Dehumidifier recommendations

Hello OG and happy new year to you all…

I hit the search bar looking for info but not exactly what’s going on here in my space so if there is something else out there we can link up :wink:.

I have a 5x5 tent in a 12x16 ft room.
During flower my tent reaches about 65-75% rh
And have purchased 2 different dehumidifier’s and neither has done the job unfortunately.

First unit was a 70 pint
Second unit was a 120 pint unit that would only bring humidity down to 50-55%
And only at night time
Other than that the unit just does not stop running.
It brings it down to about 55-60% rh during the day but I want more
I need a unit that can bring the rh down to about 45-50% .
I’m thinking of a commercial unit but damn they are pricey.
Any and every suggestions welcomed please.
I am in the US :us:
Thank you all in advance.


Couple questions before answers.

Assume this tent is located inside conditioned space in home.
What is the house Temp/RH?
What type of heating/cooling is used in house?
Any venting?
What is the outside environment like? Temp/RH
Temp inside tent? Lights on/off

Just a quick rule of thumb.
The higher the temperature of the environment, the more moisture is able to be held by the air.


You might want to try and vent it to the outside if you are running an exhaust system with an air scrubber :sponge:. :+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


was that 55-60% in the tent?
What did it bring the lung room down to?

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Let’s bulk buy quest units? lol I need to upgrade my Dehu as well…


Are you opposed to placing one inside the tent? With a hose that drains outside the tent to a drain?

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Actually the tent is sometimes about 4-5% higher than the lung room.

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Yes[quote=“JOHN1234, post:2, topic:133984”]
What is the house Temp/RH?

I have a split unit in there and can control temps down to the tee.[quote=“JOHN1234, post:2, topic:133984”]
Any venting?

No venting and I know that’s the issue but my fans are so loud when I exhaust outside the lung room that I stoped going that route.[quote=“JOHN1234, post:2, topic:133984”]
What is the outside environment like? Temp/RH
Temp inside tent? Lights on/off

I keep at 74* F when lights on and about 10* lower with lights off[quote=“JOHN1234, post:2, topic:133984”]
Just a quick rule of thumb.
The higher the temperature of the environment, the more moisture is able to be held by the air.

I have brought the temps down to the 60’s and still have issues.

Just to loud for my neighbors unfortunately
And for company lol which is hard to come up with an excuse on a loud ass fun running :joy:

I thought about this but I would like to use every square inch I can.

That’s expected. I’m surprised that the 120p/day unit didn’t bring your room down to 35~40% leaving your tents closer to your desired range.

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I got a Quest dual 110 last January. No regerts, works great. It would have no problem getting down to 45% I’m sure. A little loud though.


What about into an attic space maybe :thinking:

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Thanks for the info.

I mentioned the Temp/humidity correlation because lower temp makes it easier to lower humidity.

The way a dehumidifier works is fairly simple.
Cool some coils, condense moisture on those coils. drain the resulting water into a bucket. That’s it.
Same reason you have condensate discharge from any AC unit.

Now lets discuss why your humidity is so high.

I’m assuming you have some heat (from the light) and moisture (from the plant and watering) Do you have an open water source in the tent? For example - DWC/Flood drain?

I assume you are in Vegas…You didn’t mention the outside environment but believe you may benefit from intake from outside air if it is lower RH. Except when it is really hot.

Is this possible? I would filter the incoming air preferably with HEPA but that’s up to you.

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That’s exactly what I said
I used to run in a 10x12 lung room
And a 30 pint did the trick.
That’s why I figured the 70 pint would cut it and I did not so I ordered a 120 pint and it did a bit better but still would run 90% of the day.

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Very very tight almost no space unfortunately.

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That’s what’s scaring me at the moment lol.
The prices on these bigger and better units.
I might have to just keep bumping up the price range and unit and cross my fingers and hope that I come across one that will do the job.


Thank you fine folks here for all the great suggestions
Really appreciate it .


ya i’m confused here man… lol

I’m a noob so my only reference is my 10x12 room w/ a couple tents, but my 70p/day unit can keep the lung room at 35-40 all day even when its 60% RH in the house and higher outside.

Hope you figure it out and the answer isn’t a $1k unit :smiley:

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This is what I’m afraid of :joy:

Thanks again for the input.

I used to run in a bedroom that was 10ft x 12 ish ft
I had a 30 pint dehumidifier that had absolutely no issues bringing down the rh to 40% if needed.
That’s why I am a bit confused as to why this other room is giving me grief :joy: