Dankmaster's 48th June 24th Birthday day GIVEAWAY

Happy birthday @OriginalDankmaster96 thanks for the chance

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I was hoping you’d get lucky. It did look good but glad you got to see the stud. You probably understand now why I used BX2. To save on time and space, pop a few more and just let em grow in a corner 12/12 in cups and in about 21-28 days you can plant the females without wasting supplies, space and time. I’ll never again sex a plant to waste all of the above myself :face_with_monocle:


Happy birthday @OriginalDankmaster96 ! Thanks for the opportunity!


I’m going to say, happy birthday @OriginalDankmaster96 ,may you have a great year and all the best in your life

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Happy Birthday amigo!!! I’m chopped and hanging, but do have pics from the last two weeks of the grow. Will do a proper drop and update in a bit or tomorrow time permitting :wave:


Happy birthday OG Dank!


If you end up keeping a male at any time let me know, I would be interested in getting some pollen. If you had some now I would trade you a rooted clone of something I have.


Thank you @OriginalDankmaster96! Happy birthday!



Fixed a couple errors in the wiki,
Thanks for the opportunity @OriginalDankmaster96
And Happy early Birthday!


Happy Bday mate hope you have a goodie :sunglasses::beers:

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Early happy birthday ODM. :partying_face:
Thanks for a shot at some of your work!


Thanks for the tag, @Bert


Yeah I need a better method in my space for collecting pollen. The Tampa was a really nice male and bounced back strong after I stunted him. Stinky too. I felt skunk and northern lights piney influence and seemed strong. But I’ve never grown crippie before only smoked it back then. I didn’t want to pollinate my white rhino because I want to smoke that but it was very tempting to make seeds.

I thought Tampa crippie might also go better with a nice haze for a supercharged haze high.

I would’ve hit the ah 11 Bronson with it if was in flower. I just had the Tampa, milk and cookies, white rhino, Kali x Zam x PNG in flower at the moment. I just messed up on the sex with the Tampa and didn’t look carefully. Maybe was being too hopeful.

I guess I need a way to way to collect pollen in my apartment maybe in a large plastic tub or something in a cupboard. Usually I just let the best male do his thing.

Anyway growing some crippie after all these years is awesome and feels like any heirloom type weed. It’s clear when you pop it. Here’s my cripxmas a x b in the window getting started.


Thank you for the visuals and the chance for some good looking beans @OriginalDankmaster96


Woohooo! happy early birthday friend. Thanks for the opportunity, and the idea to get into some gluttony in the kitchen!


Thanks OG brothers for all the early wishes :smiley: This getting old stuff isn’t easy. I don’t look it yet, but I sure as hell feel it by the day :laughing:

I’ve been extremely busy, cleaning, planting and packing seed. Was so exhausted I slept hard, plus having ASD affects my energy levels. Just had a look at the sign up list. It’s important to be fair as I don’t do this regularly (I have reasons too) so I want everyone who didn’t WIN last year to have their shot.

@Natea you won CripXmas mix last year so you have it already. Please sit this one out. Thanks


Sounds good, good luck everyone!


I know people who have kept them in their shower until they seen the first sign of pollen dropping and then just cut off all of the large pollen groups of pollen sacks and placed them into a paper bag to dry out and then trash the plant.


@percyryan66 @Sbeanonnamellow @BasementGardens @luxton @blowdout2269
Check this out


@FishWhistler @greenmonster714 @way4out
these are worth a look if you haven’t already signed up. @OriginalDankmaster96 is always up to some tasty things :green_heart: