Cycle time advice

I’ll have a dedicated veg tent going by Thursday. Already have a nice 4x4 going that will be flower only. I’ll have a 3rd spot for starts, clones, etc.
I’m good at math, but terrible at word problems. Just tell me the formula. No problem. My question is on cycle time now that I have dedicated areas. I know there are lots of variables. Strains, how much stretch, a couple big plants or a SCROG? Flowering times. How big do I want them. Etc.
What kind of time schedules are you folks using, as a starting point? I think I have it figured out. Then I put it on a calendar and it doesn’t make sense.
Appreciate any input here. I’m a couple years indoor, but plenty outside. Cycle time was on nature’s clock, not mine.


I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking.
Please elaborate. :slight_smile:


I think you mean if you’re growing multiple strains how do you control how long to veg and when to transition.

If I’m right there’s not really a real formula for this. If you grow the same strain or one or two strains then it’s easy to keep a mom take clones and have a predictable flowering time to work with. Starting out that might be best.

I grow several strains at a time because I’m addicted to variety. I spend a lot of time researching my strains, ensuring they have similar characteristics that will allow them to grow together. If you have 4 foot plants and two foot plants you’re making things harder. If you have 7 week flower and 12 week flower gonna make it harder. I would keep plants off the same size and stature and similar flowering time.

I would spend the extra money for stable seeds. This will create less variation between plants and easier to maintain results. I’d stay away from crazy unpredictable polyhybrids unless you’re prepared to cull plants that don’t fit your mold.

Also keep consistent conditions. Don’t keep some plants in 2 gallon containers and some in 5 that will just create variation. More consistent the better.

Finally there will just be a learning curve. You’ll have to figure plants and strains out, learn how to read plants tell what they’ll do. With experience you’ll be able to tell what a plant will look like and make those selections with confidence. I have definitely had plants overgrow spaces and had to cut them in half, kill ‘em do all kinds of stuff figuring it out. Now I can run a small box with pretty much any stain and I always get my same 2oz per plant +/-. Best of luck as you live and learn :v:


If you mean perpetual you can follow this and alter it however you seem fit for you and your garden. You can make it every 2 weeks 3 weeks etc.

Factor in the amount of plants you’re comfortable with and bust out the duct tape! Make Xs on the ground in the veg and flower tent. Every 2 weeks you need to move clones to veg 2 weeks later move veg to flower. After awhile every two weeks you’ll be, moving plants from clone tent to veg tent, moving plants to flower tent at the same time chopping plants out of your flower. Every 2 weeks always have plants moving to an X and harvesting.

Example Week 1
2 rooted clones go from clone tent to veg tent.
-You’ll still be focusing on always selecting the best clones or seeds starts going forward killing stuff that isn’t showing hyper vigor or slow growth.

Week 3
2 veg plants go to flower tent. 2 more clone starts go into veg tent, still growing and selecting best clones from the clone tent.

Week 5
2 plants in veg tent move to flower tent for a total of 4 plants in flower tent now. You’ll move 2 more starts to veg.

Etc etc


@Pier_Rat. Bingo. This is what I was trying to spit put. Makes sense and pretty easy to map out on a calendar. I’m close to having everything I need already. Need fresh cloning gel, etc.


Have a look on-line for the Bonanza of Green booklet by BOG.

That will walk you through BOG’s perpetual grow system and the beauty is… it’s scalable.



Good info all. Thank you. Gets me started so I can plan out some grows.

Good score @HolyAngel & @Dirt_Wizard:+1:
…I went looking and couldn’t find it… :grin:



My goal, I’d like to get a perpetual grow, with a decent variety going. I mostly grow for me and the missus. Some occasional friends. But mostly I like variety, always have. Usually have a favorite, Genus Seeds Rude Dog atm, but I’m known to have 8 or 10 jars of different strains cured up. If I smoke the same strain too much, I will build a tolerance to it.
I’ve dealt with the tall pheno, short pheno of the same strain. As I don’t have decent access on 2 sides, a scrog has been out. I have a lot of pots in lots of sizes. Get them to similar distance from the light. An upside down tote works too.

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So I’m the same way. If I smoke the same thing everyday loses effect. So couple tips on what you mentioned. To address different pheno heights I would flower at a consistent height. Usually 10-12” for me. And I keep my lights at a constant level. They never move. Taller plants have room to grow up and I have so much light, 2x200watt LED, in my 2x4 that shorter plants still have plenty of light they don’t lose out on anything. This really helps me just let plants stretch.

Other thing you can do is use a net but don’t really scrog. Place it about 18” above the pots. Let the plant vertically grow up through the net and use this to replace stakes. Then when it’s time to chop you just remove that plant from the net easily and slide the new one underneath.

If you look at my journal there’s kind of an example. Short Sfv in one corner and taller plants all around. And they just grow up through the net. They’re not worked into or anything.


Thanks buddy. I’ll have a look at your stuff. Especially since you said svf. Emptied my jar of SVF OG last week. Sad day. In the 4x4 I have an HLG 600R spec. Haven’t messed with it in a year, other than vacuum dust off. Got a 100 watt HLG, and a 165 Philzon for the new 3x3. More than enough. Going to lay my 2x2x4 on it’s side for sprouts, clones, etc. Got access to 3’ and 4’ strip lights for that. I’ll try and keep you in the loop, see what you think.

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