First time seed making

Does this girl look like she she got seeded to you guys?i pollinated 2 lower hanging fruit buds on the bottom of my Texada with a small paint brush and some pollen from a really wierd male I collected and they are the only spots looking like this now everything else is just doing that hairs bud thing all over .


I think the pistils receding is a good sign :+1:


So damn early but I was excited lol


Good luck!!


Trying to find out what the Dad is so I’m growing him all the way out.He has these wierd leaf configuration on him.Anyone ever seen something like this before?


I think I have seed pods forming?


when did you pollinate?
usually the pistils will turn brown and thin and recede into the bract when they’ve accepted pollen.
i can’t see from the pictures if the pistils are browned, but that last one does look pregnant. unfortunately i’ve had plenty of swollen flowers like that and not a single seed.

The pollination was I want to say almost two weeks by now and the hairs on some of them just up and vanished the only buds on the whole plant that look like this are the ones my paintbrush pixie dusted I even took the tip of the brush and kind of stippled the bud in a poking motion on the bottom nug and the whole thing has these swollen pods all over it.I’ll keep more pics to come.If no seeds at least it will be a fat bud :sunglasses:

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Actually if you blow up the bottom pic you can see a pistil hair brown and dried up I didn’t even see that huh well shit

Last photo looks like atleast 2 seed pods in the center to me anyways. Leave them be for up to 6 weeks and you will see for sure.

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congrats you are a proud daddy, you got yourself the magic beans happing there. just grow them out now.

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Our weather here is spotty sometimes nighttime temps dropping to lower 60s Daytime temps in the 80s so not a real drop yet .They keep saying we’re going to have a warmer fall this year and for once I’m hoping for it.I’m curious as to see what these little guys are going to be like and I’m rooting for them.thanks for the congrats.

I’m fighting a clock right now I hope I didn’t seed it too late

Worse comes to worse I guess I can try one of those portable green houses off Amazon to see how far I can push her

what week did you seed her in?
what is your time tick down? days? weeks?

I seeded her about two weeks ago she is three weeks into flower my 45 day window ends at oct 7.I was going to try and push it to the 15 of October if the weather allows it.

ok your out doors that makes sense, yeah even if you have to try for the 15th but they may be ready before then, its still a few weeks away, i think you will be ok

I know I’m pushing it for time but I was reading up on malted barley amending and Coots says it helps finish a plant 25% faster.If there’s anything to that do you think that would help try and cheat that last week in?If not I know now to seed in like the second week of flower around here.I made a cut of that male and I have plenty of Texada cuts so it’s not like I just rolled the dice and lost out on my parents I guess.

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seed take any where from 4 weeks to 6 weeks to mature, i say you have come this far try to go as long as you can, you wont get much usable bud from the seeded ones anyways. the seed take up a lot of room in that bud, cutting it early is something i would not do, but it is up to you to cut

If there was a way to harvest my bud and just leave that bottom branch attached to the base of the stem and let it go I might just do that.Don’t know if that would be enough to kill the plant but I’ve seen shoots try to grow out of a trash bag of chopped stems before so I know weeds a tough plant and it can do some wierd shit.Definitely going through rest of the run on that seed I’ve come this far.As for loss of a bud I picked the two smallest on my lowest branch so I think it will be worth it