Determining sex

Hi everyone, years ago i read somewhere that you can determine the sex of the seeds just by looking at them, but i never got around to confirm that. On my current run i decided to plant some regular seeds from a trust scource. I was able to spot the only male just by how much it stretched toward the light in comparison to the others and i think i got it right, in a couple of days i can confirm that. Is that possible?

Sorry for the long text.

It is possible to make reasonable assumptions based on stretch but I wouldn’t say 100% it’s just suggestive

Can’t do it based on seed shape.


This was posted the other day, I have no idea how credible this method is. I’m on team “can’t tell the sex by looking at the seed” lol.


I find that any pre assumptions I have carry a 50/50 success rate! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yep that’s exactly what i read before. Nonetheless I think the stretchier seedlings will end up being male.


I tested the method last year on two seperate runs of 32 reg beans, one of each cultivar, first round was 4 males and second round ended up with 3 and an “it”(herm)… Either I just had extremely good luck having 28 and 29 females on those two runs or there is some truth to the method. I won’t claim 100% like they do but I did have a high success rate picking out mostly females from those guidelines

As for everyone jumping straight on the it’s stretching so it must be male, well why has no one asked what finial generation it’s on and whether it’s a hybrid? U get an f3 of a 50/50 hybrid and u might have some that are taller and more sativa leaning and others that are squatty and take on more indica traits. Now if it’s an ibl and passed about an f5 then it should be pretty uniform between the plants on whether the breeder was chasing the sativa or indica side of things and would be an easy spot, males typically are more prone to hollow stems too so in some cases u can give the stem a gentle squeeze to see if its solid or not


Nice response, what i have are f1 do si dos and there was a slight variation of the smaller (phenos), but that one just stuck out like a sore thumb.


It’s an interesting concept for sure and your success speaks for itself! I’ll have to give this a more dedicated try one day.

Imho there’s enough morphological differences between strains (and even individual plants in lower filial generations) that this will never be 100% accurate but very cool indeed! 3-4 males out of 30+ are some pretty awesome results.


Well I came across that pic of guidelines of what to chase and figured what’s the worse that can happen trying to follow it and was actually pretty impressed with the results myself on that first run as I thought for years as well u just gotta plant it and wait the 4-6 weeks till it shows, figured I’d double down on the second run to make sure it wasn’t sheer luck with similar results, now I just look for a perfect crater and my male count stays low, seems easy enough. It may be a shot in the dark but better than no shot at all and when digging through enough seeds u can see most the shape variations match those 5 displayed, I’m sure there is some science behind it given the info at hand. There was one strain though that did have the perfect crater twice on me and both were males, tried to run in it both runs but alas those sneaky males popped up, so again not claiming 100% airtight method

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I’d have a hard time believing the do si dos is an f1, they have been working that line for some time now and an f1 is generally the “first creation” crossing two strains to make the new one for example taking blue dream ibl and crossing with space queen ibl and the babies will be dream queen f1, f1 and f2 u will generally see half the traits take after mom and half the traits taking on dad but then in f3 is where the real pheno hunting comes in and where all the genetic variations really start to stand out to chase and hone in what a breeder is looking for, keep follow those traits through f4-f6 and by f7 u have your stabilized ibl with the traits u were after

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@AzSeaindooin420 When i bought them i was thinking it was f2 or f3, i emailed advanced seeds directly and they very nicely told me it is f1. And you can tell it has that hybrid vigor, they are huge now.

It could just be coincidence. Other websites claim the growing conditions can steer a seedling in a certain direction. Not saying it’s true. From what I remember it was about daylength, light colour, humidity and dryness of soil.

Hmm that’s interesting, if truely an f1 then u are just seeing the half and half traits of the 2 parents in my opinion then, def wouldn’t cull anything till pistils or balls show up after a month or so, it’s more likely u just have your taller one being more sativa leaning imo


U know, I’d prob agree given id only done 1 run on it, but 2 back to back with 60+ different regular bean cultivars between the two runs looks a lot less like dumb luck/coincidence

I’ve actually seen what your talking about suggesting colors of light, temps, etc but the lab gender testing looking for the y chromosome has debunked that method 100%. That seed is sex determined at contraception as soon as that pollen hit the female to start creating it, from that point it’s looking for the traits identifying it whether my method of seed shape as a hunch or waiting 6 weeks for preflower

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I was going to make seeds, but since i got no weed i only wanted females, now if a male pops up i will make them cuz they look so pretty, very gsc which i love.


Well do keep in mind, pollenating a female steers that plant from resin trichome production to seed production, so I typically suggest deciding which u want out of your run or just doing a very small portion of the plant like a single branch if u want a handful of beans to mess around with. U open pollenate and those plants are gonna be so loaded with seeds that ur only option is gonna be shucking seeds and making hash out of the shucked plant material


Like this:


Yes i know that, i have no choice, limited space and is still too cold to throw the males outside, either way I’m happy. Ill do a seed run at a later date. Thanks for the replies, cheers. Maybe ill try something but i think i already culled the male

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We’d sure love to see some pics of those babies, just saying

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Sure ill posted later, now I’m too exhausted. Gonna take a nap.

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