Designated shipper

Just a thought I had. There should be folks offering shipping services. What I mean by this is any one who wants a more secure delivery or is oversees, or out of town has their package sent to the receiver who then repackages and reships via FedEx/ups what ever. Those who need or would prefer a FedEx box vs USPS mail can use the service. The shipper would obviously need to be compensated for time and services as well as the actual shipping costs.

This goes along with a similar idea I have (but it’s really too big ATM to tell) but I need to get something works out. (Frickin HUGE :radioactive: though)


I would have no use for such a thing but perhaps some do.


I would definitely appreciate it. It’s the security and peace of mind that say FedEx shipping brings.


How would it be more secure to have something shipped twice, one of those times with FedEx, rather than just shipped once?


what peace of mind does fedex offer over say canada post?


Well I don’t want to step on any egg shells but FedEx is tracked, guaranteed, and insured.

I am not necessarily talking about security but in actually getting the seeds. If FedEx looses your package (they won’t) you get the insurance $$.


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Ok… but it’s being shipped twice. Even if we assume that shipping it the second time via FedEx is safer, the first time is exactly the same. If there’s absolutely no chance of FedEx losing your package, this is still less safe than just having it shipped once because there’s more room for human error.


I guess I so rarely have beans lost I have never thought about it. It sure would add a large expense to shipping.


Well if you assume the first shipment bares a risk.

If there’s no risk, and it’s not broken, then why are we fixing it? :stuck_out_tongue:


This is done sometimes but between 2 people who trust each other. Usually between countries where a vendor won’t cross borders.


Such services do exist in the US. But it’s kinda of a money to burn type of situation. A simple example is the UPS store. By there are plenty of mail / freight forwarding types from which you can select from an ala carte menu of services. I had utilized one for years for an out-of-state address.


from what I understand what you say is a packet redirector, I think there are already companies that do this, look at an example:

it is for when a company does not send a product to your country you hire this service, for example buy beans from a company in Europe like ACE, Karma or soma seeds. they give you an address to send your purchases made in Europe or USA then they ship to your address, if you pay extra they even make a new packaging.


I checked out the shopitto site and agriculture seeds are a prohibited item.


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I’ve had 7-8 people send me things to ship back out for them, as well as sending me $ to buy beans they can’t get where they are. Not quite the same but it’s never failed ….


And that’s just another reason your Top Shelf right der’

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Why thank you my friend :pray:t2: Truly

There are services or people who do this already. By large the problem, I would say, is reputation, cost, and accessibility. Like @Northern_Loki mentioned it’s a “money to burn” type of situation.

Don’t get me wrong I’d love to get to know a designated EU person to order Karma Genetics from overseas… but again, this requires someone willing to do it for reasonable costs and to do it reliably. Most people value their time more than you’d wanna pay.

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When it comes to karma I’ve been sending a lot of seeds from Karma to me and then to US To OG folks


I was really looking for someone who could receive and then reship to a ups store.

I have been looking at some of those RESHIPPING sites and alot of them have seeds as a prohibited item.


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