Dat moment when you miss you flight and you have 6hr on the airport

Viva espana
Or somewhere in the canaries

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Not canaries :wink:

Viva España indeed :wink:

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Enjoy brother. 4th June for me. Can’t bloody wait

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wow the water and beach looks so empy, like you have it all to yourself :smiley: enjoy some nice R&R


The beach looks me like the Cadiz & Huelva Atlantic Ocean coast ones, but the calm sea looks me more like the Mediterránean Sea, I think…
Anyway, wellcome & enjoy.


I remember May last year, when I was workin by the Mediterránean sea: the most famouses beaches were full of turist, but most of the beaches looks like the one I had close to my rent house: All beach to me…

Murcia province


More Spanish Mediterránean pics, done by myself when I am workin’ there: Castellón province, inna Autumn/Winter afternoon:


Not in Cadiz, your second option hits home… So yes its the Atlantic, relatively near Huelva…


Dont loose Doñana, in Huelva, @sneaky; a Bihosfere & Biodiversity Reserve:

Mi avatar is a Tartessic simbol borned in Huelva: The 8 points Tartessic’s Star (Arabs adopted the simbol durin the Islamic Spanish times…)

Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing

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I proposed to my girlfriend last night on the looooooong beach of Doñada, had a picnic at sunset and just before sun was setting, popped the ring and the question…

She said yes :stuck_out_tongue:


Are ya goin to be married here "inna our weddin style?:


Congratulations!!! Nice proposal.

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I don’t know if I am that good of a rider.

Went riding on the beaches of Doñada on some tourist ride, but this control of this horse by this guy is magnificient, nothing like mine.

Thanks for the video.

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No, but I had my wallet stolen inside the airport on Thanksgiving once! I was waiting to board my plane and heard my name over the loud speaker. I went to the desk and someone had found my medication on the ground, it must have fell out of my purse when they were lifting my wallet. Needless to say, I missed the flight and Thanksgiving as I had no ID and no money. Had to go home and find my passport and borrow some cash so I could take another flight. That sucked.