Perpetual grow questions

Right now I’m doing everything in one 4x4 tent(I’ve done a full room but that was to much work and running costs). I smoke weed like I used to smoke cigarettes so I want to get to a spot where I’m pulling at least a lb every 2 months. Would a 2 tent or 3 be a better setup?

4x4 flower( probably gonna be using mars fce6500 or something with similar specs/price)

2x4, 3x3 or 4×4 veg (undecided, gonna be running fluorescent lights but I may use mh in the winter since I have the ballasts and bulbs)

2x2 for seedlings/clones? Not really sure if it’s necessary or if I could just use a bit of space in the veg tent.


Two tents should more than be able to handle that even starting from seed, whether run independently in cycles or transferred over.


A 3x3 will give you adequate space to keep a few small mothers and veg your next round. You can always tack an extra week on and finish your veg once they move to flower.
Pulling that pound every 2 months is going to be difficult unless you have very fast finishers. There are very few varieties that will finish at 8 weeks from flip.



I smoke weed like I used to smoke cigarettes , i hear that, prob. more.
it is work im running 3 tents, one is a small one for clones, then like you a 2x4 and a 3x3
for me i get the tents full as i can and ill keep the clones but i have to flower tents, one was a veg tent and will be again.
with all the watering and getting up at 3 am, keeping my nose in the garden/tent, it is a lot of work
in the end though if you can pull it off it is worth it, cause i can not afford to buy.
so i start from seed, i pop 10 or so, once i get those further in veg and close to flower ill pop 10 more.
before i put in to flower though i grab cuts of almost everything, and since im starting seeds that tent is warmer so it works with the clones,
i flip my first plants and when im 3-4 weeks away from harvest ill flip my 2nd veg tent to flower.
and i keep my small clone tent running on 19hours, then ill move the clones to the first tent and go back to veg and i do use the first tent to hang the plants to dry a bit.
i usually pull in a bit this way, and gives me a chance to take that break for a month or 2 and then ill start back at it.
this time though i thought it was a good i idea to pop more than i can handle but so far, im pulling it off. next runs though ill be doing bigger plants. this time i have to add extra lights on the outside of the tent, cause of my addiction to popping too many and getting cuts, ect.
i like to get cuts cause i keep a few to work with for 6 months.


2 months is kind of just a guideline more 8-10 weeks really

I think you will need a minimum of 2 4x4 tents.

So, you want a pound a month. If you run a 3-month cycle (veg and flower) you will need to pull 1.5 pounds from each 4x4 tent to hit your mark. Not impossible, but you could easily miss the mark if you have any issues.

EDIT: oh, you said a pound every two months. You could do that in a single tent using the above numbers. I mean getting 2# per light is possible.


A pound a month would be even better :sweat_smile: but that’s starting flower in 2 tents right? I can only budget for one flowering light though I suppose in winter I could run one of my hids in one without increased cooling costs.

Yes that would be two flowering tents for a pound a month.

But even with one and a veg space you could still pull off 1/2 a pound per month, it will just be harder.

What is your average yield in your 4x4 now?

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First run in the 4x4 last grow was a full room and I managed about 6lb under 3400w hid in about an 8x8 area. I’ve got 12 flowering in the 4x4 I vegged real short looking at current growth I’m guessing an oz or 2 each so probably around a lb.

My first grow I pulled 3/4lb out of a 3x3, 3 plants with 4 weeks veg in hydro. I’m in soil now though.

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So you pulled 1.5# per 4x4 area (roughly) if you can do that consistently, you could get away with a 4x4 flower tent and a 2x4 veg/clone space.

I would still go with 2 4x4 flowering areas, especially if you have the equipment to do it. :+1::seedling:


That’s a good idea, and I do have the gear for it.

I always underestimate my ideal needs for veg space - so go big. But I also tend to grow photo regs so I need lots of wiggle room

I’ve had huge harvests in a 2x4 but I’d bank on 300g being conservative.

Big big big! Might as well use the space if you’ve got it.


So what’s the best grow method for perpetual harvests? I’m really digging the sog thing I’m doing now, bunch of short plants in gallon grow bags, easy to manage hard to over water (they get about a quart daily) sometimes a few don’t need need it so they’ll get it the next day. I’m not doing hydro again anytime soon that was more headache than anything especially when I tried scaling up.

Hope you don’t mind if I tack on my own question- the issue I’ve come across is veg space. If I want to put a plant from veg to flower I need to up-pot or otherwise my veg tent gets full of big pots. But if they probably shouldn’t be sent into 12hr light right after transplant right? So if I already have plant in my flower tent, how do I do this? Just bigger veg space?

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I’m running perpetual in a 3x3, just putting in a few and harvesting a few every 2-3 weeks. Granted they’ll be smaller plants but it’s not as much work trimming a whole tent at a time and only need two spaces.


I’d think if your flower tents empty before you switch you could run it on veg cycle the first few days till they adjust to the new pots, either that or a bigger veg tent :upside_down_face:

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Only two solutions I’ve come up with.

Is all the space in the same room? If not id use open space in one room no tent nothing for veg and clone area. 2 tents in a dark cold room for flower. Stagger tents3-4 weeks n you should get close to a lb per month. Use clone veg area just to feed the tents as you chop em. So the next cycle stays on.

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If your transplanting methods are on point I wouldn’t worry about it.


Fuck it, I’ll just try it. I haven’t maxed out my yields yet anyways.

But yeah. My transplants usually don’t seem bothered.