Just venting for a minute

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, please move if needed,
Man yesterday was a day for me, I went out to go to work, and found my car on a tire and a jack, my wheels were gone. Just wow, I felt like i got kicked really hard by God. I was struck, I still am as I write this, Yes they took all four wheels, now I dont have that much money, Im probably considered poor by sum and rich by others. I took a few pictures and i texted my boss and told her what happened. I live in a town home thing so like an apartment or flat but I have many many neighbors, I park where even I can see my car at night out of my window.
I then called the police. It took a minute to calm down because I had just been violated in this manor.
I call and talk to the man who took my report. I make small chat but I ask questions as well so I
may learn something new. I now know it takes someone less than two minutes to get them off.
they are untraceable and in most cases sell fast.
So I am feeling just so wow. I wanted to cry. I still do. I think that now will never pass. Now I call AAA auto for someone to tow my car to the tire place. I let the lady know a few times I do not have any tires.
They send a tow truck driver with a flat bed, who never stopped for me, just kept going. I call AAA back
and they said the driver can not tow the car as there is no tires and now they tell me that I need to car a service and pay extra for that. I know that he could not do it, but I was looking for a solution to the problem and not just avoid it all together, as they say two heads are better than one.
So now I am stuck. I am stuck with out wheels for the tow. It took some time and some coin to get a ride to a tire store to get everything I needed. I spent a large sum of money that I do not have, but I got my car running. Now I do not have any tools to do this, so I borrowed a small jack, and I had to use the jack the thieves left in order to do this. I had to jack it up then slide that jack and twist it by hand until it stopped and lowered the other that i borrowed, at least it was a hydraulic jack, just a real small one. so I had to keep sliding this down until i could get the tires on the front, as my car was parked on incline.
Now it is hot here as we have been under a heat advisory, so my shirt and shorts a just soaked, just yesterday was no fun for me, It took me 9 hours, from start to finish, over 1000 bucks gone just like that. I am so relived though as the way they held my car up, with a rim and tire that wasnt mine, and the cheap jack. this could have been worse if there were damages to the transmission casing, ect.
Today so far has been much better, The suns out, still hot, Ive got new tires and rims, my car drives now, and i have my spirit hoping this never happens again, but you do not realize how easy this type of thing can happen until it happens to you, I am glad though cause I think I handled it pretty good, it took awhile but it will work out mumble mumble mumble. I should have put it is outside parking, and ive already have the locking lugs. i park where i can see it, and i keep an eye on it. but i may pick up a pellet gun with a good hit to it. shot them from my widow


Maybe get a couple locking lug nuts


Just curious why you had to borrow a jack from your neighbor, your car should have a jack in the trunk under your spare usually

That being said, now that you have replaced the tires I would be wary of them returning in the near future for round 2, if inside parking is an option it may be worth the extra


after yesterday, yes that is all done. but even the locking ones dont do much but slow them down by a few seconds. it they want something bad enough they dont care. and no inside parking

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Yeah some people are just assholes and the world is going to shit


Yeah i agree, it is hard cause it should nt be that way but it is


Keep an eye they don’t come back for the new tyres


Sorry to hear it man. What a stupid crime too. You can’t learn how to steal a whole car?

Just trying to get high for one night I guess. Horseshit.


Locking lug nuts wont stop them. I guess you cant afford an alarm system with a motion sensor. BestBuy sells them for a couple hundred I think.


My heart to your for this epic level of bullshit.


Last year someone broke into my car and tried to steal it by drilling out the ignition. They just ended up fucking the whole steering column, and we had to dead-tow the thing over to my dads house where we’re slowly trying to replace everything, but the whole security system is fucked too, so there’s a lot of work.

We also found 4 more thefts/attempted thefts of the exact same Make/Model of car, and the police never followed up on it. So, you know, cool.

But it’s a year later. I’m still cruising along. Shit sucks, but all you can do is remember tomorrow is another day and will have it’s own challenges, so you better get started.


Sorry your day started out that way, emotional and expensive. Maybe instead of the pellet gun get a set of lock lugs to insure this won’t happen again.


So glad i live in the cuntry
Wish i was even further in the boonies…
Sorry that is shitty way to stsrt the day


Locking nuts are a scam lol… I rip those off all the time cause its amazing how many people don’t have tge key for them


Keep an eye on kijiji


I agree. It doesn’t take much to remove them at all.


i did read though that there needs to be a good invention to help stop this , the theft of wheels, , this may be your chance guys and girls for that multi million dollar idea. ill be thinking about it.


Its already invented… locktite red and maximum ugga duggas on an air gun lol


yeah thanks, today was much better, i realized i handled it pretty good, mentally although i felt like crying i didnt, but today, i drove to work with 4 brand new rims and tires, and improved my insurance just in case. yup moving forward and staying positive,


haha good one. but like a bad movie seeing your car like that, guess its more common than i thought