Designation question, not an F2 or S1, what do we call it?

Howdy folks, question about designation in breeding.

I start with Starting Strain 1 and Starting Strain 2.
They are crossed to make New Strain 1.
If New Strain 1 is backcrossed to Starting Strain 1, what is that?

If its not an F2 of New Strain 1, and its not an S1 of New Strain 1. Would it be New Strain 2?

The girls involved are actually Jungle Boys Mike Tai crossed to Orange Cookies, called Mike’s Screwdriver, and was just dusted with pollen from another Mike Tai male.


That would be bx1. Is starting strain 1 a clone or does it have certain traits you like


Google Mendel’s punnett chart

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If its backcrossed to other plants from strain 1 and not one of the original parents, it = Inline Cross(IX1) of Strain 1 or ‘Strain 1 IX1’. If it’s backcrossed to one of the original parents from Strain 1, it = Backcross one(BX1) of Strain 1 or ‘Strain 1 BX1’ just like Kushking902 said.

If you had crossed it back to Strain 2 instead of Strain 1, then the name would be ‘Strain 2 IX1’ or ‘Strain 2 BX1’ instead.

In either case, I would note the outcross you used, but the work is always going back to one of the original parental lines so the name is stated as a cross of that parental line and not the other/outcross.


Thanks for the clarification folks. Was scratching my head here.