I got seeds, but no males present.?

I recently harvested a single plant in a10 gal pot in a 2x4. Very common grow, no major issues. Did this plant hermie? I count about 50 seeds from 134 grams. No light leaks, no males ever present in the tent or in my apt. Really curious how the seeds got there… they look like good seeds. Nice and brown with small stripes.

If the plant hermied, are the seeds still viable?



Yep again, or at least probably. And probably 99% like their mother AFAIK, & should probably be eaten instead of regrown. If the alternative is “NO weed”(i.e. Weedpocalypse), then forget me & keep growing. :joy:



Yeah, it sounds like she hermied on ya. The seeds are almost definitely viable, but I’d suggest liquify em, because the babies will hermie on ya too.


Well if there isnt a male in the mix that would be the only explanation. Also the seeds will be worthless too since they will be prone to hermie smh damn shame man


And dont get me wrong you can grow the seeds and maybe get lucky and not have the babies hermie but if it were me I wouldn’t waste my time


@cannabissequoia @Worcestershire_Farms @Joboo 10-4 thanks fellas. This was a good grow and am kinda sad the seeds arent worth a whole lot. I have 5 more seeds from the breeder so hopefully I can get a keeper!


I grew one recently that threw some male parts halfway through flower. Still enough time for the seeds to fully develop.

I had to examine this plant almost daily to make sure that no pollen dropped.

I still got a few seeds. The plant had some very desirable traits so I kept the seeds but I’m not sure if I’ll grow into out again.

A few seeds is no big deal.


@Joboo thanks for the advisory amigo, will probably hold for a few years just In case an apocalypse happens lol.


Lol yeah exactly man. I mean if you had no other genetics like i said maybe you’ll get lucky. But being on these forums trust me there is no shortage of genetics up for the taking so you’ll be alright. What breeder were these from and what strain? @anon80727880


Well if it’s a strain you really liked or even a specific plant you fell in love with but it slightly goes herm these is an option.
The product is called Florel, it contains Ethephon, that when applied to the plants through either spraying or targeted application will release Ehtylene which essentially is the female hormone for cannabis. This will stop all male parts from growing and even forming if applied early enough


So 50+ might be a big deal? Lololol

Dark Ghost Train from Rare Dankness. Breeder from CO I’ve followed for a while


Yeah Ive smoked some of his stuff from a shop in pueblo

I have their most popular strain Ghost Train Haze #1 in seed form also, 12 regs. The 5 Dark Ghost Train ( which is Grape Ape x GTH#1) I have left are fems. Im looking to breed the Ghost Train with some other strains I have. Ive heard these breed well and maintain vigor

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Always worth a chance. One thing for sure about the seeds is they are female plants. I am growing 21 plants from bag seeds. All are female. If nothing else, great way to practice new techniques on trimming, topping and such. I am taking mine to the end and see what happens. Good luck either way.


@Old-Ron if i end up with seed in my bud when no males were present they are feminized seeds? Am i understanding that correctly? :grin:


@rob0781 yes, because no male was present. They will be feminized, but can be unstable. I had 4 seeds that had twins. All survived. 17 seeds equaled 21 plants. They vary very much. Some started to flower at 3 weeks. Some are 7 inches tall some are 3 feet and still growing. It makes an interesting grow. :blush:

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Nice! I never knew that, that explains why the 1st 3 i grew were females and i guess its safe to say the 4 seedlings i got going now are girls too.

Absolutely. If they had seeds, they will be too.


@anon80727880 Whats strain hermied out on you. Was it GTH?
I have some Ghost train haze x chem d I cant wait to pop.

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