Small dehumidifier for 3-3-6 tent

I need to get a small dehumidifier for my tent humidity was very high last 2 days

What’s people using
I did read the best 5 to use in a grow tent most of them had horrible reviews on Amazon lol


I feel your pain.

After looking into this for my 4x4 and failing I decided to just have my dehumidifier in the room so it dries the air that is gonna be pulled into the tent. I vent outdoors so the humidity build up inside gets sucked out (in theory). One thought initially was to box-off the units intakes and pipe them into the tent but it’s a serious hassle so I’m crossing my fingers that if i can keep the ambient room humidity close to 40% the interior tents humidity will work itself out.

I’ve also read and seen some folks using portable AC units with piping so the unit stay outside of the tent but it’s still doing it’s job; but these are well out of my price range and also means more $ to run the thing. TBH before I got the dehumidifier for the room I just left the tent door open during lights on and crossed my fingers. :laughing:

All the best to ya in solving this frustration.

Edit: My dehumidifier is connected to a sub pump via a hose. Using the bucket wasn’t workìng out because it would fill and turn off before I could empty it much of the time. Now it’s set it and forget it. :+1:t4:


How many plants you have going,I don’t do big grow maybe 4-5 plants

@Pigeonman i did pretty much the same exact thing humidity was getting up to 65% lights out during flower I had to come up with a solution and did exactly as you did with dehumidifier and half opening tent till I found the sweet spot now I can keep it completely closed with only one access port open .but I did run my 4 inch intake right to the ac the cooler it is the less humidity the air holds I have got to my tent to hold around 50-55 % rh…. I see the over flow hole to run a hose but haven’t got to it yet …deff sky rockets when it’s off also at night I unzip it all the way and run the dehumidifier right near the tent with just the fan on for the night

i also did alot of looking into this and the best answer i could find was find a dehumidifier that will fit the size of the room your tent is in.

In my case I found one suited for doing my whole basement.(basement is only about 800 sqft)

So if you wish to dehumidify a 1,000 -square-foot basement, you’d need a unit with a 14-pint capacity. For a very damp space, choose a dehumidifier that holds 12 pints of water for a 500-square-foot space, adding five pints for every additional 500 square feet .

@anon98660487 → In my 4x4, 4x but RDWC so there’s a fuck-tonne of humidity to address. At peak flower I’ll run my 6" inline full tilt and use a 4" inline as an active intake to address the compression problems.

@Rabeats2093 → Yeah lights off is a whole other pain in the ass. I ended up setting an additional fan to draw dry air in from a baseboard heater via flexpipe when the humidity went to 60%. Freaking unreal but it’s expected considering we are trying to recreate outdoors indoors. :laughing:

@Neb → I get that. I sectioned off my basement for where this is all going to move do address the square footage issue. Where my system WAS is a spare room, so door closed was no problem. Really going point to bring up as the space you are in will dictate the heck out of your dehumidifier’s size requirements.


I opened my tent the other morning it humidity was in the 80’s
Just before Turing in the lights ,my last grow I had to bin 2 plants because of mold


I lost 1/2 a crop once because of this exact situation.

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i still have lots of playing around to do before i find my “sweet spots” its proving to be trickier than i thought it would be lol


Seems to be nighttime when the lights are out plants are partying and getting the temps up,during the day it’s fine I just leave the tent open in the bedroom,

Think I’m going to buy a mini one for the tent then it on at night,wife works nights so I don’t mind the buzzing noise


When you settle on a model, please let us know!

I bought one at Lowe’s for 169 she does the job like I said I tuck it nice and close to the open tent before I got to bed @anon98660487 do you have fans going in tent ?

I have a fan pumping air into one of the vents of the tent,but I don’t leave the fan on all night

I deff would man I noticed with out the fan it got pretty high even with dehumidifier just a small four or six inch clip fan blowing the air from bottom of tent stirring it up

I’m not trying to sound like a know it all just what it working for me atm and if you are getting a lot of rain it will increase rh in living quarters week of rain made me go get one

I live near the ocean in San Francisco so it’s always foggy here


Mold resistant strains !?

With air constantly exchanging out of a small tent (I assume you have constant ventilation and if not you should) the inside of the tent is effectively the outside of a tent with regards to temperature and humidity.

Dehumidify the room it sits in. Small unit won’t be more than a few hundred new. Craigslist or offerup dehumidifier probably under $200. Unit that can dehumidify a decent size house isn’t even that expensive. I’m in the market myself after a recent budrot fiasco. Gotta keep that shit under 50% if you want big dense buds lol.


Have an exhaust fan in the tent it’s venting out the window so everything is fine,it’s just when I turn everything off at night

Funny thing is I only noticed this the other day lol it’s proabbly being going on for a
Long time,and the reason I’ve had to bin some plants over the last few grows,completely my fault I should of been checking stuff like that

So any noobs in here don’t do what uncle Irish did lol

Don’t turn it off at night, I let mine run 24/7. Good way to get budrot and powdery mildew with stagnant air.

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I personally wouldn’t but one of those small units…no of them will do what you want. Bite the bullet and buy one and put it in the room where your tent is located