DaFozz's First Autos... Ever

I have been curious about Auto Flowers for awhile, as I have zero experience with growing them, and really, limited cannabis growing experience overall. I just enjoy reading and learning about it. There are so many strains available these days, it can get very confusing and discouraging as well… not to mention the negative experiences individuals here on OG have had with seed purchases… at least to me anyways.

Well, thanks to the generosity of @Mr.Sparkle, who sent me an assortment of seeds, I am going to get the opportunity to “bust my Auto Cherry” sooner than I expected.

I will apologize now for the number of pictures or rambling on I will do, as I would like to document this as best I can, not only for myself, but for Mr. S as well as any others who may be interested. I will try my best to do them justice…

Before I started anything to do with the Auto seeds, I had to make a few changes to my current grow status… In other words, I had to clean house a bit and get things prepared. I thinned out my Skywalker OG stock quite considerably. I kept a few that I plan on putting outdoors, as well as a couple of clones to choose as a new Mother Plant. I had my original Mother Plant for 9 months, and She taught me a lot and provided several offspring, but it was time to move on and make room for my “continuing education”. My Unknown Plant was reduced to cuttings for clones, even though I am still unsure of it’s sex. If it happens to be a Female, then it’s probably best that I attempt those outside as they already smell pretty strong…lol.

I decided to revamp my Mother Chamber with materials I had on hand, and with as little extra expenditure as I could manage. I did however have to pick up a few more leds (5000K) and socket adapters, but the rest I had on hand. Funny, I purchased my original socket adapters when I was on OG 1.0, and now I’m doing it again on OG 2.0… (One of these days I will find the box with my DIY remote ballast HPS made from a HD security light, thx to OG 1.0) Full Circle…lol. I drilled out 2 passive intakes into the floor and covered them with squares of window screen. I mounted my DIY exhaust fan to a port I drilled into the back of the cabinet, removed my light socket in the center of the roof and replaced the lighting with 3 power bars mounted to the ceiling, and plug adapters with screw in leds. (4" total from back of PB to face of LED) I found a few racks to keep the containers off the floor.

From this…

To this…

As for containers, I have 3 that hold 48 oz of soil, and 3 that hold 32 oz soil. I measured the volume using a 16 oz Solo Cup. The three square containers needed drainage holes drilled in them, so I got that straightened out. They measure 5" at top, and taper to 3.25" at bottom. The rounds are 4". Heights are 6" and 5.5" respectively.

I will be using Pro Mix Premium Organic Moisture Mix again. So far, it hasn’t given me a reason to switch it to anything else, so I will carry on with what I feel comfortable with. For nutrients, I will be using Mega Crop, and GO CaMg+ and Epsom Salts as required. I would like to try and keep things as simple as I can…

To recap, cabinet measures 20"W X 20"D X 30"H. (2.7 sq. ft.) Currently 135W of SIL, so 50W/sq. ft. I have a bit of room to bump up the lighting, but for starters I will stick with this arrangement and see how things progress.

I started to germinate some seeds…

1 Dark Spark
1 Da Green
1 Easy D
1 Aubergine Toots Magoots (I love saying this name)
2 The Fuzz

I only started 2 of The Fuzz to give me an odd number of each strain of seeds remaining from Mr. S’s Gift… stoopid superstition relating to balance…

The seeds were soaked for 16 hours, put in damp paper towel, and bagged. The Ziploc bags were placed near an ambient heat source (laptop) and within 12 hours 4 of 6 had cracked their seed pods and 28 hours after being placed in paper towel, all had tails between 1/2" to 1", and were placed in their respective pots. Pretty viable seeds IMO Mr. S…

Bagged & Tagged

I had prepared Jiffy Pellets for the seeds, then just decided it would probably just be best to put them in their final containers. They were all placed in their pots, and within 24 hours they surfaced. I gave 3 of the 6 a delicate little flick with a Periodontal Scaler to remove the “helmet head” (probably didn’t need to, just wanted to lend a helpin’ hand) and they are off and running… looking forward to seeing how this turns out…

And a side by side…

Well, thanks for stopping by, and again, THANK YOU @Mr.Sparkle for your generosity … As a noob, I’ll try my best…



Okay okay I’m not going to lie. I’ve been wondering if you were ever going to start growing some herb hahaha. Glad to see that you are ready to give it a shot. Setup looks great :v:


Well, not really ready, but I had one of those WTF moments and thought if @Mr.Sparkle was kind enough to send me some beans, I had no other logical option than to do something different and give it a go…lol

Made sense in my foggy brain at the time…

Thx for the laugh, much appreciated @Mongobongo



I received a generous gift from @Mr.Sparkle as well, so I will be following along with interest to see how these turn out :smile: :popcorn:


It almost makes me want to go out and buy a popcorn machine…:smile:



Yay! This will be fun! Nice overhaul on the set-up! I have 2 dark sparks and 1 da green germing now from Sparkle. It will be interesting to see how much faster they grow under lights as mine are in the sun. If all goes well I expect mine to germ maybe Sunday. Takes about 3 or 4 days outside. Can’t wait to see the difference!


100% germination, nice! They’re gonna love the new digs. Autos are really fun, you’ll be blown away by how fast they grow and develop.


You are Keerect… it will be fun, and a learning experience. I am also tempted to germ a few more to try outdoors, but I will see how things go first. Still waiting for the snow to get lost so I can get at the Spring cleanup and Gardening, so I don’t want too much on my plate yet… but yeah, I am interested to see that Cali Sun do it’s thing on Mr. S’s beans…



I started 7 of the dark spark and went 7/7 on germ and sprouting.


See, I even trip out on the stretch from the lights. Sun don’t do that. lol


Needed 100w and only had 50 available hahha


All of the seeds @Mr.Sparkle sent me looked very nice, and absolutely no damage from shipping that I could see…

That is one of my concerns with growing Autos, from what I have read, is that because of how fast they grow if there are issues you have less time to deal with it… unlike photos… live and learn I guess lol

Looking forward to getting my Azz kicked…



Not sure how finicky these are, but my autos last year were easy breezy lemon squeezy. Mostly LITFA. My winter autos were easy too they just didn’t yield, not enough sunlight hours I think.


They are new to me, and I am just getting “back in the game” again so to speak, so the thought of as much LITFA as possible is encouraging…lol

I am going to try and keep it as simple as I can, because if I overthink things it will just lead to disaster…:sunglasses:



I like your setup @anon95954822! My style of grow. Looking forward to this one.


Well shit, more effort in documentation and intent than i would even do myself lol, guess i need to up my game.

Saying that they are just seeds to me for which to have fun and to play with, good or bad it allows people to not be afraid to try new things, or burn through them and to learn stuff in the process. For me if i can help others with that by gifting some seeds, why the heck not. Won’t deny there is a sweet perk in that i get to see more plants grown than i would myself which is cool. well if people desire to share them anyways but that’s up to them, sharing or not if people learn F-ing A in my book.

More fuzz seeds were produce alongside the greens, thus more seeds were included in packs typically… There was a reason for the different amounts if wondering and that’s why…

@Mongobongo if you can get those into there final containers and get them closer to the light they will thank you ;), just a tip


No I wasn’t wondering myself, I would have appreciated 1 seed…lol

You’re a good man Charlie Brown… Oh, and Mrs. Sparkle too… lol.


p.s. Thanks for the education…


I’ll tag along, give you some tips along the way maybe.
:seat: :popcorn: :movie_camera:


I would certainly welcome any tips you can give me…

I find myself re-reading a lot of threads to try and pick up on things that I missed or forgotten… sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference.



I guess this would be Day 7 since germination, and they appear to be doing ok. I gave them a mild dose of Megacrop (1/4 Tsp/1.5 L). Each 48 oz container got 250 ml, and the 32 oz got 150 ml, watered in around the edges, and lightly spritzed around the stem. I’ll see how they respond…

The Fuzz 1

Dark Spark

Easy D

The Fuzz 2

Da Green

And last but not least, Aubergine Toots Magoots…

In the last picture, it looks like what I think is 1 & 1/2 Cotyledons… not 100% sure, but no big deal either way… They’re all still alive so I’m happy…

Back home after feeding time…

Well, thanks for stopping by and taking a peek…
