Backcross? Incross? Outcross?

How’s it going OG?

I am a bit uneducated with regard to what I should call my latest creation and I’m hopeful the OG breeding community can help. Here’s what I did:

  1. Reversed a Peyote Purple plant and collected pollen (2021).
  2. Made Peyote Purple S1 seeds with that pollen (2021).
  3. Dusted my favorite S1 with the pollen from 2021( just now).

Two questions:

  1. What is the correct terminology to describe the seeds this will produce?
  2. Any bets on if that old ass pollen is any good? It’s been kept in a thermos with dry rice in a freezer that’s seldom opened since 2021. The pollen itself was stored in a tiny parchment paper envelopes inside coin envelopes.

Thanks in advance🤙


Honestly the pollen should be good but I was just reading about how the Peyote Purple is a Bubba BX itself lol it’s Bubba ception going on


Is that S2?


Exactly! This girl has a lot of baggage :laughing:


I think S2 would be if he selfed a S1 to pollinate? If he used the parent fem pollen in a way it is a BX. There gotta be someone who’s more familiar with proper notation


Did you like growing her??

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For sure. I first opened the pack 2011ish and she has stuck with me to this day. Really nice mellow distinct headstash. Unique and worth preserving.

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I just exhaled loudly realizing I was 14 years old when you started this project! It’s almost half my age but hey that’s the right amount of time and work to put in right?

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Do you think you’ll be outcrossing any time soon or just keep selfing? Man that’s some valuable pollen in my opinion

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You’ve back crossed an S1 to the plant selected in 2021.

Thanks for sharing that pollen saving method - I have attempted to save pollen in the past and with a freezer involved had very little luck - I don’t save pollen or use saved pollen for this reason. I am very interested to know if your seeds set. Please keep us posted.


Edit : Peyote Purple S1 BX


I appreciate your response and will keep things updated. She’s about 30 days into flower now so it won’t be long until we have an answer.

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If this pollination produces seed I’ll be swimming in Peyote Purple seeds and will probably pair the remaining envelope (one left) with a suitable mate or mates. Use it or lose it, right? I have a feeling it won’t stay viable for too much longer.

Thanks for the interest!

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Nice hope they’re viable and everything goes to plan! I’m just always so interested in the breeding process, it’s where the magic happens to me.