Daily Gripe Thread. What's bugging you today? What went wrong? Drop it in here and let it go!

I won’t say anything I won’t say anything I won’t say anything.

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She got a rental 36mm deep socket!!! Yay!


Seriously? That’s the kind of thing you can rent? That shocks me.


Yeah me too but it saved my ass. Its a set of 4. So then I only needed to go get some metal fence post from a buddy’s house to use as a breaker bar and then fight and curse the new one on for 45 minutes.

I have a new motto when it comes to trucks now too- Dust shields are for pussies!

I have a piece of tube for that. Fence post Bends. LOL. Even call it “the persuasion bar”.

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Entitlement and people who feel they are entitled, family fighting over a will, people making money off seeds and you still have to search through more than 10 seeds to find something to get you high, dealers who sheepishly ring you asking why you never bought off them again after they sold you bunk, bald men with man-buns, paper straws that dissolve so you can’t finish your drink, seeds that break a tail and then just sit there, slow internet that causes you to lose at a pool game, neighbours who are married cousins who then marry their kids to their cousins,


With a 1/2 socket wrench I can use the pipes you use for skreeding your base for pavers. For a 3/4 socket or a box end the 5 ft section of fence post did the trick nicely :laughing:

Dude that’s discriminatory and I won’t stand for it. All “man buns” are equally awful.

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Ya gotta name that bar, and find a place to keep it with your tools. I shit you not, the persuasion bar is labeled in sharpie, and has a little mount on one of the garage shelves for it to sit. Yes it comes in handy often enough :smiley:

DOM 1 1/2" tube :smiley:

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I’ve always just referred to them as “(insert person or thing’s name here) be good sticks”.

Ahh… “person or thing’s name”. huh? ROFLMAO… I’m old enough to know the original name ROFLMAO

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outside of house trashed during ida, insurance claim guy avoiding my claim because he’s “too busy” somewhat called me a liar when I claimed nothing, just SHOWED their appraiser. Check writer is mad there’s so many pictures to go through, not my fault. Family can’t seem to communicate unless it’s to gossip/degrade some one, so I never share hardships with family. Had a 2 year relationship where I accepted he traveled for work, but didn’t realize he was getting hotels and staying with ex wife while visiting his kids, I said that’s not ok, wouldn’t be appreciated if I did the same…. sooooooo he decides getting on dating sites is cool, while profusely spitting I love yous and talking marriage, so I left mad I wasted the time lol grumble grumble grumble.


Remember that branch that I pollinated with reversed pollen?


That’s a good one :joy:

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What happened there

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Maybe some over spray when I was reversing a different branch? I am new at this so I have no experience to go by. It does look like they formed inside the seed pod. I peeled back the exterior of a few of them and it had the male bits in it, some right next to the forming seed.

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I’ve had it happen a ton!

I believe you

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Maybe some over spray happens,branches rub together when your moving plants,then one of your plants have surprise seeds for you lol

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That would be my guess too. I’m spraying silver for the first time and I remove the plant from the tent (and room), douse it and let the excess drip before putting it back, treating it like it’s radioactive the entire time.

Although I have the opposite problem. They’re getting accidental ones and I can’t even get an intentional one :laughing:

One plant is fine. With the fans blowing (pollen) it would be bad with all of them. I got lucky I had to tie up the branches this morning as too many were leaning on some others. This made the offending branch easy to see.

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