheno A Goji Dom

Pheno B wookie dom

If its same as I had, it carries a more pronounced lemon tang to it with some floral notes from the wookie.
@CrunchBerries I’m keen to know your thoughts on this one too! :smile:



I didn’t even notice that that repro thread you posted a link to was Old-Ron’s (because I didn’t click on it until just now)(because I’m a dick… haha). I’ve seen some of those C. Golds he grew on another site, they looked completely legit. I remember those plants taking a looooooong time, like 20+ weeks, but they looked SO good; just what you’d expect from a South American NLD.

What ever happened to @Old-Ron? I really liked that dude…


Thanks, man! Yeah, one of the Beavers has a looser bud structure while the other is more dense. Not sure where that is coming from. Really excited for both!!
Looser Bud structure


I’m really horrible with describing smells, but I think I have one of each Soul Mate pheno you describe,as one has a brighter tang, while the other has that distinct berry/lavender Wookie smell. Still have a ways to go, but I’ll keep ya updated. Happy Sunday homie!


Afternoon y’all,
Day 45f photo dump. Hope everyone’s day is easy!

Lemon Wookie v2 Already starting senescence

Soul Mate

Genius Thai x Appalachia F4 (copa)

Dream Beaver f2


Your garden’s looking good man. How’s it going as a new dad? This thread needs more updates!

We went away for a couple weeks for the first real vacation of the year. Had a great time thanks to @CrunchBerries recommendation to check out this place, which we had to ourselves for a couple days after @iamyou_youareme and his household came and soaked one evening:

Then we had an epic mushroom journey on this boneyard beach in the Olympic Peninsula, spoke to the ancients for a few hours:

After a few days, we ended the trip a little further south, a place with no cell service and a mostly deserted beach on the Oregon coast where, after going through the Goonies tunnel, agates washed up on shore:

This was the main beach where the rocks were smoking like volcanoes:

A great time was had by all!

And, for the first time ever in 30 years of growing weed, I had someone else water my garden while we were gone. I fucked up the timing of this grow, so our vacation was right in the middle of flowering. Actually, this grow has been mostly fucked up. Oh well. Luckily with SIPs, pouring water down a funnel is pretty easy, and my neighbor did a good job of it one time while we were gone.

Here’s the before and after our trip:

Here’s a few individual plant shots, starting with the Lavender Jack at day 38F. Cannot overstate how incredible this one smells - it’s insanely loud and delicious - jack herer + slight citrus + a little herbal - and the smoke is very enjoyable, too:

Tahoe looking like she fully rebounded after surgery, smelling like fresh dirt:

SR-71 is a floppy, leafy mess of a plant with very minor (not loud) odor of purple fruit and maybe afghani. Has strangely stunted pistils, too. If farmerjoe hadn’t said this one passed three rounds of HLVd testing, I would be suspicious…:

Legend is exploding, looks like a mix of OG and Chem91skva especially with the slight light stress on the top bud leaves, smells really solid like a lemony OG:

Irene looking luscious, smelling like your polish grammy’s purse - old lady perfume, leather and pencil shavings, and onions:

BHix3 Church sorta recovered from surgery, starting to get her groove, smelling fucking insanely good (tangelos and incense) - the only one in the tent I can smell without touching besides the LavJack:

BH7 also recovered from surgery but, as you can see, looking at day 38F like she’s gonna go all of her 105 days of flower, maybe longer due to the early flowering issues:

Last but not least, TK looking well behind after surgery replacement, didn’t stretch at all:

SIPs are the truth! :pray:

:rainbow: :peace_symbol:


Amen :pray::pray::pray:


Nice that it cleared out and you guys had it to yourselves! It really was an incredible spot, thanks to both @nube and @CrunchBerries for turning us on to it.

Incredible! Looks like you could walk into the mist, off the edge of the earth. Nice spot to camp and visit the ancients!

Damn I gotta go to Oceanside!

It’s got the looks of a strong comeback though! Amazing how much better the plants look after being in the soil you made yourself.

completely agree. I think this is the loudest thing I grew last round, just delicious smells all the way through the buds. The pretty purpling that comes on at the end too, just completes the look.

Reminding me of the Purple Urkle I’m growing right now, those long petioles, the leave shape… there’s gotta be a common ancestor somewhere there.

Star of the show!

She looks like she’s gonna stack up really nice. Her buds are more dense than the BH7, but smell almost completely different. The smell of the her smoke in the air is pretty incense smelling, for sure.

You’ll be half way through the next round before she’s done :wink: haha, nah, I thought waiting the whole 105 days would be a pain, be she just cruised towards the end. Will be cool to see if she wants to finish earlier being in the SIP.

weird! she’s such a stretcher, maybe you figured out a way to control her height?

Yup, doesn’t get much better!


Home Depot has the lowest price on City Pickers I’ve seen, today. In terra cotta color for $9.99, limited time. Not available for shipping and my local didn’t stock them but next closest did.


That’s a great price. Get at least 4. This is what the link offered here: