Dat moment when you miss you flight and you have 6hr on the airport

2nd time!

Not even the first!

This happened a year ago, and here I am again! :smiley:

Went to the gate before it opened - OH ITS CLOSED I HAVE TIME FOR A BEER OR TWO - two beers later - I am late :sob:

Any comments, anyone else had this happen? :smiley:


No fuck that. There’s absolutely no reason in life to be late lol. Where you flying from bro

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Met a girl from Europe at the airport and found out we had the same last 1 hour connecting flight. We were having a great time. I bought her lunch, she was coming to live he summer in the same city as me. Things were going great until I saw that no one was boarding the flight and it was already supposed to leave. Got up and asked, they changed the gate and we never noticed. Missed the flight. I felt so embarrassed that I bought her ticket and we got a flight an hour later.


Too paranoid to say, but its about 2000 miles.

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And love ever after? Sounds like a mad story! Give us the rest of it! :slight_smile:

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I’m going to a smoking lounge to smoke >

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Haha, yes. Not just flights, either. And yes, it sucks.

But, in my case, I’m either an idiot or those airline gate attendants are tricky somes-of-b.tches. Have to watch them like a hawk.

I missed my flight by 3 minutes :smiley:

Tell me more about your story. I have all the time in the world to listen.

If you’re waiting on me, you’re late! Never missed a flight or bus, train or boat. I have however slept through/past a stop. Didn’t make me late though🙄


Nothing exciting to report other than the sinking feeling when you see the gate is closed but there is no one waiting any longer :astonished: Then, you look around wondering if you are at the right gate! Hmm, the where am I, feeling. I’ve had it happen more than once (wrong gate, too long getting through security, too much wondering around, over-booked, etc). I feel your pain.

There have been times where I’ve stepped away, then returned with no-one waiting at the gate, and then find out there is a last minute gate change. The same heart palpitations then a sudden feeling of relief. Because really, who wants to be trapped at an airport.

But, I do know you have to keep watch from the corner of your eye if the flight is late (they’ll be rushing when the plane arrives). The attendants job is to move things along as quickly as possible, not necessarily customer service. And, if it’s overbooked, doubly so. Sometimes the attendants will announce boarding, sometimes they don’t, sometimes the announcement is so quiet you wouldn’t be able to hear it anyhow.
In the overbooked situation, they seemingly have little qualms about replacing your seat with a different passenger that, similarly, missed an earlier flight.

All-in-all, don’t sweat it. Happens to many (sometimes not their fault, either). Hence the reason for those fancy private/members only airline lounges. Just sucks (unless you like watching people), screws up plans and schedules. Be sure any hotel or car rentals know that you are going to be checking in late (if where ever you are flying to you have things booked).

Don’t get too drunk waiting for the next flight :laughing:

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Maybe castration is in order here…how the fuck do you fuck something up like this…on top that TWICE! then you come on here to post this shit…how do i delete my acct. This site is a trip! They tell me i got thrips fuck no…3 weeks and nothing no bugs…lmfao…

Castration? What? Wrong thread? …


Here’s a tune I don’t want to admit that I listen to:


Can you say air line?

these are the kinds of reasons why i don’t drink alcohol


How many kids ya’ll got?

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The rest of the story is boring that is why I never finished.

lets back up. I have been married since 2000. I love my wife. It has not been easy. Mexican culture is a bit different when it comes to women. I have been faithfull for many years to my wife. d: I hadn’t been with a another girl for years when this happened. I know I am not ugly, but, like any human, after time one wonders if one still has the ability to get laid. :couple_with_heart:

There is a one hour flight to Mexico city that I would routinely take. In Mexico city airport there is now two terminals. You have to take a 7min train ride to go from one to the other. When I walked on to the platform to wait for the train, I saw all the benches almost full, so I was going to have to sit next to someone. boom, I see a blonde haired blue eyed girl (don’t see one everyday in Mex- but thats ok cause I like latinas :smiling_imp:) sitting with a open spot next to her. I went for it. As soon as I sat down, the girl asked in english what the local time was. When she asked I noted a European accent. My family left Europe many generations ago, so when the girl said she was from a small European country where my blood line is from, I knew right than, It was ON. :imp: So I asked her what she was doing in Mex, and she said she was coming to live for 3 months… but to the same city where I live!!! ding ding ding winner winner chicken dinner!!!

so like I said above, We hit it off so good that we missed the flight, but, even sat next to each other on the new flight. She gave me her number and email, and said that because I bought her lunch in the airport, she HAD to invite me to lunch one day to repay me once she got in her new spot. OMFG, my heart was pumping, and I knew that a summer of sex was upon me!

A older friend of mine picked me up from the airport so I started gushing about what had happened and this motherfucker instead of giving me a pat on the back he tells me some shit about his regrets in life or some shit and about how his dumb ass was unfaithful and got caught. So, I felt bad and never called the girl back. :sob:

Sorry guys, I wish I could have typed the story different. ( one with lots of foreigner sex)


I’m glad you said she was European. I sent my baby girl on a flight to Mexico City to study abroad for 3 months. She is almost 6 ft tall blond blue eyed and had legs up to here armpits. She had an owner of one of the biggest Dairy’s in the area she stayed try to get her to stay and Marry him. But she is US born and bread. (She is also the one that studied in London The next summer.)

Nope but I’ve had several 9 hr layovers in Huston heading to South America FFS. You have no idea how much that sucks.